NewsCorona in Germany: Incidence is increasing slightly - More...

Corona in Germany: Incidence is increasing slightly – More and more time-consuming to find a test station

In many places, new rules require unvaccinated people who also have no evidence of recovery to have a corona test. Getting it is not that easy anymore.

  • The seven-day incidence rose slightly on Tuesday.
  • In Germany, many corona test centers have closed – the trend could continue.
  • This news ticker on the Corona * situation in Germany is continuously updated.

Berlin – The trend continues: the seven-day incidence has again increased slightly nationwide. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) * on Tuesday morning, it was 58.0 – the previous day the value was 56.4, a week ago it was 37.4. The health authorities in Germany reported 5,747 new corona infections to the RKI within one day (RKI dashboard – August 24, 3.15 a.m.) . A week ago, the value for Germany was 3912 infections. According to the new information, 42 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

Politicians continue to discuss the incidence: Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) defended the planned departure from the corona incidence as a key indicator of restrictions in Germany. He said on Monday in the ARD “Tagesthemen” that nobody had said that the incidence should no longer be a benchmark. “What is clear: The 50s incidence, like her
is currently in the law, has had its day. “

Corona in Germany: Incidence is increasing slightly – long distances for corona test

With the 3G rule, some need a corona test again to get to restaurants (indoor catering) or cinemas, for example. But long distances are now sometimes necessary for this. In recent weeks, many operators have decided to close test sites or intend to do so: In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, the number of test centers recently fell by 640 to 8127 within four weeks, as the NRW Ministry of Health announced at the request of dpa. At the end of May it was 9064. It was similar in other federal states. According to the ministry there, 2093 test centers are currently active in Lower Saxony, and a good 600 are listed in a reporting portal as “out of service”.

The reason is the prospect of falling demand because there are more and more people who are vaccinated. In addition, the tests will no longer be free from October 11th. The operator Covimedical said they would react “dynamically to changes” with a view to presumably lower demand in October.

The number of corona test stations is falling – in some places still increased demand

In the short term, however, the corona test demand recently picked up in some places, for example in North Rhine-Westphalia. This was also due to vacationers who, for example, had to take a test before returning to their work place. In addition, new rules stipulate that people who have not been vaccinated and are not considered to have recovered, in some places now need a negative test result. In October at the latest, when citizens have to pay for the tests, the need is likely to weaken. In Lower Saxony, the number of tests during the summer holidays that were still ongoing there fell significantly.

Last week, the drugstore chain dm announced the closure of its currently around 200 test points on September 30th. The company justified this with lower demand and the abolition of the free “citizen tests” in October. Other providers such as Ecolog with around 500 test centers in Germany do not want to reduce their offer for the time being. At the same time, the company emphasizes that it is closely following the pandemic and the political course. And Corona is not over yet: A researcher sees the “next phase of the pandemic” at the door: “Covid-22 could get even worse” *.

Eine Helferin testet Insassen eines Autos mit einem Schnelltest auf das Coronavirus (Archivbild).


A helper tests occupants of a car with a quick test for the coronavirus (archive image).

Corona: “We continue to see tests as an important component in combating the pandemic”

In addition to doctors’ surgeries, pharmacies were also involved in the Coronatest business for a long time. But in the course of the summer some pharmacies decided not to offer any more testing. There are currently around 5000 Coronatest pharmacies registered on “”, which is the same number as in June. However, according to a spokesman for the Federal Pharmacy Association Abda, many pharmacies were not yet registered on the portal – the actual number should have been higher at the time. Almost all rapid test pharmacies are now listed on the website. As a result, numerous pharmacies have now reduced their testing options.

The operating companies who want to stay in the market, meanwhile, emphasize the importance of their business. “We continue to see tests as an important component in combating the pandemic,” says the head of Covimedical, Christoph Neumeier. The focus is now on PCR tests *, which are more reliable than rapid antigen tests. (dpa / cibo) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

List of rubric lists: © Julian Stratenschulte / dpa

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