NewsCorona expert Alexander Kekulé warns of "invisible wave of...

Corona expert Alexander Kekulé warns of "invisible wave of the vaccinated"

Do vaccinated people no longer play a role in a fourth corona wave? Alexander Kekulé says no. In addition, the virologist speaks out against a “Freedom Day”

Frankfurt – The virologist Alexander Kekulé has warned of an uncontrollable, invisible wave of infections in autumn and winter. It is not true that vaccinated people would no longer play a role in a fourth wave, according to the well-known doctor, who has been providing information on the developments of the pandemic in the MDR podcast “Corona Compass” since spring 2020.

People vaccinated against Corona were usually more willing to take risks, had more contacts and went to concerts and parties more often, said Alexander Kekulé to the editorial network Germany on Wednesday (September 22nd, 2021). “They are not tested and they are not placed in quarantine. If they get infected, they often have no symptoms or only very mild symptoms, so they do not recognize their infection or recognize it too late. That’s why I expect an invisible wave of the vaccinated, ”added the director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University of Halle.

Alexander Kekulé pleads for a very high corona vaccination rate

The statement by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) that vaccinated people no longer play a role in the corona epidemic is wrong. Alexander Kekulé said: “Vaccinated people are largely protected from severe Covid and death, even with the Delta variant. However, you can pass the virus on to others. It is still unclear how often this happens. According to the current data, the protection against infections by a full vaccination seems to be 50 to 70 percent. “

The virologist advocated a corona vaccination rate of 90 percent. Only then will one come safely into the “green area”. “The vaccination gaps in people at high risk of severe disease and older adults are currently the biggest problem,” Kekulé told the RND.

Kekulé considers a “Freedom Day” as in Great Britain with relaxation of the corona measures on a large scale to be irresponsible. “If we open completely in autumn, it could trigger an uncontrollable wave of infections. In order not to risk that, I consider 3G instead of 2G to be responsible in the public sector, in combination with contact tracking, ”said Kekulé. In places where such a concept does not exist, one should keep wearing a mask and keep your distance.

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In the private sphere, citizens should weigh up. “If, for example, young vaccinated people meet without risk factors, they can do without a distance and mask. The situation is different when visiting the 85-year-old grandmother, where the immune protection may not be sufficient despite the vaccination, ”explained Alexander Kekulé.

According to Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, 63.4 percent (52.7 million people) in Germany have full vaccination protection, 67.4 percent (56 million) have been vaccinated against Corona at least once (as of 09/22/2021). “Very important: 86% of people over 60 have already opted for protection through vaccination. Because only one vaccination reliably protects against a serious illness in autumn and winter, ”wrote the CDU politician on the short message service Twitter. (tvd)

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