NewsBiden warns Putin: "I will make it clear to...

Biden warns Putin: "I will make it clear to him that we will not let him abuse human rights."

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has declared this Sunday that in the next meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, scheduled for next June 15 and 16 in Geneva, he will propose that the United States "will not allow the abuse of rights Human "." I will meet with President Putin in a couple of weeks in Geneva, making it clear that no, we will not sit still and let him abuse Human Rights, "Biden said this Sunday according to the Bloomberg agency. meeting of both leaders, announced last week, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, assured that they do not expect that "everything will be resolved at the end of this meeting", where he has indicated that "difficult" issues will be addressed, such as Ukraine o Belarus. For its part, the Kremlin specified that the leaders will discuss the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the "resolution" of regional conflicts.

A bad time for Joe Biden, he could lose his majority in Congress

The president of the United States faces difficulties in dealing with the economic crisis and the rise in the cost of living in the country, which could lead his party to lose its majorities in Congress.

Curfews, limit movements: Putin imposes martial law in these Ukrainian territories

This measure makes it possible to reinforce the army, apply curfews, limit movements, impose military censorship on telecommunications, prohibit public gatherings, among others.

After the explosion of a bridge in Crimea, Russia responds with bombings to these...

The Russian attacks, ordered by President Vladimir Putin, include the capital kyiv and have already killed at least 11 people and left 89 wounded.

#WhoIsVladimir Putin: 70 years of the Russian president in 7 key facts

The Russian leader, who ordered the invasion of Ukraine this year, has dominated his country's political life for more than two decades, but his leadership is at one of its lowest points.

What they will do to Russia for annexing four regions of Ukraine

Vladimir Putin formalized the incorporation of these regions after controversial referendums that have been ignored by the international community. What consequences can it bring?
