NewsBooster vaccination: Sport and alcohol - those who have...

Booster vaccination: Sport and alcohol – those who have been vaccinated should pay attention to this

After the booster vaccination, vaccinated persons should pay attention to a few important things. Because pain relievers, alcohol and exercise should be consumed with great caution.

Although the corona numbers in Baden-Württemberg * and all of Germany are slowly flattening out, the pandemic is far from over, according to experts. Corona vaccination is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against the virus. Experts are currently advising to get a boost no later than six months after the second vaccination. In Germany, the mRNA vaccines from Biontech and Moderna * are used for refreshment , * regularly writes about the vaccination campaign.

Basically, the same side effects can occur after a booster vaccination with Biontech or Moderna as after the first or second vaccination. Most people who have been vaccinated complain of headache and body aches, pain at the injection site, fatigue or even fever. Anyone who has already had one of the symptoms just mentioned after their first or second vaccination may think of known painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, which they can take after the booster vaccination.

Booster vaccination: caution, painkillers – treat vaccination reactions correctly

However, experts advise against taking pain relievers as a preventive measure before vaccination. It is not yet entirely clear to what extent painkillers can influence the effect of the corona vaccination. However, if symptoms such as fever occur more intensely after the immunization, pain-relieving or antipyretic preparations such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken according to the information sheet for corona vaccination. Medical advice is recommended.

By the way, vaccination reactions such as pain or fever should not drive people who have been vaccinated after the booster vaccination crazy at all. Most vaccine reactions are only temporary and would normally go away within a few days, according to the information page of the Federal Center for Health Education on the booster vaccination against the virus. But even if you don’t develop any problems after immunization, you should take it easy after the vaccination.

Booster vaccination: sport after immunization? Expert gives important tip

Experts do not recommend exercising immediately after vaccination. “There is nothing to be said against a slight physical strain after a vaccination,” it says on , the information page of the Federal Center for Health Education. But one shouldn’t overdo it. Even after the booster vaccination, extreme endurance sports or training with high weight loads should be avoided. Because vaccination reactions can be intensified under physical exertion.

So if you don’t feel so well after the vaccination, you should take it easy. In the days after immunization, vaccinated people should make it dependent on how they are feeling. “If my arm hurts, I don’t necessarily have to play tennis,” says internist Beate Sauter on Bavarian radio when asked how people who have been vaccinated should behave after the vaccination. However, if you still have to work or do household chores on the day of the booster vaccination, you don’t have to worry.

Booster vaccination: Alcohol affects the immune system – this is how you behave correctly

Everyday tasks and light sport are generally not a problem after a vaccination, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) website. However, special exposure immediately after the vaccination is not recommended. Vaccinated persons should also be careful with alcohol shortly after immunization. Although there are no specific behavioral recommendations for alcohol consumption before or after the vaccination in connection with the corona vaccination, caution is still advised.

Nach der Corona-Impfung mit einem Glas Wein anstoßen? Experten sagen, dass der Körper nicht überfordern werden sollte.


Toast with a glass of wine after the corona vaccination? Experts say the body shouldn’t become overwhelmed.

According to , it has long been known that alcohol affects our immune system. A particularly heavy consumption of alcohol could limit the immune response and possibly also affect the tolerance and effectiveness of the corona vaccination. But just as in the case of sports after the booster vaccination, according to * it should be noted that alcohol consumption in moderation should not be a problem. Again, vaccinated people should listen to their bodies after immunization.

Booster vaccination parallel to the flu vaccination? That is possible

Incidentally, anyone who would like to be vaccinated against the flu at the same time as the booster vaccination against the coronavirus can do so. According to, there is no time lag to other immunizations with dead vaccines *. The flu vaccination administered in Germany belongs to the group of dead vaccines. There should be an interval of at least 14 days from other immunizations with the non-dead vaccines.

Ein Mann zieht eine Spritze für eine Booster-Impfung mit Moderna auf


Booster vaccinations are recommended in order to receive a high level of protection against corona.

So far, only vector or mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus have been approved in the EU – but that could change very soon. Novavax’s corona vaccine should soon receive approval *. And the new vaccine from Valneva is also a so-called dead vaccine, which could soon expand the product range of corona vaccines. A new study just a few weeks ago showed that Valneva is very suitable as a booster vaccine *.

Booster vaccination: sport, alcohol, painkillers – what needs to be considered

In summary, it can be said that vaccinated people should behave in the same way after a booster vaccination as they did after the first or second vaccination. That means: Light sport is usually not a problem, but strong physical stress should be avoided. Just like pain relievers in advance, which should only be taken as needed. Alcohol should be consumed with caution and not in large quantities. * and are offered by IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Robin Utrecht / dpa

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