NewsAfter the escape of the concentration camp secretary (96):...

After the escape of the concentration camp secretary (96): The second day of the trial is imminent

The escape of the 96-year-olds before the negotiations began caused a sensation: Now the next day of the trial is due for a former concentration camp secretary. This time with her.

Itzehoe – There is a second attempt in the trial for aiding and abetting murder in more than 11,000 cases against a former concentration camp secretary. After the 96-year-old defendant fled * on the first day of the trial, the indictment will now be read out on Tuesday (October 19, 2021) in her presence before the Itzehoe regional court. A court spokesman told the German Press Agency that this would be ensured within the framework of the legal possibilities.

The 96-year-old Irmgard F. worked from June 1943 to April 1945 in the headquarters of the German concentration camp Stutthof near Danzig. As a stenographer and typist, she is charged with helping those in charge of the concentration camps with the systematic killing of prisoners.

Secretary in the Stutthoff concentration camp: Irmgard F. fled on the first day of the trial

According to the central office in Ludwigsburg responsible for investigating Nazi crimes, around 65,000 people died in the Stutthof concentration camp and its sub-camps as well as on the so-called death marches at the end of the war.

The trial against F. takes place before a youth chamber because the defendant was only 18 or 19 years old at the time of the crime. The trial is considered to be one of the last possible Nazi trials in Germany. The criminal chamber has set trial dates until the beginning of June next year.

Der Vorsitzende Richter Dominik Groß (3.v.r.) kommt mit den Richterinnen und den Schöffen zum Prozess gegen eine 96-jährige ehemalige Sekretärin des SS-Kommandanten des Konzentrationslagers Stutthof am Landgericht. Der Verteidiger der Angeklagten, Rechtsanwalt Wolf Molkentin (l), steht neben der Anklagebank.


Trial against the concentration camp secretary: On the first planned day of the trial, Irmgard F. was not present due to her escape.

On the first day of the trial, on September 30, the 96-year-old left her home in Quickborn (Pinneberg district) a few hours before the start of the trial and took a taxi to Norderstedt / Hamburg-Ochsenzoll. According to media information, she was walking on Langenhorner Chaussee in Hamburg at noon when police officers noticed her.

The trial of the concentration camp secretary Irmgard F. is being observed internationally

According to a court spokeswoman, she wrote a letter to the court a few days before the start of the trial that she did not want to come. She was caught by the police shortly afterwards and was imprisoned. Five days later, following an arrest complaint, she was released from custody on security measures. The court did not give details. “However, it is certain that it will appear at the next date,” it said at the beginning of October.

In order to be able to carry out the internationally recognized process under Corona * conditions, it does not take place in the Itzeho court building, but in the premises of a logistics company on the outskirts of the city. (tvd / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Markus Schreiber / dpa
