NewsAnother corona case in the Windsor house: Duchess Camilla...

Another corona case in the Windsor house: Duchess Camilla tested positive – concern for Queen

After Prince Charles tested positive for Corona, his wife Camilla has now also been infected. This was announced by Clarence House.

London – After her husband Prince Charles*, Duchess Camilla* has now also been infected with the corona virus. The Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla’s official title, has tested positive and is isolating, a statement from Clarence House – the couple’s residence – said on Monday.

Royals: After Prince Charles, Duchess Camilla has now also tested positive for Corona

The 73-year-old heir to the throne tested positive last week after attending a reception with Camilla. For Prince Charles, it is already the second corona infection, but his wife was spared from the virus until the end. The PA news agency , citing its sources, reported that Camilla had been triple vaccinated against Corona.

Concern for Queen Elizabeth: She met Charles before his positive test

Two days before Charles’ positive test last Thursday (February 10), he had personally met his mother Queen Elizabeth II (95). From Buckingham Palace it was said on Thursday that the queen was not showing any symptoms. However, according to the PA agency , there was no direct information as to whether their tests were positive or negative. It was initially unknown how Charles was doing with his infection.

Duchess Camilla was last in the headlines when the Queen bestowed her the title of Queen Consort* at Charles’ coronation. Many fans also celebrated Camilla for her style *. (dpa/jh) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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