NewsAn Italian court allows the 'Open Arms' to enter...

An Italian court allows the 'Open Arms' to enter Italian waters without being detained

The Open Arms is allowed to enter Italian waters without the threat of being detained or paying millionaire fines after the ban signed by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini that did not allow this ship to enter its waters was canceled by a Lazio administrative court This has been announced in the capital of Spain by the founder of the Catalan NGO, Óscar Camps, after meeting with the German ambassador in our country, whom he has asked to mediate with the Spanish Executive to find a permanent solution to the bailouts Camps has also explained that it will request the immediate evacuation “for medical reasons” of the 147 immigrants still on board the ship, although it will not do so “without first obtaining prior authorization from the Italian or Maltese authorities, the countries in those that are the closest safe ports. ”“ We are looking for absolute legality ”, highlighted Camps, who has also announced that given the deterioration The weather conditions are going to seek shelter on the Italian island of Lampedusa. This same Wednesday, the NGO of the ‘Open Arms’ has warned of the “dramatic” situation on board the boat, with 147 migrants on board, with the adverse weather on the high seas. “If the situation was already adverse on board the ‘Open Arms’, the weather makes it dramatic,” said the NGO in a tweet picked up by Europa Press, which had already warned of waves exceeding two meters for this day. And he added: «The states that prevent us from protecting these lives, what are you waiting for to act? Is it a humanitarian emergency? “Crossing of accusations by the PSOE and IUE The federal coordinator of Izquierda Unida, Alberto Garzón, asked the Government on Tuesday to “help” the Catalan NGO Open Arms, whose rescue ship has been at sea for 11 days without being able to disembark 150 migrants, since considers that up to now it is doing “the same” as Salvini’s Italian “extreme right.” “The Government of Spain cannot continue to be an accessory to the deaths in the Mediterranean. We demand that you help Open Arms and stop doing in this matter the same as Salvini’s extreme right, “he said on his Twitter account. This Monday, Izquierda Unida recalled that Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE demanded the reception of migrants aboard the Open Arms when he was in opposition.

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Is the far right back? These important countries are already represented by this position

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These three European countries already have far-right governments. Will they join forces?

The presidents of Hungary, Viktor Orban, and Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, celebrated the victory of the post-fascist party in the elections, so an alliance between these leaders is expected.

Who is Giorgia Meloni, the new Prime Minister of Italy?

The leader of the post-fascist Brothers of Italy party is on track to lead a right-wing coalition government and become the first woman to hold this post.
