NewsCorona incidence in Germany fell for the first time...

Corona incidence in Germany fell for the first time in two weeks – debate about “booster” vaccinations

The corona incidence in Germany fell again after two weeks. The debate about “booster” vaccinations is also fueling discussions about vaccination centers.

Berlin – The look at the Corona * numbers on Tuesday morning (November 2nd) delivers a surprise. For the first time in two weeks, the nationwide seven-day incidence fell slightly again. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the value is currently 153.7. Over the past two weeks, the incidence has risen steadily – on Monday (November 1st) it was 154.8.

The health authorities also reported 10,813 new infections * with the coronavirus * and 81 other deaths to the RKI. However, it is still unclear whether there may have been delays in reporting to individual health authorities in some federal states because of yesterday’s public holiday.

Corona in Germany: world doctors boss Montgomery calls for “booster” vaccinations

The chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, has called for the widest possible use of booster vaccinations * against Corona. “Everyone who was fully vaccinated six months ago should get a booster vaccination soon,” he told the newspapers of the Funke media group . This autumn, a new, central vaccination campaign is needed, which is not only aimed at the unvaccinated, but also promotes general booster vaccinations. “Because immune protection declines after six months, we as a society must have an interest in ensuring that protection remains stable,” said Montgomery.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) wants to decide on a recommendation at short notice. “The Standing Vaccination Commission is currently examining very intensively whether it will recommend booster vaccinations for all population groups,” said Stiko chairman Thomas Mertens to the newspapers of the Funke media group . There are data from international studies that speak in favor of it, but it must be examined to what extent these results can be transferred to Germany. “A decision about this will be made in a few weeks,” said Mertens. So far, the Stiko has recommended booster vaccinations for people aged 70 and over.

Corona vaccinations in Germany: Discussion about the operation of vaccination centers

The acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) told the Rheinische Post : “In order to enable as many as possible a booster vaccination as quickly as possible, the federal states should make the vaccination centers, which they have been on standby since the end of September, ready again.” He advised the federal states again to invite all over-60-year-olds in writing as a first step.

Booster gegen Corona: Für wen die Auffrischung jetzt wichtig ist.


At the vaccination center or at the family doctor? The debate on “booster” vaccinations is picking up speed. (Symbol image)

Montgomery called this proposal wrong. “Vaccination centers were necessary at the beginning because there was too little vaccine and the storage of the cans was complicated,” said the head of world doctors. He asked for the booster vaccinations to be given to general practitioners. Vaccination centers are ten times as expensive as vaccination in a doctor’s office. In addition, the threshold for many people to see their family doctor is significantly lower.

A vaccination center is “not a flashlight” that can be switched off and on again depending on the mood, according to a letter from the German Association of Cities to the health ministers of the federal states, which is available to the German Press Agency. Structures have been changed, areas have been used for other purposes and personnel have been redeployed. Such a change of direction is incomprehensible. “Even in a pandemic, a minimum degree of calculability of decisions is required,” warned the City Council. (ph / dpa / afp) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA


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