NewsCorona in Germany: Lauterbach changes the vaccination bonus -...

Corona in Germany: Lauterbach changes the vaccination bonus – "Freedom Day" as a vaccination incentive?

Again the incidence drops slightly. Can the fourth wave be stopped by vaccination incentives? Politicians outdo each other with proposals. The news ticker.

  • The 7-day incidence * fell slightly in Germany for the fifth time in a row.
  • In order to keep the corona numbers low and to avoid an increase in autumn, politicians want to create new vaccination incentives.
  • While Karl Lauterbach is now calling for a vaccination premium, Gassen, head of the health insurance company, is proposing a “Freedom Day” *.
  • This news ticker on the Corona * pandemic is updated regularly.

Berlin – The fourth corona wave continues to roll over us. But will it soon flatten or even break? For the fifth day in a row, the 7-day incidence in Germany has fallen slightly. On Saturday morning, the Robert Koch Institute only recorded 72.0 corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants. In comparison: the previous day the incidence was 74.4, last week it was 82.2. According to the dashboard, the number of new infections has also dropped from 11,214 (last week) to 8901.

In contrast to the 7-day incidence, however, there is no real decrease in the hospitalization rate *. The RKI * reported 1.89 corona patients per 100,000 inhabitants admitted to clinics on Friday within seven days. (Wednesday: 1.87). However, a real weekly or monthly comparison is not possible due to the high number of late registrations. There is also no threshold value for the nationwide hospitalization incidence as of when the situation becomes critical.

New corona infections (24h) 7 day incidence Hospitalization Incidence Deaths Corona cases since the beginning of the pandemic
8901 72.0 1.89 63 4,134,779

Source: RKI – The numbers refer to the infection rate in Germany, as of September 18, 10:00 a.m.

Corona in Germany: fourth wave in autumn? Karl Lauterbach calls for a vaccination bonus

One thing is certain, however: the danger has not yet been averted *. Sars-Cov-2 * could really meet us again in autumn and winter. The next few weeks could be decisive for this. That is why politicians and associations outdo each other with proposals to increase the vaccination rate after all.

Health expert and SPD politician Karl Lauterbach * is calling for a state vaccination bonus, for example. Despite initial skepticism, the doctor now considers such a measure to be sensible. “From my point of view, in the situation in which we are in, we should not exclude any means to induce more people to vaccinate,” Lauterbach told the Passauer Neue Presse. “Otherwise we face a difficult autumn.”

Corona in Germany: Head of the health insurance company calls for “Freedom Day” – Great Britain as a role model?

Coronavirus in Deutschland: Chef der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung Gassen


Will more people be vaccinated against the coronavirus if all measures are in place? Health insurance chief Andreas Gassen wants that by the end of October.

Health insurance chief Andreas Gassen has something completely different in mind. According to the dpa, he spoke out in favor of the end of all corona restrictions * on October 30th. This alone is intended to create an incentive to vaccinate. “After the experiences from Great Britain * we should also have the courage to do what has worked on the island,” said the chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung . “My bet: Then by the end of October we will have a vaccination quota of 70 percent or even higher, because a lot of people will then quickly accept the offer.” (Vs) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA .

List of rubric lists: © Federico Gambarini

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