NewsCorona case numbers in Germany: RKI incidence continues to...

Corona case numbers in Germany: RKI incidence continues to rise – infections tripled

The RKI again reported an increasing seven-day incidence on Sunday (362.7). From Sunday onwards, many more countries will be considered high-risk areas. The news ticker.

  • In several German cities, people are protesting against the corona policy. In Minden, people take to the streets against the “lateral thinkers”. (see update from January 8, 3:38 p.m. and 5:02 p.m.)
  • As of tomorrow, neighboring Luxembourg will be a high-risk area – there are 100 countries worldwide. (see update from January 8, 3:38 p.m. and 5:39 p.m.)
  • RKI reports the number of new infections tripled compared to the previous week – the incidence was 362.7. (see update from January 9th, 8.27 a.m.)
  • This news ticker on the corona pandemic is continuously updated.

Update from January 9, 8.27 a.m.: The number of new corona infections continues to rise across Germany. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 36,552 newly registered cases and a seven-day incidence of 362.7 on Sunday morning. That is about 20,000 new cases less than yesterday’s Saturday (55,889), but three times as many as on Sunday a week ago (January 2nd: 12,515). A total of 7,531,904 people have already been infected with the virus in Germany.

The city district of Bremen currently has the highest incidence in Germany at 1099.9. This is followed by the urban district of Lübeck (891.7) and Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (885.0).

Corona virus: Neighboring Luxembourg is a high-risk area

Update from January 8, 5:39 p.m.: From tomorrow, Sunday, 40 more countries are considered high-risk areas. In addition to neighboring Luxembourg, the federal government has also put Sweden, Australia, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates with the popular holiday destinations Dubai, Israel and Kenya on the list, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

In one fell swoop, 100 countries are now considered high-risk areas from Sunday, around every second country in the world. Anyone who travels back from such a country and is not fully vaccinated or recovered must be quarantined for ten days. An exemption is possible with a negative test result after five days.

Hinweis auf Quarantäne an Autobahn


Note for return travelers from high-risk areas.

Corona virus: Investigations against demonstrators in Hamburg

Update from January 8, 5:02 p.m.: According to the police, around 16,000 people moved through the city center in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg. Under the motto “The measure is full. Hands off our children ”, people let go of their displeasure. One of the demonstrators wore a Star of David with the words “not vaccinated” on it. The police initiated an investigation against the person on suspicion of sedition, she announced on Twitter.

Corona measures: People are protesting against the corona policy in several cities

Update from January 8, 3:38 p.m.: The police reported from several German cities that people are again protesting against the Corona measures. According to the police, around 1,600 people gathered in Schwerin. A banner at the head of the train read: “Parents and grandparents say !!! NO !!! about the Covid-19 vaccination for children! “. The opponents of the corona policy also gathered in Hamburg: the police expected around 11,000 people.

A car and bicycle parade took place in the capital in the afternoon. The Berlin police counted around 100 vehicles, 20 bikes and a total of around 150 participants, the atmosphere was peaceful.

In Minden, East Westphalia, on the other hand, people gathered for a demonstration against the “lateral thinkers”. A banner read: “Yes to freedom of expression and togetherness – definitely no to hatred, threats and violence”. Around 2500 demonstrators expressed their displeasure against corona deniers, vaccination skeptics and right-wing radicals.

Corona virus: dispute escalates after vaccination – the police have to intervene

Update from January 8, 2:52 p.m.: In Mössingen, Baden-Württemberg, near Tübingen, there was a dispute during a vaccination campaign on Friday, which escalated to such an extent that the police had to intervene. The wife of a 42-year-old was vaccinated. The man then got into an argument with an employee about how to correctly enter the new protection in the vaccination card. The discussion escalated and the 42-year-old was violent. He grabbed, choked and pressed the 21-year-old employee of the vaccination campaign against a pane of glass.

The 21-year-old was slightly injured, the attacker was finally held back by an intervening witness until the police arrived.

Vaccinations against the coronavirus: rate among children is still very low

Update from January 8, 1:13 p.m.: The vaccination rate for the youngest is still very low so far. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported on Saturday morning that with 527,000 just 10.2 percent of five to eleven year old children received a vaccine dose. This age group has also been vaccinated since mid-December. The federal government received around 2.4 million doses of the vaccine for children from the manufacturer Biontech in December. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) also considers this rate to be too low, as he posts on Twitter. With regard to the schools, he says that an infection would be “very risky”.

Coronavirus: The Federal Ministry of Economics reports a high demand for bridging aid

Update from January 8, 11:29 a.m.: Shortly after the start of bridging aid IV to compensate for the stresses caused by the Corona crisis on Friday (January 7th), the Federal Ministry of Economics reports high demand, especially from the hospitality industry. The ministry said that applications with a volume of 200,000 euros were received immediately. The first applications came from Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia. Companies can apply for bridging aid for the period January to March 2022 until the end of April. This time, personnel costs can also be claimed.

According to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens), the first down payments will be made in the next few weeks. Depending on the course of the pandemic, the minister expects around 100,000 companies to submit applications.

Corona numbers: doubling of new infections compared to the previous week

Update from January 8, 7:07 a.m.: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported a sharp increase in the number of new infections transmitted within 24 hours compared to the previous week. The value was given on Saturday morning with 55,889, in the week before there were 26,392 recorded new infections. The RKI gave the incidence as 335.9. For comparison: the previous day the value was 303.4. A week ago the nationwide incidence was 220.3 (previous month: 427.0). This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 3:24 a.m.

According to the new information, 268 deaths were recorded throughout Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 184 deaths. The RKI has counted 7,473,884 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not recognized.

The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Friday as 3.15 (Thursday: 3.26). The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered on Saturday at 6,692,700. The number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 113,900.

Saxony is planning to relax the corona measures

Update from January 7th, 10:26 pm: Saxony is planning significant easing of its corona measures. At an evening meeting in Dresden on Friday, the cabinet agreed on key points. Among other things, cultural institutions and hotels are to reopen with the 2G-Plus rule from January 14th, if the situation in the hospitals allows. Those who have recovered or have been vaccinated are then admitted with an additional test. Anyone who has had a booster vaccination, is aged up to and including 18, has only recovered or has been vaccinated twice before a maximum of three months, does not need a test. 2G-Plus should also apply to restaurants, trade fairs, congresses and indoor sports – in some areas with a restriction on the number of participants.

Irrespective of the incidence, fixed meetings will then be able to attend 200 people instead of the previous ten. If the congestion level in hospitals is below five consecutive days, up to 1000 people can demonstrate and no longer have to stay in one place.

Corona in Germany: bomb threat against vaccination center

Update from January 7th, 7 p.m.: On Friday there was a bomb threat against a vaccination center in Wernigerode in Saxony-Anhalt. This is reported by the daily Volksstimme . Accordingly, there was a telephone threat from the Harz district around noon. The unknown person requested that the vaccination business be stopped. The police have been working at the vaccination center in Wernigerode since the afternoon. There was no direct danger for employees or those willing to be vaccinated. The vaccination center in Wernigerode was closed on Friday.

The situation was different in Quedlinburg, only a few kilometers away. In consultation with the district, the use of the police there has been expanded. The vaccination center in Quedlinburg was finally evacuated, reports ntv , among others. In both cases, therefore, explosives search dogs were used. The police said several dozen people had been taken to safety.

Das Impfzentrum in Quedlinburg wurde wegen einer Bombendrohung vorsorglich evakuiert und abgesucht.


The vaccination center in Quedlinburg was evacuated and searched as a precaution because of a bomb threat.

Corona in Germany: Eleven dead after the outbreak in a retirement home

Update from January 7, 6:05 p.m.: Another resident died after the corona outbreak in a Rastatt retirement home. As the responsible district office announced on Friday, 52 seniors – more than half of the 85 residents – have been infected with the corona virus since Christmas. Eleven residents have since died on or in connection with it. In addition, five employees had tested positive. The Omikron variant has not yet been detected in any of the cases.

Because of a corona outbreak with several suspected Omikron cases in a retirement home in Gaggenau (Rastatt district), the authorities imposed a temporary ban on visiting two stations in the middle of the week. In the house, in which 109 elderly people live, seven residents and two employees had tested positive. There were no new cases there until Friday. With five residents and one employee there is evidence of Omikron, it said. There were no deaths there. According to the authority, the vaccination rate is higher than in the Rastatt home.

Corona: Federal government classifies over 40 countries as high-risk areas

Update from January 7, 3:55 p.m.: The federal government classifies the neighboring country of Luxembourg and almost 40 other countries as high-risk areas in whole or in part due to the high corona numbers from Sunday (January 9). The RKI announced on Friday. Anyone who enters from such an area and is not fully vaccinated or recovered has to be in quarantine for ten days and can only get rid of it with a negative test five days after arrival at the earliest.

In addition to Luxembourg, Sweden, Australia, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates and their winter holiday destinations Dubai, Israel and Kenya will be on the risk list on Sunday. Overall, the number of high-risk areas worldwide increases to more than 100 countries in one fell swoop. This means that around every second country in the world is again a high-risk area. Ukraine is the only country to be removed from the list. Of the neighboring countries of Germany, only Austria will not be a high-risk area as of Sunday.

Rückreisende Passagiere des Kreuzfahrtschiffs "Aida Nova" laufen in der Nacht mit ihren Koffern durch den Ankunftsbereich des Hamburger Flughafens, nachdem sie mit einem von zwei gecharterten Flugzeugen zurück nach Deutschland gebracht worden waren.


Travelers have to follow more rules: the federal government classifies 40 other states as high-risk areas. (Symbol image)

Corona in Germany: the head of paediatricians urgently calls for a mandatory vaccination

Update from January 7th, 12.50 p.m.: Will the general compulsory vaccination come or will it not come? While the federal and state governments are discussing how to proceed on Friday, paediatricians are calling for a quick introduction of compulsory corona vaccination for all adults. He wanted “a general compulsory vaccination, and immediately,” said the president of the professional association of paediatricians (BVKJ), Thomas Fischbach, opposite the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung .

Politicians have shied away from the uncomfortable topic for far too long and now want to put the compulsory vaccination on the back burner, criticized Fischbach. “That would be fatal, because the longer children and adolescents have to suffer from the restrictions.” Children should no longer have to serve to “protect those who are really at risk, that is, unvaccinated adults. Because that’s indecent, “said the medical representative.

Corona in Germany: vaccination speed stagnates

Update from January 7th, 10 a.m.: The corona numbers have been rising sharply for days, on Friday the federal and state governments want to discuss how to proceed as part of the corona summit. The vaccination rate remains at a relatively constant level. In Germany, 595,000 vaccine doses were administered on Thursday. This means that 59.6 million people in Germany (71.6 percent of the population) now have full basic protection with the mostly necessary second injection. At least 34.6 million people (41.6 percent) received an additional booster vaccination.

At least 728,000 doses had been administered in Germany on Wednesday. The day before the number was 610,730, on New Year’s Day it was 27,400. According to the RKI, 61.9 million people (74.5 percent) have received at least one vaccine dose so far. So far, 21.2 million people (25.5 percent) have not been vaccinated. Among them, however, are around four million children under the age of four for whom no vaccine has yet been approved.

Before the Corona summit: Incidence climbs higher and higher – RKI value cracks a sad mark again

Original report from January 7th: Berlin – On Friday, the federal and state governments will discuss the further course of action in the Corona * pandemic at the Corona summit, while the number of infections continues to rise. After the RKI reported a massive jump in incidence on Thursday, January 6, 2022, the value climbed above a sad level on Friday. The RKI also reports more than 56,000 new infections.

Before the Corona summit: Incidence climbs higher and higher – RKI value cracks a sad mark again

The RKI gave the value of the official nationwide seven-day incidence, i.e. the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week, as 303.4 on Friday. After the incidence had initially declined in recent weeks, the value has now cracked the sad mark of over 300 again. It has been increasing day by day since the end of December, although the RKI continues to assume that new infections are under-recorded due to fewer tests and reports in the course of the Holidays and the vacation runs out. For comparison: the previous day the value was 285.9. A week ago the nationwide incidence was 214.9 (previous month: 432.2).

Ein Mund-Nasen-Schutz liegt in einer Fußgängerzone am Boden


A mouth and nose mask lies on the floor in a pedestrian zone.

The health authorities in Germany reported 56,335 new Corona * infections to the RKI within one day. Exactly one week ago there were 41,240 infections. According to the new information, 264 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 323 deaths. The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Thursday as 3.26 (Wednesday: 3.20).

Novavax’s vaccine is seen as further hope in the fight against the corona pandemic. But who should be vaccinated with it and what are the side effects? * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Rubriklistenbild: © picture alliance/dpa/Sebastian Gollnow

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