Tech UPTechnologyCelestia, the space simulator

Celestia, the space simulator

celestia astronomía Celestia is a free space simulator created by Chris Laurel that allows us to explore the entire Universe in three dimensions without detaching ourselves from the computer screen. Unlike classic planetarium software for viewing constellations, Celestia comes with an extensive catalog of stars (100,000), galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and even artificial satellites and spaceships.

With Celestia installed on your Mac or PC, you can take a tour of the Earth's surface, flying below the clouds to see the lights of cities come on as the sun goes down. Or accompany Mariner 10 on its historic flight on Mercury. Or be present when Apollo 11 lands on the Moon in 1969. In addition, the simulator incorporates a solar and lunar eclipse finder until the year 9999. And it is permanently updated, to the point that the latest "pack "of celestial objects included the system of extrasolar planets found a few months ago around the star 55 Cancri , 41 light years from Earth.

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