NewsCorona chaos: Big trouble about child vaccinations in Munich...

Corona chaos: Big trouble about child vaccinations in Munich – "Some also react aggressively"

Markus Söder announced his new corona course for Bavaria. Meanwhile, there is anger in Munich because of the child vaccinations. All news in the ticker.

  • Markus Söder * announced a Corona decision for boosters and a relaxation for New Year’s Eve (see update from December 14th, 1:46 p.m.).
  • In Munich, the announced kick-off for child vaccinations has been delayed (see update from December 14th, 6:10 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from December 15, 6:40 a.m.: Actually, this Wednesday in the Bavarian vaccination centers as well as family doctors and paediatricians, the children’s vaccinations against the corona virus should start. But the preparations for this are not already complete everywhere, so the vaccination campaign for five to eleven year olds in some cities and communities, such as the state capital Munich, does not start until Thursday or later. According to the Ministry of Health, there are around 855,000 children between the ages of five and eleven in the Free State.

Child vaccinations start in Bavaria: All custodians must agree

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends vaccinations for children who have risk factors for a severe course of Covid-19 or relatives at high risk. However, after an individual decision and medical advice, all children of this age group can also be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been going on for several weeks for children from the age of twelve. According to Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU), around 240,000 vaccine doses have been ordered for the vaccination centers in the Free State alone. “In addition there are the vaccination doses for the doctors who could order themselves.”

For five to eleven year olds, a lower-dose and differently bottled preparation is used compared to the conventional Biontech / Pfizer vaccine. According to Stiko, two doses of the mRNA vaccine should be given at intervals of three to six weeks. There is still no approved vaccine for younger children.

“Although children rarely suffer from severe disease, they too can be affected by post-Covid and carry the infections on,” said Minister Holetschek. “The more people can be vaccinated, the more security we get.” All custodial parents must agree that the child vaccination can be administered.

Corona chaos around child vaccinations in Munich: “Totally opaque”

Update from December 14th, 6:10 p.m .: Munich parents have been waiting for weeks for their young children to be vaccinated against Corona. What they are experiencing so far is chaos. Vaccines are delivered too late, recently the booking system broke down. The Gasteig only starts on Thursday. Parents are outraged and many doctors are confused.

“I should have received the vaccine yesterday, but I did not receive anything,” says Philipp Schoof. “As a precaution, we have already made the first appointments – for previously ill children – for the last week of December.” Fortunately, as it turns out now. “We doctors don’t know how to distribute. That is totally opaque! ”Says Schoof. He receives hundreds of emails and calls from parents every day. “Some also react aggressively if they don’t get an appointment straight away,” says the pediatrician.

Update from December 14th, 1:46 p.m.: Those who are boosted will in future be exempted from the additional test obligation in many areas in Bavaria. In areas where 2G plus applies (vaccinated against Corona or recovered and additionally tested), the mandatory additional test is then omitted. The cabinet decided on Tuesday, as Prime Minister Markus Söder said at a press conference. The booster vaccination replaces the test, he explained. This should take effect 15 days after the booster vaccination. However, retirement and nursing homes are excluded – there it remains with the obligation to test.

On Tuesday afternoon, the federal and state health ministers wanted to make this a nationwide decision – but the states have to implement it in concrete terms.

Infection Protection Ordinance in Bavaria extended – Söder explains rule changes

The infection protection ordinance was extended until January 12th. According to Söder, the basic principle remains, there are only individual changes. In addition to the omission of the test requirement for boosters, the following adjustments have been made:

  • The exemption for schoolchildren remains in place until January 12th. Certain exceptions to the 2G rule continue to apply to 12 to 17-year-olds – namely in the catering trade, for overnight stays in hotels and holiday apartments as well as for their own sporting, musical or acting activities.
  • 2G plus remains inside, but no longer outside (such as in zoos or outdoor sports facilities).
  • The curfew in gastronomy will be lifted for New Year’s Eve.
  • In addition, a showman program worth 30 million euros was launched.

Corona: South demands Omikron-MPK

To fight against the Omikron variant, Söder called for another conference of the federal and state governments to be held in the near future. “We need uniform national rules for Omikron.” If a prime ministerial conference is no longer possible before Christmas, he thinks it is important to set a date “very early in January”, emphasized the CSU boss. Omikron is “definitely more contagious” than the wave with the delta variant, which is now flattening out in the Free State. In Bavaria there are currently 87 suspected and 39 confirmed Omikron cases.

In the fight against the pandemic, the federal and state governments should no longer only react to waves of infection, but should also develop joint ideas. This includes, for example, a uniform vaccination strategy.

Video: listen to the entire press conference with Markus Söder and Michael Kretschmer

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Söder press conference on the corona situation for reading

1:31 p.m.: There is an exemption from testing for those boosted. Possibly too hasty? After all, very little is known about Omicron. That was a suggestion by “our health minister”, said Söder. At the health ministers’ conference today, this will be discussed again in detail, for example when full protection applies after the booster vaccination. In general, according to the CSU boss: “A mini spade protects against all sorts of major dangers.”

Does the booster relaxation also apply to others? For example, people who have recovered or who have just received their second vaccination? This is a question that will be discussed again this afternoon at the GMK. Whom can one equate? “You want to stay safe,” said Health Minister Klaus Holetschek when asked.

Söder-Kretschmer press conference – Saxony-MP warns: “Pandemic does not forgive mistakes”

1:15 p.m.: After Markus Söder, Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of Saxony, speaks. He supports the fact that the federal government has a council of experts. “A pandemic does not forgive hesitation, a pandemic does not forgive mistakes,” said Kretschmer. “Omikron knocks on the door,” he explains. The scientists have appealed to prepare for the new virus variant.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder announces new rule for boosters, but with restrictions – PK NOW live

1 p.m .: The press conference begins. Markus Söder has the floor. “Friends, neighbors, both Free States (…) but also both sufferers”, both were particularly hard hit by Corona, said the CSU boss. He mentions the torchlight procession, they object to it. Stricter action against the agitation that is carried out in the network is needed.

“Both countries have some of the toughest regulations that exist in Europe,” said Söder about Bavaria and Saxony. The measures would have an effect. According to experts, these are real numbers. Again and again there were reports that the health authorities could not keep up with the reports. It is getting better, but has not yet given the all-clear: “Delta is flattening out, but Omikron is lurking (…) Nothing good can be expected from Omikron,” says Söder.

Söder calls for Omikron-MPK “very early in January” – uniform rules necessary

Söder advocates an Omikron MPK “very early in January”. It is not enough just to react to the waves. The Omikron strategy is not uniform. In Munich there are very strict quarantine regulations at the airport, in Frankfurt, for example, this is not the case. He calls for “uniform, national regulations”. Vaccination is the only way out of the pandemic. But: “We just had experts there. Nothing good can be expected from the variant – the vaccinations probably do not work in the same way. “

From tomorrow the children will be vaccinated. He is unhappy about the STIKO’s “as well as” recommendation. It would be crucial to think about reforming the STIKO. For example, more staff to get ahead of the situation and not to run after it, says Söder.

You need a general compulsory vaccination. “This has to be tackled quickly,” says Söder. If this does not happen until May, the “effect could fizzle out completely,” he warns.

The current Infection Protection Ordinance was extended until January 12th, hardly anything has been changed, says Söder. The basic principle remains. However, the following changes were made:

  • Booster replaces the test. Those who have been boosted no longer have to take a test with 2G plus. However, this only applies after 15 days, when full protection has been achieved. Retirement and nursing homes remain an exception.
  • 2G plus stays inside, no longer outside (as in zoos or outdoor sports facilities, for example).
  • The exemption for schoolchildren remains in place until January 12th.
  • A gathering ban applies on New Year’s Eve, and there is also a ban on selling fireworks. The curfew will not take place on New Year’s Eve.
  • A showman program worth 30 million euros was launched.

Update from 12.42 p.m.: A press conference with Markus Söder should start in a little more than 15 minutes. Bavaria and Saxony had previously discussed the corona pandemic. The simultaneous press conferences, at which the other head of government is virtually connected, can be followed here in the live stream at 1 p.m.

According to Karl Lauterbach, Germany has ordered too little corona vaccine for 2022.

Holetschek assesses the corona situation in Bavaria

Update from December 14th, 11.30 a.m.: The corona numbers in Bavaria continue to decrease (see previous update). Health Minister Klaus Holetschek also sees this success: “Our protective measures are working. The measures for the hotspot regions have helped to delimit the incidence of infection in a targeted manner, especially in the areas particularly affected, “said the CSU politician to . * ” It was and is right and important that we continue to be careful with the team and be careful. “

In order for the positive trend to continue, one should not let up. “We can only manage to contain the corona pandemic together. This requires consistent action and unfortunately also restrictions, ”says Holetschek.

“The Omicron virus variant worries us all. Because: There is not yet sufficient information on how the virus variant behaves, “Holetschek told and appealed to the protective measures to be followed, to wear a mask and to minimize contacts. “And, of course, the following still applies: vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate,” said the minister.

Corona: seven-day incidence in Bavaria is falling

Update from December 14, 10:06 a.m.: The seven-day incidence in Bavaria has decreased again compared to the previous day. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value on Tuesday morning as 382.6. The day before, it was 399.1, which is the first time it fell below the 400 mark. A week ago an incidence of 520.6 had been reached. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek also sees an improved corona situation in the Free State, but also expressed a concern to *

In total, the health authorities in Bavaria reported 2,979 new corona infections and 108 deaths to the RKI within one day. This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 7.25 a.m. The number of new infections in Bavaria has been falling for about two weeks. However, it also plays a role that the health authorities are overloaded and that there are delayed reports to the State Office for Health and Food (LGL).

The situation in Bavarian hospitals is still critical. According to the Divi intensive care register, there were 1,012 Covid patients in the intensive care units on Tuesday morning, more than half of whom were ventilated.

Corona in Bavaria: Does Söder announce the hoped-for relaxation for boosted people today? Statement eagerly awaited

Munich – On Tuesday, December 14th, (11 a.m.) the cabinets from Bavaria and Saxony want to meet for a virtual meeting – two weeks later than originally planned. The focus is on the fight against Corona *, also against the background of the new Omikron variant. For this reason, two scientists are also present at the meeting. Then the Prime Ministers Markus Söder (CSU *) and Michael Kretschmer (CDU *) want to inform about the results of the deliberations at 1 p.m. – in simultaneous press conferences at which the other head of government is virtually connected.

Originally, the two cabinets should have been switched on two weeks ago – but that had to be canceled at short notice due to federal-state consultations on the corona crisis.

Bavaria and Saxony are jointly advising on Corona – will the Free State be eased for those who have been boosted?

Before the joint consultations with Saxony, the Bavarian cabinet initially advises separately. It is particularly about the extension of the Bavarian Corona Ordinance. In addition, the planned elimination of the compulsory test for vaccinated people with booster vaccinations * should be an issue wherever 2G plus is otherwise required. The federal and state health ministers also want to discuss this in the afternoon. (kam / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

For many people in Bavaria there are currently booster vaccinations against the corona virus. The Ministry of Health is therefore answering important questions. *

List of rubric lists: © Jan Woitas / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa / Symbolbild

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