NewsAstraZeneca: 5 million doses administered and 4 confirmed deaths...

AstraZeneca: 5 million doses administered and 4 confirmed deaths from thrombi

Spain has administered nearly 5 million doses of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine to date. Of all these people who have been vaccinated, 20 have developed blood clots, a common side effect of a wide variety of medications. Of these 20 people, 4 had a fatal outcome, died after receiving the vaccine. These are the data on the arrival in our country of this vaccine that has generated controversy due to these side effects, changing the way it is administered and paralyzing the second dose as a precaution.This is all you need to know about the vaccine of AstraZeneca The AstraZeneca vaccine has generated controversy in our country after it was authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The doses administered to date, a total of almost 5 million have had 20 cases of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome, of which 4 have died. The data that the ministry works with can confirm a death, but it is still in study. Following the statistics, the ministry decided to stop its administration or change the recommendation to administer it given the number of thrombosis cases reported in the Spanish population. By age group, the figure with which they work is from 30 to 39 years of 14 cases per million, that from 40 to 49 is 12 cases per million. On March 15, vaccination with AstraZeneca was suspended due to these side effects . The EMA sent a statement in which it continued to recommend its use, the benefits outweigh the side effects for the population. Following the protocol, Spain analyzed the vaccine mix with some volunteers, stating according to a study that it could be carried out without side effects.The autonomous communities re-vaccinate their essential personnel under 60 years of age with this vaccine. The person who has already received one dose of AstraZeneca can decide whether to continue with the second dose from the same pharmacist, at their own risk, or change. This fact has generated a “very serious problem” according to Minister Carolina Darías. The ministry’s recommendation is to finish the vaccination process with a different vaccine and not choose another. A single message is sent from the ministry, those vaccinated with AstraZeneca can follow the immunization process with another vaccine. This is the guideline that according to Darías the communities must impose so that, according to their data, group immunization can be achieved on the dates set and with total safety for users of all ages who are called to be vaccinated.

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