NewsCorona in Germany: Incidence continues to fall - Health...

Corona in Germany: Incidence continues to fall – Health ministers advise on vaccination and delta mutants

The health ministers are discussing the next steps – so that the corona situation remains calm. The focus here: mass vaccinations and the delta variant. The news ticker.

  • The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) * reports a 7-day incidence * of 13.2.
  • The health ministers are discussing the next steps in the pandemic this Wednesday.
  • Topics include the vaccination centers and possible travel restrictions because of the Delta mutant.
  • This news ticker on the subject of Corona in Germany * is updated regularly.

Berlin – Currently a value of 13.2: The nationwide 7-day incidence of corona infections has fallen further. The RKI also reported 1455 new infections and 137 deaths on Wednesday morning or with Covid-19 within one day. A week ago the incidence was 21.

This Wednesday, federal and state health ministers will discuss the future of the regional vaccination centers. Several countries want to continue the facilities longer than previously planned, according to a survey by the dpa . The federal government must ensure the financing by the end of the year, demanded the chairman of the conference of health ministers and Bavarian head of department Klaus Holetschek (CSU) in advance in Munich, demanded Holetschek.

Corona in Germany: Chancellor Merkel admonishes the topic of booster vaccinations

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said after the Prime Minister’s Conference last week that the health ministers should discuss the extent to which the vaccination centers of the federal states should be preserved to a certain extent – also with a view to possible booster vaccinations in autumn.

Federal health ministers advise – Spahn and Holetschek expected in Munich

Protests organized by the Verdi union are to take place at noon in front of the health ministries of the state capitals. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and Holetschek are expected at Max-Joseph-Platz in Munich. The protests are directed against the tense work situation of many employees in clinics and care facilities.

At the suggestion of Lower Saxony and the federal government, the ministers should also deal with the question of whether new travel restrictions should apply in the summer because of the spreading, even more contagious and probably more dangerous Delta variant. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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