NewsCorona in Germany: Due to the mask requirement –...

Corona in Germany: Due to the mask requirement – the disco is banned by the Prime Minister

A large majority of Germans considers the relaxation of the corona virus to be premature. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister no longer lets in a discotheque. The news ticker about the pandemic.

  • Corona pandemic in Germany: the number of infections is high, several federal states are postponing easing.
  • A discotheque in East Friesland issued Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) house ban – because of the mask requirement when dancing (see update from March 19, 4.30 p.m.).
  • Corona expert Hendrik Streeck reports hostility from the lateral thinker scene (see update from March 19, 8:54 a.m.).
  • This news ticker on the Corona * pandemic is continuously updated.

Update from March 19, 5:30 p.m .: The seven-day incidence of new corona infections has continued to rise in the southwest. As the State Health Office announced on Saturday in Stuttgart (as of 4:00 p.m.), 1,952.6 infections with the corona virus per 100,000 inhabitants were detected within one week.

The day before, this value was 1932.8. A week ago it was 1833.6. However, the actual seven-day incidence is likely to be significantly higher due to the fact that the number of unreported cases is still high.

Compared to the previous day, the Stuttgart authorities reported 26,565 new infections. The number of registered cases since the beginning of the pandemic has thus increased to 2,702,647. It has been proven that 14,786 people have died from the corona virus or in connection with it. That means 13 more people have died since the day before.

Corona pandemic in Germany: East Frisian discotheque bans Prime Minister

Update from March 19, 4:30 p.m .: An East Frisian discotheque has banned the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil (SPD). The reason for this is that in Lower Saxony there is a mask requirement in discos and clubs when standing, walking and even dancing.

Lower Saxony is pretty much alone with this regulation, explained the operations manager of “Deckers Disco” in Großefehn, Hendrick Becker, to the “Ostfriesen-Zeitung”. The federal government lifted the aid for companies in the event of a voluntary closure from March, he continued: “This means that the state wants to force us to implement its course to open uneconomically.”

Corona pandemic in Germany: Retail calls for compulsory vaccination

Update from March 19, 3:55 p.m .: The General Manager of the German Trade Association (HDE), Stefan Genth, is again in favor of compulsory vaccination. “It is still possible to prevent us from being faced with significant restrictions with dramatic consequences again in a few months,” Genth told the “Passauer Neue Presse”.

An increase in the vaccination rate is necessary for this. “Unfortunately, volunteering was obviously not a goal-oriented approach. Therefore, a general obligation to vaccinate must finally be decided and implemented,” he said.

Corona pandemic in Germany: the pace of vaccination continues to decrease

Update from March 19, 3:17 p.m .: The pace of vaccination against Corona continues to decrease. At least 60,000 doses were administered on Friday, according to RKI data from Saturday. In addition, there are usually a few late registrations. On Friday a week ago there were 94,334 vaccinations – on March 4th there were 109,409 vaccinations. In the meantime, 75.8 percent of the population (at least 63.1 million people) have received basic protection, which usually requires two injections. 58.2 percent (48.4 million) also received a booster vaccination. 76.5 percent (63.6 million) have been vaccinated at least once.

A large group of 23.5 percent of the population (19.5 million people) remains unvaccinated, according to the Department of Health’s immunization dashboard. However, no vaccine has been approved for 4.8 percent (four million) because they are four years old or younger.

Corona loosening: measure for rail customers is no longer applicable

Update from March 19, 2:23 p.m .: Despite many warnings about the still increasing number of infections, the first nationwide corona protection requirements will no longer apply this Sunday. 3G proof of being vaccinated, recovered or tested is no longer required for train travel with Deutsche Bahn, as has now been stipulated by law. However, the mask requirement in local and long-distance public transport continues to apply. There is ongoing criticism from the federal states and municipalities of the traffic light coalition’s approach to only allowing significantly fewer comprehensive protection rules in everyday life in the future. In view of the large number of new infections, neighboring Austria is returning to the mask requirement indoors.

Train passengers can use the trains again from Sunday without 3G proof. The group is thus implementing the new requirements for infection protection, as a spokesman said at the request of the German Press Agency. In long-distance and local trains, however, the obligation to wear FFP2 masks or medical masks still applies. In on-board catering, the 3G rule will also remain in place nationwide.

Update from March 19, 8.48 a.m .: The Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck has gained a certain level of awareness in Germany thanks to his expertise on the corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic. He has therefore learned to appreciate anonymity. “Being left alone has advantages,” he told the Augsburger Allgemeine (Saturday). His life has not only turned 180 degrees professionally, but also privately.

Corona: Virologist Streeck has to deal with hostilities on the open street

Since the corona virus reached Germany, the virologist from the University Hospital Bonn has been one of the most sought-after experts. He got on the trail of the virus early on when he started researching in the Heinsberg district, one of the first corona hotspots in the republic. “I’ve also been mobbed on the street – by people from the lateral thinker spectrum,” said Streeck. The positive response is much greater in comparison. “Sometimes people in the car call out to me: ‘Cheer up, Mr. Streeck, keep up the good work’, flowers or books are sent to my office.”

On social media, he got used to the fact that insults and threats were the order of the day. “But you have to be aware that this is only a small percentage of the population. I received death threats twice, which is when I made the acquaintance of state security.”

Corona in Germany: Incidence reaches peak – 221 new deaths

Update from March 19, 8:18 a.m .: According to the RKI, the nationwide seven-day incidence has reached a new high. It is at 1735.0 on Saturday. For comparison: the day before the value was 1706.3, a week ago it was 1496.0 (previous month: 1350.4). The health authorities in Germany reported 260,239 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. This is evident from numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 5 a.m. A week ago there were 237,086 infections.

Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. One reason is the limited capacity, for example of health authorities. Contacts are often only tracked to a limited extent. According to the new information, 221 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

Update from March 18, 5:31 p.m .: Because of the ongoing risk of infection with the corona virus, you can still get sick leave from your family doctor by phone until May 31 for mild respiratory infections. The Federal Joint Committee extended the corresponding special rules by a further two months.

For the vast majority of Germans, the relaxation of the corona virus comes too early

Update from March 18, 4:36 p.m .: Around two thirds (64 percent) of citizens in Germany consider the relaxation of the corona from March 20 to be premature. This emerges from a survey published on Friday by the Forsa Institute for the RTL/ntv trend barometer. A third (34 percent) think the lifting of the measures is correct.

Despite the high number of infections, the Bundestag and Bundesrat passed an amended Infection Protection Act on Friday that abolished most of the nationwide corona protection rules. There was strong criticism from the federal states.

In the survey, 65 percent stated that the obligation to wear a medical mask should largely remain in place for the time being.

According to the survey, a large majority (74 percent) of those surveyed continue to reduce social contacts. According to the trend barometer, 26 percent stated that they were no longer so cautious in this regard.

Only nine percent believe that the pandemic will end in the summer of 2022. The vast majority (87 percent), on the other hand, believe that after the fourth corona wave there will be another one.

Update from March 18, 1 p.m.: Virologist Streeck calls for more personal responsibility – and more freedom. He gives an assessment for summer, autumn and winter.

Minister of Health Lauterbach defends new corona rules

Update from March 18, 12:10 p.m .: Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has again defended the planned new legal regulations in the corona pandemic. It is a “difficult compromise,” said the SPD politician on Friday in the Bundestag during the final consultation on changes to the Infection Protection Act, which will soon phase out many corona measures.

“But that’s not the compromise between team freedom and team caution,” said Lauterbach. You have to consider the legal situation. “We cannot continue to protect the entire country to protect a small group of those unwilling to vaccinate and those unwilling to take the measures to protect them, the balance will be changed.”

With the Omikron variant, there is no longer any need to fear that hospitals will be overloaded across the board. Lauterbach pointed out that in areas where this is to be expected, the so-called hotspot solution with stricter measures can be used.

That’s the right compromise. Should the situation change, one is always ready to adapt the Infection Protection Act again. Lauterbach warned that the pandemic is unfortunately not over yet and that further protective measures are needed. “We’re not at the point where a Freedom Day could come.”

Corona in Germany: the federal government is apparently planning to extend the deadline for free quick tests

Update from March 18, 10:45 a.m .: According to a report, the federal government is planning to extend the deadline for free rapid corona tests. The Business Insider portal reported on Thursday evening that the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Finance are in talks to ensure that the federal government finances the so-called citizen tests for at least four more weeks.

The current Corona Test Ordinance, which also regulates the financing of citizen tests by the federal government, expires on March 31st. Most recently, Berlin’s governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) announced that without this funding there could no longer be any citizen tests.

How long the period for the free quick tests will be extended depends on the Federal Ministry of Finance, reported Business Insider from circles in the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Finance is skeptical about an excessively large extension. According to the report, the citizen tests have already cost the state 10.7 billion euros since they were first introduced last spring.

RKI reports record values – Corona mass outbreak in prison confirmed

Original notification from March 18, 2022: Berlin – The corona pandemic has picked up speed again in Germany. The number of new infections registered in Germany also rose to a new high on Friday. The incidence also breaks a new record. Meanwhile, there is a mass escape in a prison.

Corona: Robert Koch Institute reports almost 300,000 new infections – incidence and hospital admissions are also increasing

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the number of new infections registered within 24 hours has risen to a new high. The health authorities reported 297,845 new infections in 24 hours. A week ago there were 252,836 new infections recorded. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence as 1,706.3 – this is also a high. For comparison: the previous day the value was 1651.4, a week ago it was 1439.0 (previous month: 1371.7).

Experts assume a high number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data. One reason is the limited capacity of health authorities, for example, and contacts are often only tracked to a limited extent. According to the new information, 226 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 249 deaths.

Meanwhile, the number of people who need treatment in a hospital is also increasing. The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 7.58 according to the RKI on Thursday (Wednesday: 7.45). Among them are many people with a positive corona test who have another main illness.

Corona in prison: more than 100 cases in Oldenburg JVA in Lower Saxony

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice confirmed a mass breakout in the Oldenburg prison in an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung . More than 100 prisoners and employees have tested positive for the corona virus. Since March 9, 98 inmates and 18 employees have been infected by a PCR test.

Testing was ordered on a case-by-case basis. “The prisoners predominantly have a mild course of the disease; some said they didn’t notice anything at all,” the ministry said. There is no case with severe symptoms. A total of 300 people were imprisoned in the Oldenburg prison. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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