NewsCorona in Germany: Lauterbach attacks nurses who are unwilling...

Corona in Germany: Lauterbach attacks nurses who are unwilling to vaccinate – not “suitable for work”?

The number of new corona infections is increasing drastically in Germany. Karl Lauterbach is clearly aimed at opponents of vaccination in the nursing professions. The news ticker for the pandemic in the Federal Republic.

  • Corona pandemic in Germany: The seven-day incidence * has reached a new record (update from January 30, 9:04 a.m.) .
  • Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) uses a drastic choice of words to address “radical opponents of vaccination” ( update from January 30, 5:55 p.m. )
  • The German hospital society expects an increase in accidental corona findings (update from January 30, 9:04 a.m.) .

+++ This ticker has ended. You can find the continuation here.+++

Update from January 30, 9:55 p.m .: CSU boss Markus Söder is already thinking about the next Corona summit – and loosening *. In view of the Omicron variant, one had to “give back freedoms,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister on ARD. You have to look for a door in the “omicron wall that is coming towards us, through which you can go into a new era”.

More spectator capacity for sport and culture, but also new opportunities for trade fairs and gastronomy are conceivable, explained the Franconian. After all, it is about “restrictions on fundamental rights”. But Söder also emphasized that he wanted to wait until the next federal-state round, which is planned for mid-February.

Update from January 30, 9:30 p.m .: As reported by ntv , the state authorities registered more than a million new infections for the first time between January 24 and 30 last week. According to this, 1,057,492 new corona cases were reported in Germany. In addition, 1,011 other deaths related to the corona virus were counted.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Karl Lauterbach sharply criticizes “radical opponents of vaccination”.

Update from January 30, 5:55 p.m .: Karl Lauterbach (SPD) once again chooses clear words in the coronavirus pandemic. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( FAZ ), the Federal Health Minister turned against “radical opponents of vaccination”. The focus of his statement was the debate about a possible migration of unvaccinated nursing staff when the occupational vaccination requirement came into force.

“Of course it will be the case that one or the other radical opponent of vaccination who works in care will then drop out. But then the question arises as to whether the person was even suitable for the job,” said the Rhinelander of the FAZ : “It cannot be that medical staff denies scientific knowledge and is even willing to endanger patients.”

Bundesgesundheitsminister: Karl Lauterbach von der SPD.


Federal Health Minister: Karl Lauterbach from the SPD.

Corona pandemic in Germany: hospitalizations are increasing in Lower Saxony

Update from January 30, 4:30 p.m .: Bad news from Lower Saxony: For the first time in weeks, the utilization of the intensive care units with corona patients is increasing again. The hospitalization incidence rose from 8.1 to 8.3 at the weekend.

The value indicates how many Covid patients per 100,000 inhabitants have to go to the hospital within seven days because of an infection. In mid-January, the value was still 4.7. However, the highest warning level comes into effect at a hospitalization incidence of 9.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Vaccination target of the traffic light federal government clearly missed

Update from January 30, 1:26 p.m .: After the recent Corona summit, Chancellor Olaf Scholz * (SPD) admitted: The goal of 30 million vaccinations between Christmas and the end of January can no longer be maintained. “You have to be realistic, we won’t achieve that on the day I would like to,” he said. At the same time he presented new posters for the campaign.

These are reminiscent of the color of the “Sanifair” vouchers, according to Oliver Welke in the current issue of the “Today Show” (ZDF). “‘Vaccination helps!’? How uncreative can you be?” he asked, looking at one of the slogans. The campaign is said to have cost 60 million euros, Welke continued and asked: “How many PCR tests could you have bought for it?”. The background was the planned prioritization* for the tests, which were becoming increasingly scarce.

After 30 million vaccinations before Christmas, Scholz had given out another 30 million vaccinations by the end of January as a new goal. But since the holidays, not as much vaccination as before. It is “not going at the pace that would be necessary,” said Scholz. The just over 75 percent for the first vaccinations are not enough and efforts must also be increased for boosters*.

Olaf Scholz präsentiert am 24. Januar ein neues Impfkampagnen-Plakat während einer PK im Kanzleramt in Berlin.


“Vaccination helps”: Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) appeals again to the skeptics.

Update from January 30, 9:04 a.m .: According to the RKI*, the 7-day incidence* was 1127.7 nationwide on Sunday morning. 118,970 new infections were added within one day, as well as 59 further Covid deaths.

The German Hospital Society (DKG) now expects an increase in patients who are tested positive for corona when they come to a clinic. This is not only due to the omicron wave, but in particular to the less pronounced symptoms of the disease as a result of the vaccinations, especially the boosters.

Corona in Germany: hospital society expects more incidental findings

That’s what DKG CEO Gerald Gass said when asked by dpa. In data on the Covid-19 hospital situation, a distinction between infected people who are either being treated causally because of Covid-19 or mainly for other reasons has not yet been made apparent.

Serious estimates of the amount of shares are not known. The distinction between the main or secondary diagnosis/incidental finding is also “insignificant” for the hospitals themselves, said Gass. In both cases, the same complex isolation and protective measures have to be taken in inpatient care. According to RKI estimates, the number of corona hospital admissions has recently increased, but is still well below the values at the peak of the fourth wave.

Update from January 29, 10:41 p.m .: Several thousand people took to the streets across Germany to demonstrate against the Corona requirements. Up to 4500 participants reported Freiburg, up to 1250 participants Zwönitz in the Ore Mountains. There were also counter-demonstrations: in Cuxhaven, for example, 1,250 people formed a 2.5-kilometer human chain, by far – for solidarity and cohesion.

In Leipzig, so-called walkers stormed onto the premises of a university clinic.

Corona in Germany: Lauterbach again defends the reduction of the recovered status

Update from January 29, 3:45 p.m .: The recovery status has been discussed for weeks. After the RKI had reduced the duration to three months, the EU recommended six months. Karl Lauterbach recently defended the reduction and Doctors President Klaus Reinhardt also described it as sensible from a medical point of view. “The previous scientific evidence indicates that unvaccinated people can become infected with the omicron variant much earlier than after six months after undergoing a delta infection,” said Reinhardt of the Rheinische Post . “Therefore, shortening the convalescent status makes sense from a medical point of view.”

Corona in Germany: 90 or 180 days – what still applies to the convalescence status in Germany?

It is still unclear what will happen after the EU recommendation. Karl Lauterbach also wants to propose the three-month rule at EU level. However, the chairwoman of the medical organization Marburger Bund, Susanne Johna, expects a retreat in Germany: “I don’t think that the 90-day rule in Germany can be maintained permanently,” she told the Rheinische Post . In principle, it is true that the number of antibodies in most people drops about 90 days after an infection, but it is “very different from patient to patient,” said Johna. In this respect, the Europe-wide regulation is quite justifiable. “That should not be called into question by going it alone.”

Medical Association President Reinhardt confirms the desired reduction at EU level. “Ultimately, this also contributes to the health protection of the population in Germany.” Germany also has enough vaccine to make an offer to everyone who wants to be vaccinated, even if it is shortened.

Corona in Germany: Daily vaccination rates in Germany are declining

Update from January 29, 1:42 p.m .: While Germany probably even has a few too many vaccine doses in stock after Karl Lauterbach’s order (update 9:35) , the daily vaccination rates are currently declining. The number of vaccinations in Germany decreased at the end of the week, the dpa reported on Saturday. As can be seen from data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Saturday, at least 370,000 vaccine doses were administered on Friday – the day before there were 466,000. There were almost 582,000 vaccinations on Friday a week ago, and around 769,000 on the previous Friday. The goal of the federal government that by the end of January 80 percent of the population should be vaccinated against Corona at least once is in danger of failing.

The current vaccination rates are as follows (as of January 28):

percentage absolute number
Fully Vaccinated (Two doses) 73.8% 61.360.066
Boosted (Three Cans) 52.2% 43.407.100

Currently, 24.3 percent of the population (20.2 million people) are not vaccinated. There is currently no approved vaccine available for four million of these people aged 0 to 4 years. The RKI dashboard points out that the vaccination rates are to be understood as minimum rates, “since 100 percent coverage by the reporting system cannot be achieved”. The Robert Koch Institute assumes that the actual vaccination rate is up to five percentage points higher.

Corona in Germany: Karl Lauterbach ordered 35 million booster vaccinations too many

Update from January 29, 9.35 a.m .: Karl Lauterbach apparently accidentally ordered too much vaccine, reports the Tagesspiegel with reference to a Bundestag request from the Union. The request states that the supply of vaccine doses is sufficient to administer 128 million mRNA booster vaccines in the first quarter (as of December 31). That’s a few million more than Lauterbach had previously calculated as needed. Where is the confusion coming from?

Shortly before Christmas, Karl Lauterbach announced in a press conference that 70 million booster doses are needed by March in order to complete the booster campaign as quickly as possible. His predecessor Jens Spahn had only ordered 50 million cans. Lauterbach has therefore ordered another 35 million Moderna booster doses to fill the gap. 35 or 70? The problem is the distinction between booster and moderna doses. Because a single booster only takes half a dose of Moderna. Karl Lauterbach probably accidentally ordered 35 Moderna cans and thus 70 million boosters – twice as much. According to the reports, this was also confirmed by the EU Commission, through which the order was processed.

Karl Lauterbach orders too much vaccine: doses are enough for 128 million boosters

According to the RKI, the number of vaccinated people in Germany is currently 73.8 percent with a basic immunization and 52.2 percent who have already received a booster. In absolute numbers, more than 43.4 million people in Germany have already been boosted. Assuming a 90 percent booster rate for all over 11-year-olds, this would result in a need for 70 million booster vaccinations, as calculated by Lauterbach. At the beginning of the year, however, the federal government had vaccines for around 128 million booster vaccinations. In addition to Moderna deliveries, this also includes Biontech deliveries and supplies. According to the figures, the federal government would have around 58 million extra doses.

Karl Lauterbach auf der Pressekonferenz im Dezember. Er hatte angekündigt 35 Millionen Impfdosen zu bestellen.


Karl Lauterbach at the press conference in December. He had announced that he would order 35 million doses of vaccine. In the end it was 35 million too many.

Incidence in Germany again at a record high – 189,166 new corona infections

First report from January 29, 7.16 a.m .: Munich – The incidence in Germany has reached a new high. The nationwide seven-day incidence reported by the Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) has exceeded the threshold of 1100 for the first time. The RKI gave the value on Saturday morning as 1127.7. For comparison: the day before the value was 1073.0. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 772.7, compared to 205.5 in the previous month. The health authorities in Germany reported 189,166 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. This emerges from figures that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 5:01 a.m. A week ago there were 135,461 infections.

Incidence in Germany rises to a record high – but many cases are probably not recorded

Experts assume a high and increasing number of cases that are not recorded in the RKI data, partly because testing capacities and health authorities are at their limit in many places. In addition, some cities and districts have been reporting problems with the transmission of the number of corona cases for days.

According to the new information, 182 deaths were recorded in Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 179 deaths. The RKI has counted 9,618,245 infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go undetected.

Corona in Germany: the number of patients in clinics is increasing

The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 4.72 (Thursday 4.64) according to the RKI. These may also include people with a positive corona test* who have another main illness. The RKI gave the number of recovered people on Saturday as 7,532,600. The number of people who died from or involved a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 117,666. (kam/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Rubric picture: © IMAGO / Metodi Popow

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