NewsCorona in Germany: 7-day incidence continues to rise -...

Corona in Germany: 7-day incidence continues to rise – 7 regions above the 35 mark

The nationwide 7-day incidence is increasing again. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports almost 2,000 new corona infections. All information here in the news ticker.

  • Corona in Germany: According to the RKI, the nationwide 7-day incidence rose again on Thursday (July 22nd).
  • In seven urban and rural districts, the incidence is over 35.
  • This news ticker on the corona pandemic in Germany is updated regularly

Update from July 22, 2021, 8:03 a.m .: There is one question that worries many people. The news of corona infections unsettled despite vaccination. New studies now prove the effectiveness of Biontech and Astrazeneca *.

Corona in Germany: 7-day incidence continues to rise – 7 regions above the 35 mark

First report from July 22, 2021

Berlin – The 7-day incidence in Germany continues to rise from 11.4 (previous day) to 12.2. The Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) reported on Thursday morning. 1,890 new corona infections and 42 other deaths were registered within one day, according to the data.

RKI: Incidence rises to 12.2 – this is how it looks in the federal states

  • The nationwide 7-day incidence on Thursday morning is 12.2, according to the RKI.
  • The highest incidence is currently in Berlin (22), Hesse (16.9) and Saarland (16.6).
  • Five federal states are below ten: Thuringia (4.7), Brandenburg (3.8), Saxony (3.4), Saxony-Anhalt (2.8) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (2.7).

Corona in Germany: Seven regions over 35 incidence

In seven regions of the 412 that the RKI shows on its Covid-19 dashboard, the incidence is above the 35 value. Solingen (54.0), Kaiserslautern (52), Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (46.1), Birkenfeld (42.0), Frankfurt am Main (37.6), Berlin Mitte (37.3) and Darmstadt (35, 7).

Corona: RKI case numbers from July 22, 2021

  • Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, 3,750,503 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with Sars-CoV-2.
  • 91,458 people have died so far in connection with Corona.
  • The RKI states the number of those who have recovered at 3,642,600.
  • There are currently around 16,500 active corona cases.

Corona: vaccination speed in Germany is weakening

There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to vaccination speed. According to RKI-Informations (RKI), the number of vaccine doses administered in Germany is falling. For example, only 572,482 doses were administered on Tuesday. For comparison: on June 9th there were 1.5 million.

According to the Ministry of Health, 47.3 percent of the population are fully vaccinated. 60.2 percent received a vaccine dose. The RKI estimates that the vaccination quota for 12 to 59-year-olds should be at least 85 percent. For those over 60, 90 percent.

The delta variant plays a role in the infection process in Germany. The vaccine protection against infection is overestimated, says the Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck. (ml) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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