FunViewCorona future debate at Anne Will (ARD): Are restrictions...

Corona future debate at Anne Will (ARD): Are restrictions still acceptable?

Is it the result of lightness or recklessness? Anne Will dares to take a look at the corona future of the country together with her guests on ARD.

Berlin – The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, even naturally cautious virologists speak of a summer that will be good, but are Germans getting too careless too quickly? Anne Will discussed this question with her guests on Sunday evening on ARD.

“Incidence back below 100 – is now the great ease or the great carelessness beginning?” Was the question to which Peter Tschentscher, SPD, First Mayor of Hamburg was invited as a member of the “Team Caution”. Hamburg started a night curfew before it became law nationwide and therefore has the lowest corona incidences in major cities. The mayor emphasized that the Hanseatic city should proceed with the upcoming opening, much to the displeasure of the deputy party chairman of the FDP, Wolfgang Kubicki, who doubts whether the strict restrictions are still acceptable.

Anne Will (ARD): Political patchwork quilt on the subject of Corona

Dietmar Bartsch, Die Linke, group leader of the Left in the Bundestag tried to look to the near future. What happens if the incidence values fluctuate greatly between the federal states? After June 30th, the “Federal Emergency Brake” law will expire, after which the sovereignty over the decisions will go back to the federal states. Does this threaten the next political patchwork quilt?

This is already happening at the moment with the overnight stays. While Schleswig-Holstein is already largely up, in Lower Saxony only citizens of their own country are allowed to stay in hotels for the time being, in Bavaria the important tourist business will start again next week. Ingrid Hartges, General Manager of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association, then asked for prospects for the industry. She insisted that hotels and restaurants will soon be allowed to reopen, especially since the industry has been under enormous strain in recent months. She emphasizes the rapidly increasing number of those vaccinated, which is also gradually making the need to barring contact less urgent and should allow greater mobility.

Guest at Anne Will (ARD): Function:
Peter Tschentscher 1. Mayor of Hamburg / SPD / Member of Team Caution
Wolfgang Kubicki Deputy party chairman FDP
Dietmar Bartsch Left party leader
Carola Holzner Specialist in anesthesia

Anne Will (ARD): Many people infected with corona are not discovered

Carola Holzner, specialist in anesthesia and intensive care medicine, blogged as Doc Caro: Too fast, too early loosening could backfire, especially in the face of new, potentially dangerous mutations, currently especially those from India. Another problem is that a not inconsiderable number of infected people go undetected. In a study that Holzner worked on, it was found that a good 20% of those infected are not discovered. It is easy to imagine the consequences this can have with increasing relaxation, which may soon be crowded again at breakfast buffets or shopping malls.

But it is not about preventing any infection, as Wolfgang Kubicki emphasized. The aim is to overload the health system, and very regular tests in combination with further compliance with mask requirements and keeping your distance are sufficient. At the end of the program, everyone involved was in agreement that the lifting of vaccination priorities in more and more federal states is creating additional chaos. Especially since, despite all the virologists’ appeals, there are still people who refuse to be vaccinated with Astrazeneca, even if this vaccine is considered safe for their age group. That is a lack of solidarity and that is exactly what will be important in the next few months so that they become the final months of the pandemic and not just another interlude. (Michael Meyns)

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