“A Thousand Lines” is the name of Michael Bully Herbig’s new film project. The story is about a journalist who doesn’t take the truth very seriously.
Berlin – Michael Bully Herbig’s media satire “A Thousand Lines” about the counterfeiting scandal at “Spiegel” is scheduled to hit German cinemas on September 29th. This was announced by the production company Ufa Fiction on Friday in Potsdam.
It has long been known that Elyas M’Barek and Jonas Nay are playing the leading roles. The film was inspired by a book by Juan Moreno. It was shot in Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Spain.
The production company had already secured the rights to Moreno’s book in spring 2019. A “modern impostor story as media satire” is planned. Director Herbig explains: “Similarities to untrue events may occur coincidentally. But the facts are certainly twisted so that it’s true in the end!”
The background is a scandal at “Spiegel” about the former “Spiegel” editor Claas Relotius, which became public at the end of 2018. According to the magazine, around 60 texts that Relotius wrote or in which he was involved have appeared in the magazine and on “Spiegel Online” since 2011. In it he had partly invented protagonists and scenes. Moreno caught on to him while researching a common story, as he describes in his book (“A Thousand Lines of Lies – The Relotius System and German Journalism”). dpa