NewsCorona in Germany: vaccination rate apparently not correct -...

Corona in Germany: vaccination rate apparently not correct – Spahn wants to donate 100 million cans

The corona incidence in Germany continues to rise. According to a media report, there are data gaps in vaccinations. All information in the news ticker.

  • Corona * in Germany: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports more than 10,000 new infections on Sunday (September 5, 2021).
  • The incidence * rises to 83.1 across Germany. Leverkusen (North Rhine-Westphalia) is heading for the 250 mark (update 11.46 a.m.).
  • Is the vaccination quota in Germany correct? According to a media report, there are gaps (update 3:25 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from September 5, 5:01 p.m.: Germany wants to make 100 million vaccine doses available in the international corona vaccination campaign by the end of the year. “That is as much as we have in our country so far,” said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn on Sunday on the sidelines of the G20 meeting of health ministers in Rome. The goal is to have vaccinated at least 40 percent of the world’s population by the end of the year. The pandemic will only be over when it is over all over the world, said the CDU politician. Otherwise, variants could arise that would then also reach Germany again and lead to problems.

The corona pandemic is a central topic at the two-day meeting of health ministers from the 20 most important industrialized and emerging countries (G20). According to Italy’s Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, Italy is aiming to sign the “Pact of Rome” to vaccinate people around the world.

Update from September 5, 3:25 p.m .: According to a report by the news magazine Spiegel, the number of vaccinations in Germany is significantly higher than expected. Vaccinations from medical practices were not included in the statistics. This emerges from surveys by the statutory health insurance associations in several federal states.

Spiegel: More than 350,000 vaccinations were not reported

In the second quarter, at least 350,000 administered doses were not reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and do not appear in the nationwide vaccination quota. According to the RKI, more than 61 percent of all residents are currently fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Vaccination rate: reporting gap in Bavaria probably the highest

According to Spiegel , such a gap first became known in Hamburg, where around 71,000 vaccinations were not recorded by the end of June. In Bavaria, according to the mirror report on Sunday, the gap is around 150,000, in Baden-Württemberg and Berlin around 50,000 vaccinations each. Saxony’s practices have not reported around 29,000 vaccinations. In Saarland and Brandenburg, on the other hand, 18,000 more vaccinations were reported than actually carried out.

Medical practices record the vaccinations twice: once via a portal of the RKI, on the other hand via their accounting software. When comparing these numbers, the differences became apparent.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has meanwhile called on citizens who are still hesitant to take advantage of offers for corona vaccinations as soon as possible. “Now in September we will decide, in Germany and Europe, how safely we can get through autumn and winter,” said the CDU politician on Sunday in Rome on the sidelines of a G20 meeting of health ministers. In order to get through the next few months safely, “another five million vaccinations and more are needed in Germany”. More speed is needed. So far, 50.9 million people or 61.2 percent of the population have been fully vaccinated.

Update from September 5, 3:22 p.m .: The corona situation in Germany is deteriorating. The Netherlands is reacting and tightening the entry rules from Monday (September 6th).

Thuringia: Man attacks mobile vaccination team

Update from September 5, 1:27 p.m .: A man wanted a vaccination certificate without getting vaccinated. When the employees of a mobile vaccination team refused, the situation escalated. A mobile vaccination team was attacked during a corona vaccination campaign in Gera (Thuringia). Two members of the team were injured, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health. According to the dpa news agency, the police confirmed the incident, which occurred on Saturday afternoon in a shopping center.

According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV), the man had requested a vaccination certificate, but did not want to be vaccinated. When the staff told him that there would be no certificate without a vaccination, the man “went crazy”. He had injured a medical worker and a helper. You were treated in a hospital, but according to KV information, you have already been discharged. The attacker could be caught.

Update from September 5, 11.46 a.m .: Leverkusen (NRW) is currently the Corona hotspot in Germany. The incidence there is currently 245.9 (see also initial report). But other independent cities have already broken the 200 mark. The district of Ahrweiler (Rhineland-Palatinate), which was badly affected by the flood disaster, is heading towards it.

Corona in Germany: Five regions over 200 incidence

  • SK Leverkusen (North Rhine-Westphalia) – 245.9
  • SK Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia) – 227.6
  • SK Rosenheim (Bavaria) – 218.6
  • SK Offenbach (Hesse) – 210.9
  • SK Bremerhaven (Bremen) – 207.9
  • LK Ahrweiler (Rhineland-Palatinate) – 199.3

More than four million people infected with corona – the incidence rises to 83.1

First report from September 5, 2021

Berlin – In the past 24 hours, 10,453 new corona infections have been recorded and 21 deaths have been recorded. That comes from the data of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Sunday. A week ago, exactly 2,037 fewer positive corona tests were reported – the number of deaths was 12.

The incidence in Germany is 83.1 – the previous day the value was 80.7 (previous week: 74.1). North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) continues to have the highest value with 114.9, Saxony-Anhalt the lowest with 22.9.

One region on the RKI’s Covid-19 dashboard is “Corona-free” on Sunday: Eisenach. According to the health authorities, no corona case has been reported in the city in Thuringia (more than 42,370 inhabitants) in the past 14 days. In contrast, the 7-day incidence in Leverkusen (North Rhine-Westphalia) is currently 254.9 – ahead of Wuppertal (227.6) and Rosenheim (218.6).

Corona in Germany: the incidence of hospitalization continues to rise

The hospitalization incidence is a new indicator in the corona pandemic. The value shows the number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. However, the value reflects the infection situation with a delay. An average of about ten days elapse between an infection and hospitalization. Most recently, the RKI had given the hospitalization incidence on Friday at 1.83 (previous day 1.74). A nationwide limit value from when the situation is classified as critical is not provided. The previous high was around 15.5 around Christmas time.

Covid-19 patients in the intensive care units

There are 1,251 Covid patients in intensive care units in Germany (previous day: 1,248), of which 623 have to be artificially ventilated. This can be seen from the data on Sunday in the DIVI intensive care register from Sunday (as of 8.19 a.m.). A year ago, there were 220 Covid intensive care patients (on September 5, 2020) in the hospital.

Corona in Germany – The current RKI case numbers

According to the RKI, 4,005,641 people in Germany have been proven to be infected with Sars-CoV-2
92,346 people have died with or from Corona since the beginning of the pandemic
The RKI estimates 3,768,400 people to be recovering
There are currently around 144,900 active corona cases in Germany

(ml) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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