NewsCorona incidence: RKI declares Greece a risk area

Corona incidence: RKI declares Greece a risk area

First Portugal, Spain and Cyprus, soon also Greece and the Netherlands – the RKI is putting the next holiday destinations on the corona risk list because of Covid-17.

Berlin – The Greek sparrows have been whistling from the roofs of Athens for days. Due to the corona incidence in Greece, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) classifies the country on Friday, July 21, 2021, as well as the Netherlands, as a high-risk area.

Country: Greece
Capital: Athens
Population: 10.72 million (2019) Eurostat
Currency: Euro
Islands: 3054 (islands, islets, islets, rock islets, rocks and reefs)

According to the latest findings, the 7-day incidence is 167.8 (as of July 16, 2021). Overall, there is talk of 2794 new cases in connection with Covid-Sars-2. The country also recorded another six deaths from Covid-19.

Incidence in Greece: According to the classification by the RKI, the Federal Foreign Office advises against traveling to the high-risk area

The classification of the RKI has the consequence that the Foreign Office of vacation trips. This means that the Federal Foreign Office advises against one of the most popular vacation destinations for Germans over the summer vacation due to the Greek incidence. However, there is still one ray of hope: Portugal and Cyprus are declared high-incidence areas, which entails a quarantine period of five to ten days for those who have not been vaccinated and those who have not recovered.

In Greece, the number of infections has been rising sharply for several weeks – since the government relaxed the corona measures and many young, still unvaccinated people enjoyed the nightlife to the full. The corona infection numbers can also be broken down into this. After all, the high number of new infections mainly affects people under 30.

Young people are responsible for the high incidence of corona in Greece

“The average age of the newly ill is 27 years, hundreds of cases have been reported in connection with entertainment companies,” said civil defense chief Nikos Chardalias.

Lothar Wieler vom RKI und ein Strand mit einer Griechenlandfahne


Corona incidence over 50: RKI classifies Greece as a risk area. (

The Greek government recently responded with a ban on dancing for tourists and locals in Greece. Means: It is only allowed for people to sit in restaurants and no longer stand together or dance. In the event of violations, the restaurants and pubs face severe penalties: fines, bans lasting several days or even license revocation are in the room.

Other corona measures such as locking out unvaccinated people in the interior of restaurants or other restrictions for non-vaccinated people came into force a few days ago.

Demonstrations against compulsory vaccination: Greeks take to the streets against Corona measures

In addition, the government made vaccination compulsory for workers in the health sector, elderly care workers and the military. It was precisely these measures that made the Greek temperament so hot that thousands of Greeks took to the streets for demonstrations. Around 4,000 people went to the Parliament in Athens on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. There were also protests in Thessaloniki and Crete.

Demonstrators on the spot insisted on their rights and campaigned against a possible two-class society of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. “It is getting tighter for us (objectors). We have the right not to be vaccinated, ”the demonstrators told reporters.

Incidence in Greece: The number of intensive care patients remains low despite the high number of infections

Fortunately, the high incidence value in Greece has so far not resulted in an overload of the health system. The number of patients in intensive care units remained at a low level. Currently, “only” 132 patients have to be civil serviced in the hospital.

However, the new classifications may only be valid for a short time. After all, the federal government has already announced that the federal government will be working on a new entry regulation from August 1st. With this new classification, risk areas should apparently be completely eliminated. At present, 82 countries fall into this category. There are also 29 high incidence and 11 virus variant areas. *

List of rubric lists: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa & Norbert Schmidt / IMAGO

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