NewsCorona incidence increases again with over 200,000 new infections...

Corona incidence increases again with over 200,000 new infections – first federal state cracks 90 percent vaccination rate

As of today, new rules apply when entering Germany. The RKI reports problems with the corona numbers again. The incidence is increasing again for the first time. The news ticker.

  • Corona * data problems at the RKI: Thursday morning there was initially no current data (update from March 3, 6:05 a.m.) .
  • Corona rules for vacationers are changing: No countries are currently considered high-risk areas (update March 3, 6 a.m.) .
  • NRW relaxes Corona rules: Clubs and discos are allowed to open again (update from March 2, 2:20 p.m.) .
  • This news ticker is continuously updated.

Update from March 3, 11:40 a.m .: Vaccination against the corona virus is progressing slowly in Germany – however, Bremen is the first federal state to break the 90 percent mark for the first vaccinations. Around 103,000 doses of vaccine were administered across Germany on Wednesday, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute on Thursday. On Wednesday of the previous week there were significantly more at around 157,000.

In the meantime, 75.5 percent of people in Germany (at least 62.8 million people) have received basic protection, which usually requires two injections. Nationwide, 57.2 percent (47.5 million) also received a booster vaccination. 76.3 percent (63.5 million people) have been vaccinated at least once. The RKI explained the high vaccination rate in Bremen by the fact that people who do not live in the state are also recorded there who have been vaccinated there – such as seafarers or commuters from Lower Saxony.

The new Novavax vaccine has also been vaccinated for a few days. According to the RKI, around 9,900 doses from the US manufacturer have been administered so far. It’s a protein vaccine – a different technology than the mRNA preparations that have been widely used so far, from Pfizer and Moderna, which some people have concerns about.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports slightly increasing incidence again

Update from March 3, 10 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute has now reported a slight increase in the nationwide seven-day incidence after several days of decline. The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Thursday morning as 1174.1. The previous day the value was 1171.9. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 1265.0 (previous month: 1283.2). The health authorities in Germany reported 210,673 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago there were 216,322 infections.

According to the new information, 267 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 243 deaths. The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 6.14 according to the RKI on Wednesday (Tuesday: 5.93). Among them are many people with a positive corona test who have another main illness.

Corona in Germany: RKI does not report any numbers early in the morning

Update from March 3, 8.55 a.m .: At the moment, the current corona numbers from the RKI are still a long way off. It is not yet clear whether the incidence has changed. The number of Covid 19 patients in the intensive care units has been at a high level for weeks. 2,145 corona cases currently have to be treated in intensive care, of which 953 are artificially ventilated (previous day: 2,169). This emerges from the data of the DIVI intensive care register on Thursday morning.

Update from March 3, 7:24 a.m .: Clubs and discotheques in Hesse are also allowed to open their doors again from this Friday (March 4). The clubs are currently allowed to go into operation with a capacity utilization of 60 percent. The 2G Plus also applies. So, guests must be vaccinated or recovered and non-boosted people need an additional corona test. 3G will then apply in restaurants and hotels. Those who have not been vaccinated can return to sports halls, fitness studios or museums with a daily test. The state of Hesse emphasizes that the requirements for wearing medical masks remain in place. From Monday, the mask requirement at the school seat will no longer apply.

RKI reports problems with the number of corona cases

Update from March 3, 6:05 a.m .: There are no current corona numbers on Thursday morning. Apparently there are problems with the data transmission. “The dashboard is currently still showing the data status from the previous day”, can be read on the website of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). There were problems as early as Wednesday morning.

RKI is removing all countries from the list of high-risk areas for the time being

Update from March 3, 6 a.m .: Since midnight, no countries have been considered high-risk areas for the time being, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Most of Germany’s neighboring countries were among them. You will be removed from the list. This means that vacationers and travelers are no longer required to quarantine when entering Germany.

However, the 3G rule still applies to all entries into Germany, as the Federal Ministry of Health emphasized: Anyone who has not been vaccinated or has recovered must have a negative test. This obligation to provide evidence now applies from the age of twelve instead of six.

Corona: Werbung für eine Schnellteststation in Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg).


Corona: Advertising for a rapid test station in Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg).

Corona News: Anxiety disorders and depression – WHO study with bitter results

Update from March 2, 9:38 p.m .: According to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), the first Corona year 2020 led to 25 percent more anxiety disorders and depression worldwide than before. The information available is probably just the tip of the iceberg, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “This is a wake-up call for all countries to take better care of mental health,” he said in Geneva on Wednesday.

According to the WHO, one of the main reasons is the considerable stress associated with the social isolation caused by the corona measures. There were restrictions at work and people could have sought less support from their families and been less able to get involved in clubs and groups in their area. Other stressors included loneliness, fear of infection, illness or death for oneself or relatives, grief after death, and financial worries. Health workers have also experienced exhaustion. Young people and women were particularly affected. The situation improved slightly by the end of 2021, according to the WHO.

Clubs and discos in NRW open again

March 2 update 4:20 p.m. : The hospitalization incidence rose to 6.14 on Wednesday. According to the RKI, the value on Tuesday was still 5.93. The number includes all people who have to be treated in a clinic with a positive corona test. Among them are also patients with another main disease. 2,161 corona patients currently have to be treated in the intensive care units in Germany, 946 of whom are artificially ventilated. This emerges from the data of the DIVI intensive care register on Wednesday.

Update from March 2, 2:20 p.m .: Clubs, restaurants and events – North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) will relax its corona rules for the leisure sector from March 4 (Friday). Those who have not been vaccinated are then allowed to visit a restaurant, hotel, theater or sporting event again with a valid test. However, you have to show a negative test, according to the NRW Ministry of Health.

Clubs and discotheques are allowed to open under 2G-Plus. Those who have been vaccinated, boosted and those who have recovered need a test, but there is no obligation to wear a mask. 2G Plus also applies to public festivals and private celebrations with dancing (weddings or birthday parties). More spectators are allowed outdoors. With a maximum capacity of 75 percent, up to a maximum of 25,000 are allowed.

The Ministry of Health announced that the 2G-Plus and 3G access restrictions no longer apply to children and young people up to and including the age of 17.

New Corona rules: Easier entry for vacationers

Update from March 2, 1:42 p.m .: Entry into Germany will be easier for holidaymakers returning from abroad. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) updates the list of high-risk areas. From Thursday (March 3rd, 0 a.m.) no more states will be designated as high-risk areas for the time being. The background to this is the changes to the entry regulation that will apply from Thursday.

The 3G rule still applies to all travelers entering Germany. Those who are not vaccinated or have recovered must have a negative test. In the future, this obligation to provide proof will apply from the age of twelve instead of six years, as the new entry regulation provides.

RKI: From Thursday there will be no more high-risk and virus variant areas

The RKI currently does not identify any high-risk or virus variant areas. The RKI reports on its website that new high-risk areas and virus variant areas can be identified at very short notice. In the future, only areas in which variants with “more worrying properties” are rampant than the omicron variant that dominates in this country should be classified as high-risk areas. Countries in which variants with particularly threatening properties occur could also be classified as “virus variant areas” again.

In general, the following applies to people entering the country: Anyone who comes from high-risk areas and has not been fully vaccinated or recovered must be in quarantine for ten days and can get out of it five days after entry at the earliest with a negative test. The new regulation will make things easier for families with children in the future: children under the age of twelve should be able to test themselves freely when they return from quarantine, for children under six it should be omitted for these areas. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, there is no relief for children under the age of six when returning from a virus variant area.

Update from March 2, 1:21 p.m .: The Novavax vaccine is there, the demand for the newly approved corona vaccine* is low. Unvaccinated people can hardly be convinced of the new offer.

Drosten and Ciesek get off the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”.

Update from March 2, 1:13 p.m .: Virologist Christian Drosten and the Bonn virologist Sandra Ciesek get out of the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”* in March. Drosten announced this in the latest episode.

Vaccination rate in Germany continues to decrease

Update from March 2, 11:10 a.m .: While the number of corona infections has been at a very high level in recent weeks, the pace of vaccination has continued to decrease. 104,000 doses of vaccine were administered on Tuesday, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute on Wednesday. On Tuesday a week ago there were still around 150,000 cans.

In the meantime, 75.5 percent of the population (at least 62.8 million people) have received basic protection, which usually requires two injections. 57.1 percent (47.5 million) also received a booster vaccination. 76.3 percent (63.5 million) have been vaccinated at least once. A large group of 23.7 percent of the population (19.7 million people) remains unvaccinated, according to the Department of Health’s immunization dashboard. However, no vaccine has been approved for 4.8 percent (four million) because they are four years old or younger.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports current infection numbers

Update from March 2, 9.15 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute did not report the current corona numbers as usual early on Wednesday morning. The current figures are now available. The nationwide seven-day incidence has therefore fallen again. The RKI gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Wednesday morning as 1171.9. For comparison: the day before the value was 1213.0. A week ago, the nationwide incidence was 1278.9 (previous month: 1227.5). The health authorities in Germany reported 186,406 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago there were 209,052 infections.

According to the new information, 301 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 299 deaths. The number of corona-infected patients who came to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was 5.93 (Monday: 6.08) according to the RKI on Tuesday. Among them are many people with a positive corona test who have another main illness. The value is not reported on weekends.

Corona: Virologist Drosten with a bitter summer forecast – delay in numbers at the RKI

Original message: Berlin – It was a long, hard Corona * winter that lies behind Germany. For weeks, the Robert Koch Institute reported more than 200,000 new infections every day. The infection process has been slowly ebbing away for days. However, virologist Christian Drosten does not assume a corona summer without worries. Meanwhile, the current infection numbers of the RKI are delayed.

In the past two years, the warm summer has already resulted in low infection rates and a significant easing of the pandemic. If virologist Christian Drosten has his way, the summer will not be entirely without worries. On the one hand, the current vaccination progress is not sufficient, on the other hand, the infection activity through the omicron variant is still high, said the scientist from the Berlin Charité on Tuesday in the podcast “Coronavirus Update” on NDR-Info . “Therefore, I assume that there will not be an infection-free summer.”

Drosten: FFP2 masks indoors are “the most efficient measure of all” in the long term

Drosten pointed out that in South Africa, for example, the omicron wave had risen steeply in midsummer. He doesn’t assume that an “untamed” wave will be seen in Germany in the summer, but “you will be able to get infected with this omicron virus in the summer too”. Accordingly, he also thinks it is advisable to continue wearing masks indoors in summer. In particular, wearing FFP2 masks indoors is “the most efficient measure of all” in the long term.

With a view to the winter, Drosten is very certain that there will be another wave. He hopes that this will not be accompanied by a serious burden of illness in the population, but the risk of large-scale work absences will continue to exist. “The pandemic is not only over when the vaccination has reduced the severity of the disease, but also when this high level of transmissibility has ended as a result of certain modifications in the population,” he warned.

Corona in Germany: will the omicron subtype BA.2 cause the next heavy wave?

Drosten explained that the omicron subtype BA.2, which is probably even easier to transmit and is spreading more and more, remains an uncertainty factor for the development. Drosten said that previous study data from several countries cannot be used to determine whether BA.2 leads to more severe disease progressions. The data are still very preliminary. However, he hopes for insights from Hong Kong, where many older people have been very hesitant about the vaccination and where Omicron is now showing a heavy burden of disease in this group.

It is still unclear how the infection will develop on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Unlike on normal days, the Robert Koch Institute had not yet reported any current infection numbers by 7 a.m. in the early morning. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Rubriklistenbild: © Monika Skolimowska / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa-tmn

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