NewsCorona exit: Söder calls for drastic steps - numbers...

Corona exit: Söder calls for drastic steps – numbers on child infections make you sit up and take notice

Markus Söder wants to “enter the exit” in the corona pandemic. The CSU boss has clear demands before the federal-state group. All news in the ticker.

  • Markus Söder* calls for a gradual exit strategy in the corona pandemic* (see first report).
  • In the meantime, every fourth young child has had Corona since the beginning of the school year. ( see update, 4:20 p.m. )
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from February 14, 4:20 p.m .: Since the beginning of the current school year in September, around one in four young schoolchildren in Bavaria has been infected with Corona. This results from the incidence figures published by the State Office for Health and Food Safety. No other age group is more affected. Compared to the total population, it is more than double.

The calculation is based on the incidences by age group published weekly by the LGL. If you add them up, you can calculate the frequency of infections in the age groups. Although the method has the weakness that it does not take into account multiple infections in individuals, epidemiologist and statistician Ursula Berger from the Covid-19 data analysis group at LMU still considers it a useful way of estimating the proportion of children who have been infected since the beginning of the school year .

Corona in Bavaria: Every fourth young school child has had Corona since the beginning of the school year

On the one hand, the schools were consistently tested during this time. On the other hand, the proportion of children who were infected several times within this relatively short period of time and were therefore counted several times is probably low, she says. Aging effects, i.e. that some of the children in the group become older than eleven during the period under consideration and thus drop out of the group while other children move up from below, are considered to be rather insignificant in this analysis. “I don’t think it matters much here,” says the expert. “You always have to reckon with a certain degree of uncertainty,” emphasizes Berger. So there is always an unreported number of undetected cases or those that slipped through in the autumn and Christmas holidays.

Since the beginning of the school year, a proportion of 27.4 percent of infected children has been calculated for the age group of six to eleven years, with cumulative incidences. Even if you subtract possible multiple infections, this results in a value in the range of a quarter of this group – also because the majority of infections at 17.4 percent are attributable to the relatively short period of time from calendar week one. The second most affected age group is also of school age: Among the 12 to 15 year olds it is almost 22 percent since the beginning of the school year, 13.5 percent of them since the first calendar week. This is followed by the 16 to 19 group with 18.9 percent in the current school year.

Corona in Bavaria: Next federal-state round on Wednesday

Update from February 14, 1:25 p.m .: The next round of federal and state governments on the corona pandemic is scheduled for Wednesday. Markus Söder had already requested an exit strategy in advance (see first report). On Twitter he added: “The federal government must make a clear statement to the MPK on how to proceed with the epidemic emergency of national importance in March.” The CSU boss demands: “At least protective measures such as masks and distance are needed . Also an emergency strategy against possible new waves and mutations.”

Incidence in Bavaria is falling – is the reporting and testing system overloaded?

Update from February 14, 7.44 a.m .: The seven-day incidence* in Bavaria has fallen again – although the validity of the data is currently limited. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI*) gave the value on Monday morning as 1772.0 (as of 3:19 a.m.). The previous day the value was 1798.3. It is difficult to judge whether this really means a turnaround in the infection process. It could also be that the decline in incidence does not reflect the actual occurrence of infection, but is the result of an overloaded reporting and testing system.

The number of newly infected people as of Monday stood at 17,457, adding 3 deaths linked to the virus. The seven-day incidences were highest in the districts of Eichstätt (3539.1), Straubing-Bogen (2858.1) and Regen (2705.9). Six cities and counties were below an incidence of 1000.

The number of corona patients in the intensive care units has increased slightly in the past few days: the Divi intensive care register reported 351 corona patients in intensive care units in the Free State on Monday (as of 6:05 a.m.), a week earlier there were 328. 163 of them had to be invasive be ventilated.

End of contact restrictions? Söder calls for a gradual exit strategy – CSU boss with clear demands

First report from February 14, 6:36 a.m .: Munich – is the Omicron summit soon over, can the Corona * rules actually be relaxed now? On Wednesday, the federal and state governments will again discuss the current situation in the pandemic. Markus Söder has clear ideas about how to proceed – and clear demands on the traffic light.

Federal-state round on Corona on Wednesday: Söder calls for “entry into the exit”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister is calling for a gradual exit strategy from the corona restrictions before the federal-state meeting on Wednesday. “If the omicron peak is reached and the health system is still intact, it is necessary to start exiting,” said Söder of the German Press Agency in Munich. He had already made a similar statement at a press conference exactly a week ago.

The CSU boss advocated a phased plan to gradually reduce the corona rules. At the same time, he called for a longer-term legal basis for protective measures such as the obligation to wear masks and distance rules, as well as an emergency strategy for possible new waves.

“Decisions cannot be postponed on Wednesday. Now the time has come to set the course – not in a hurry, but gradually,” said Söder. The traffic light must now disclose its plans.

Corona measures: Söder calls for a phased plan

“A step-by-step plan is needed for the exit,” emphasized Söder. “First of all, 2G can be abolished nationwide in retail and switched from 2G plus to 2G in gastronomy. In addition, more spectators should be allowed nationwide: 50 percent in sport with a limited maximum number and 75 percent in culture. ”In Bavaria, Söder had recently relaxed the corona rules accordingly.

End of the Corona contact restrictions? Söder has a clear opinion

He also called for an end to the contact restrictions – so far, a maximum of ten people have been allowed to come together privately, provided that everyone has been vaccinated or recovered. As soon as an unvaccinated person is present, only a household with two other people is allowed to meet. “The contact restrictions in the private sector can now also be lifted,” emphasized Söder.

Then a schedule is needed “how and when to switch from 2G to 3G”. Söder, on the other hand, does not see the opening of clubs and discos as a first step. “The areas that can be opened last are certainly clubs and discos with 2G plus,” he explained.

Basically, Söder called for a revision of the entire Corona regulations. “Unfortunately, Germany has become entangled in a jungle of different regulations. We therefore need fewer rules and instead need clear and understandable principles.”

But now: Söder wants to implement compulsory vaccination earlier

Söder calls for exit strategy and emergency plan: “Adjournment does not apply this time”

In his opinion, the federal government is the first to have a duty: it must now make a clear statement as to how things should continue in March – there is a heated debate about this within the traffic light. However, the federal government needs to have a unified position before the federal-state meeting.

In fact, according to the will of the FDP, the legal basis for the corona protection measures, which is limited to March 19, should be completely eliminated. Should this happen, “at least protective measures such as masks and distance are needed,” said Söder. “But there needs to be a legal basis for this. All of this needs to be decided and planned now. In addition, an emergency strategy against possible new waves and mutations is required. Adjournment does not apply this time.” (kam/dpa)* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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