NewsCorona in Germany: RKI special team expects up to...

Corona in Germany: RKI special team expects up to 800,000 new infections per day

The RKI predicts huge numbers for the peak of the omicron wave. Vaccinations, on the other hand, are failing. The news ticker for the corona pandemic in Germany.

  • Corona* pandemic in Germany: The Robert Koch Institute reports 236,120 new infections on Thursday (update from February 3, 6:05 a.m.) .
  • A team from the RKI predicts up to 800,000 new infections with omicron per day in mid-February ( update from February 3, 6.30 p.m. ).
  • The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) makes a recommendation for the new Novavax vaccine (updated February 3, 10:14 a.m.) .

This news ticker has ended. New information on the corona pandemic in Germany can be found here.

Update from February 4th, 2:10 p.m .: Virologists like Christian Drosten and other scientists rate Omikron as an opportunity for a way out of the coronavirus pandemic. Now the WHO is also providing an assessment.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Health Minister Lauterbach will probably continue to support the RKI boss

Update from February 3, 10:40 p.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and its boss Lothar Wieler * are criticized after recent arbitrary decisions in the coronavirus pandemic. As the Süddeutsche Zeitung ( SZ / behind a payment barrier) now reports, there should be a crunch between Wieler and Karl Lauterbach (SPD). The Federal Minister of Health – formally Wielers’ superior – should not consider replacing the RKI boss.

Update from February 3, 9:55 p.m .: Polarizing post on Twitter: Ex-Siemens boss Joe Kaeser gives free rein to his displeasure with CSU politicians * who are also present on a flight from Berlin to Munich. Apparently with a view to the coronavirus pandemic, the former corporate manager wrote in a tweet: “Roughly figuring out how many of them I’m financing with my income tax… Don’t know if this money couldn’t be better spent,” wrote the 64th -year-old Lower Bavarians in a second posting – and gave as examples: “For higher salaries for nursing staff, police officers…and many people who are REALLY there for the citizens every day.”

Corona pandemic in Germany: RKI comments on the omicron wave and infections

Update from February 3rd, 6.30 p.m .: It is not long ago. In around two weeks, i.e. in mid-February, the peak of the omicron wave in the coronavirus pandemic in Germany should be reached. The federal government and scientific experts explain this like a prayer wheel.

A team made up of members of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Humboldt University in Berlin has now modeled various scenarios for said peak in infections with the omicron variant. Accordingly, even small contact reductions would provide relief. And: According to the experts, flattening out the wave is ultimately more effective than trying to suppress it completely.

Corona pandemic in Germany: RKI team expects up to 800,000 new infections per day

Strict and short contact reductions, on the other hand, would lead to a so-called rebound effect. This means that the infections would go up accordingly after the measures were lifted again. However, the modeling also provides specific numbers with regard to infections.

According to the expert paper presented, up to 16.5 million omicron infections can be expected in Germany by April 1st. On average, the corona cases per day at the peak of the omicron wave would be around 300,000*. However, the paper speaks of a fairly wide spread. Specifically: According to the experts, it is possible that up to 800,000 new infections with the omicron variant will be registered nationwide within 24 hours.

Im Fokus: Antigen-Schnelltests auf das Coronavirus.


In focus: Rapid antigen tests for the corona virus.

Update from February 3, 5:20 p.m .: An alliance of aid and human rights organizations sharply criticized Economics Minister Robert Habeck (The Greens) with regard to the corona vaccines. He is accused of breaking a campaign promise.

Corona pandemic in Germany: 334,000 vaccinations on Wednesday

Update from February 3, 12:20 p.m .: Although significantly fewer people in Germany are vaccinated against Covid-19 than Chancellor Olaf Scholz had planned, the vaccinations are still sluggish. According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute, 334,000 people were vaccinated against the virus on Wednesday, almost three quarters of whom received a booster shot. A week ago, the nationwide mark of 500,000 vaccinations per day had been cracked. The authorities reported 266,000 vaccinations for Tuesday – the record was set on December 15, 2021 with 1.6 million doses.

Overall, 75.9 percent of people (63.1 million) received a primary vaccination. The federal government’s goal of vaccinating 80 percent of the population at least once against Corona by the end of January was missed on Monday. Originally, the government wanted to reach this quota by January 7th. 74.2 percent (61.7 million) of the total population have received basic protection, which usually requires two syringes. A total of 44.6 million people (53.6 percent) in Germany were vaccinated with an additional booster dose.

Currently, 20.1 million people in Germany are still unvaccinated. That is 24.1 percent of the population. This includes four million children under the age of four for whom there is as yet no approved vaccine.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Stiko is in favor of Novavax

Update from February 3rd, 12 noon: After Denmark and Norway had already relaxed or even lifted the corona rules significantly, another European country is now following suit. Although the numbers are rising sharply.

Update from February 3, 10:14 a.m .: The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) advocates the use of Novavax’s corona vaccine for people over 18. The expert panel announced on Thursday that the protein vaccine should be used for primary immunization with two doses at least three weeks apart. A corresponding draft resolution went to expert groups and federal states for approval, so changes are still possible.

Stiko: Fourth vaccination for specific groups

The Stiko is also in favor of a second corona booster vaccination for certain groups. There should be a second booster vaccination – fourth corona vaccination * – for people over 70 years of age, people in care facilities, people with immunodeficiency and employees in medical and care facilities.

Update from February 3, 10 a.m .: The number of Covid 19 patients in the intensive care units seems to be stable at the moment. 2,232 corona patients currently have to be treated in intensive care (previous day: 2,276). Of these, 1,148 are artificially ventilated. This emerges from the data from the DIVI intensive care register on Thursday (February 3, 10:10 a.m.).

Fourth corona vaccination: Stiko is working on a recommendation

Update from February 3, 8:03 a.m .: Is the booster coming after the booster? The Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko) is preparing a recommendation for a fourth vaccination against Covid-19. “The most recent data from Israel suggests that a fourth dose produces some improvement in protection against infection and a more significant improvement in protection against serious illness,” Stiko chairman Thomas Mertens told the Funke media group. “The Stiko will soon make a recommendation on this.”

At the moment it is about a second booster vaccination with the existing mRNA vaccines. With a view to vaccines adapted to the omicron variant, however, the Commission still has to wait for the data from the clinical studies by Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer, emphasized Mertens.

Söder calls for “consistent opening steps”

Update from February 3, 6:28 a.m .: Despite the record incidence, the calls for easing are getting louder. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is pushing for “consistent opening steps”. Specifically, he called for the nationwide abolition of the 2G rule in retail, the abolition of the obligation to test in restaurants and an increase in the upper limits for stadiums.

“Where FFP2 masks are worn, contact restrictions can be reduced. The Federal Minister of Health has to draw up a step-by-step plan for this,” said Söder of the picture . Söder also sees a need for reform in the travel regulations. “Incidence has had its day as a benchmark at Omikron. With values as high as we currently have, travel regulations with reference to risk areas, for example, make little sense. The only thing that makes sense is testing after your return. That needs to be adjusted.”

Corona: RKI reports record incidence again

Update from February 3, 6:05 a.m .: The 7-day incidence in Germany reaches a new high: 1283.2 (1,227.5). Within 24 hours, 203,136 new coronavirus infections (previous week: 203,136) and 164 further deaths (previous week: 188) were recorded. This emerges from the data from the Covid 19 dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday morning. However, the number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher. Test capacities and health authorities are at the limit in many places. Some cities and districts can no longer keep up with the transmission of the number of cases.

Corona in Germany: RKI again reports record values for the number of infections (as of February 3)

7-day incidence nationwide 1283.2
Corona new infections 236,120
Corona deaths 164
active corona cases in Germany 2,435,300

Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, 10,422,764 people in Germany have been proven to have been infected with corona. 118,334 have died with or from Corona so far.

Corona outbreak in slaughterhouse: 45 employees positive – operations will continue

Update from February 3, 6:05 a.m .: The 7-day incidence in Germany reaches a new high: 1283.2 (1,227.5). Within 24 hours, 203,136 new coronavirus infections (previous week: 203,136) and 164 further deaths (previous week: 188) were recorded. This emerges from the data from the Covid 19 dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday morning. However, the number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher. Test capacities and health authorities are at the limit in many places. Some cities and districts can no longer keep up with the transmission of the number of cases.

Update from February 2, 8:58 p.m .: The Omicron wave hit a slaughterhouse in Husum with full force – again. As the district administration of North Friesland announced on Wednesday evening (February 2nd), the PCR test of 45 employees at the Danish Crown slaughterhouse was positive. 74 other employees had to be in quarantine as contact persons, as reported by the Hamburger Abendblatt .

Slaughterhouses had already hit the headlines as sources of infection in the early days of Corona. Danish Crown also had to shut down operations for two and a half weeks in February 2021 after 113 employees were infected with the virus. With the current corona outbreak in the Husum slaughterhouse, however, operations can continue. The slaughterhouse has a total of 250 employees and therefore does not have to close, a company spokesman said according to image .

Corona: Vaccination rate continues to decrease – Scholz government misses a crucial goal

Update from February 2, 3:15 p.m .: The vaccination rate in Germany is still slow. According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday, around 266,000 corona vaccinations were injected on Tuesday. That’s significantly less than a week earlier. Around 220,000 injections were administered on Monday. Only around 23,000 people received an initial vaccination on Tuesday, which means only a marginal improvement compared to the previous day (18,000).

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 75.8 percent (63.1 million) of people in Germany have received at least one vaccination against the corona virus. The federal government’s goal of vaccinating 80 percent of the population at least once against Corona by the end of January was missed on Monday. The government originally wanted to reach this quota by January 7th.

According to the RKI, 61.6 million people (74.1 percent) have complete basic protection with the second syringe that is usually necessary. At least 44.3 million people (53.3 percent) also received a booster shot.

Corona in Germany: the number of affected children in daycare centers is increasing exponentially

Update from February 2, 12:18 p.m .: Corona hits the daycare centers with full force. In North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the number of corona cases in daycare centers increased explosively in January. This is reported by the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , citing a report by NRW Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP). In the first month of the year, 15,141 children were infected with the corona virus. In December, 3,014 children were infected. That’s an increase of 402 percent. The situation is similarly dramatic for employees. 8,406 people were reported there, compared to 1,798 in December. The increase in infections among employees is 367.5 percent.

The opposition in the Düsseldorf state parliament has sharply criticized the state government. “Infections are skyrocketing, but the black and yellow state government is doing nothing,” Dennis Maelzer, day care center expert for the SPD, told the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute, there are major differences in age groups across Germany. The incidence is currently highest among five to 14-year-olds at 3,133.3. The value for those over 80 is lowest at 213.2.

Corona in Germany: The incidence is highest in this age group

  • 0 to 4 year olds: incidence at 1,180.3
  • 5 to 14 year olds: incidence at 3,133.3
  • 15-34 year olds: incidence at 1,623.1
  • 35-59 year olds: incidence at 1,231.8
  • 60 to 79 year olds: incidence at 343.5
  • over 80 years: incidence at 270.3

Lauterbach cancels “Maischberger” performance

Update from February 2, 11:48 a.m .: Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) does not actually skip a TV appointment. Presenter Sandra Maischberger, however, has to do without the Minister of Health in her talk show on Wednesday evening. The 58-year-old announced his participation in the ARD talk round at “maischberger. the week” canceled “for health reasons”, Maischberger tweeted. “He has a bad cold. There is no corona infection,” writes the moderator. The broadcaster has now found a replacement and announces Green health politician Janosch Dahmen as a new guest. The political talk should be about the demands for easing in view of the new record values in the corona numbers.

Corona vaccination rate in Germany still far from 80 percent

Update from February 2, 11:37 a.m .: The vaccination rate in Germany is 74.1 percent. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports this in its current Corona daily report. 61.6 million people in this country are therefore fully vaccinated. At least 44.3 million (53.3 percent) received a booster. At least 63.1 million people (75.8 percent) have received at least one dose of vaccine to date. Currently, 20.1 million people are still not vaccinated (24.2 percent). This includes 4 million aged 0 to 4 years for whom no approved vaccine is currently available.

High sick leave: local transport in Braunschweig restricted due to omicron

Update from February 2, 10:10 a.m .: The Omicron wave is causing problems for local public transport in Braunschweig (Lower Saxony). The infection situation is forcing the Braunschweig local transport (BSVG) to adjust the timetable. The frequency will be reduced and the night traffic, which has recently been in low demand, will be suspended at the weekend, the company announced. However, all destinations in the transport network should continue to be served. School and commuter traffic is also ensured. In addition to the usual sick leave in the winter months, the personnel situation is aggravated by corona-related absences.

Corona dark figure probably miles above current figures – Drosten: “No all-clear for Germany”

First report from February 2, 2022

Berlin – The time has come: The total number of detected corona infections in Germany has exceeded the 10 million mark. Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, 10,186,644 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with Sars-CoV-2, the Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) announced on Wednesday. This value was probably exceeded long ago. The number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher, many infections are not recognized at all.

Germany: RKI reports record number of new corona infections

A further 208,498 new corona infections have been reported in the past 24 hours (previous week: 164,000 new infections). However, many health authorities are at the limit. Test capacities are overused. Some cities and districts have also been reporting problems with the transmission of corona numbers for days. So the numbers are likely to be much higher here. The 7-day incidence rises to 1227.5 on Wednesday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 10,186,644 people in Germany have been proven to have been infected with Corona.
118,170 deaths related to Corona have been recorded so far.
The 7-day incidence is 1227.5 on Wednesday.
Another 208,498 positive corona tests were reported within 24 hours on Wednesday (February 2).
196 people died within one day with or from Corona.
The RKI gave the number of recovered people on Wednesday morning as 7,789,600.
There are currently around 2,278,900 active corona cases in Germany.

Corona: the number of Covid-19 patients in the intensive care units is still over 2,000

The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 4.59 on Tuesday (Monday 4.64). These may also include people with a positive corona test who have another main illness.

Corona-Teststation Mobile Corona-Teststation auf dem Marktplatz / Wilhelmsplatz in Offenbach am Main


The fifth corona wave in Germany is picking up speed. The RKI reports record values.

There are currently 2,232 Covid 19 patients in the intensive care units in Germany. Of these, 1,168 must be artificially ventilated. This emerges from the data of the DIVI intensive care register (as of February 2, 8:14 a.m.).

A further 196 corona deaths have also been recorded in the past 24 hours. The number of deaths thus rises to 118,170.

Virologist Drosten “no all clear for Germany”

Virologe Christian Drosten informiert im Februar 2020 in Berlin Medienvertreter über das neuartige Coronavirus.


Virologist Christian Drosten (archive image)

In Denmark, despite record numbers, all corona measures are being abolished. The situation in the neighboring country cannot be compared to that in Germany, emphasizes virologist Christian Drosten. “There is one thing that hasn’t changed at first. This is the vaccination gap in Germany. We’re not making any real progress there,” said Drosten in the most recent NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”.

Recently, the vaccination rate has even fallen again. “That’s why there is no all-clear for Germany,” said Drosten. In the “Coronavirus Update” podcast, virologist Christian Drosten draws a comparison between the omicron subtypes* and gives an outlook on how the situation will relax. (ml/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubrics: © IMAGO / Lobeca

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