NewsThousands of motorcyclists fulfill his last wish for a...

Thousands of motorcyclists fulfill his last wish for a boy suffering from cancer

A boy (6) from Lower Saxony is seriously ill with cancer. Now his last wish has come true. The police also supported the action.

Göttingen / Rhauderfehn – Six-year-old Kilian is seriously ill with cancer. The fate of the boy from the East Frisian Rhauderfehn in Lower Saxony touches many people. Kilian should now be given great pleasure with a very special campaign.

The six-year-old boy was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in January 2021. Despite emergency surgery and chemotherapy, doctors delivered sad news on July 15. Kilian will lose his battle with cancer. To grant his last wish, a family friend launched an appeal on social media. Under the motto “Noise for Killian” as many motorcycles as possible should drive past his house and make noise. Because: The boy is an avid motorcycle fan.

Motorcycle campaign for boys with cancer: tens of thousands of bikers gather

The action went viral. Over 10,000 bikers from all over Germany gathered on Saturday (July 24th, 2021) in the municipality in Lower Saxony. Numerous onlookers stood by the route and applauded the column. This was led by the police and directed to the boy’s home.

The exact number of motorcyclists was difficult to estimate, said Frauke Bruhns, police spokeswoman. It may have been up to 20,000 bikers.

Motorradfahrerinnen und -fahrer fahren am Haus des krebskranken Kilian vorbei. Tausende Biker sind den Aufrufen gefolgt, um dem Jungen noch einmal eine Freude zu bereiten.


Motorcyclists drive past the house of Kilian suffering from cancer. Thousands of bikers followed the calls to give the boy another joy.

Boy suffers from cancer: Motorcyclists support Kilian

The motorcyclists came together at a total of three meeting points. From there, the police led the column past the family home – for over three hours. This caused traffic delays and traffic jams. According to information from the police, there should also have been a small accident. “The majority behaved in an exemplary manner,” said the spokeswoman.

Kilian was enthusiastic about the action. He watched the action from the window. His father was also overwhelmed. “He can’t get the smile off his face anymore. In his little world he totally celebrates the action. It was the biggest thing for him, ”said Ralf Pietsch, organizer of the campaign and friend of the family, as stated in a Facebook post.

The seriously ill Antonia from Kassel * has also started a special campaign. Despite her cancer, she was committed to environmental protection and refugees and started a fundraising campaign. (kas / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.


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