NewsCorona incidence stagnates - but virologist warns of "massive...

Corona incidence stagnates – but virologist warns of "massive increase"

What’s next with a view to the delta variant of the coronavirus? While the seven-day incidence is stagnating at a low level, experts warn. The news ticker.

  • The seven-day incidence of the coronavirus * in Germany stagnates at a value of 5.0 (see first report).
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a higher vaccination rate (see update from July 5, 11.50 a.m.).
  • The Standing Vaccination Commission sticks to its Corona vaccination recommendation for children and adolescents (see update from July 5th, 1:15 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from July 5, 1:15 p.m.: The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) remains on its cautious course regarding the Corona vaccination recommendation for children and adolescents from 12 years. The committee is aware of “the various demands of politics”, explained Stiko member Martin Terhardt on Monday on dpa request. “We continue to feel committed to our mandate as an independent voluntary commission for the evidence-based development of vaccination recommendations.”

Ein Kinder- und Jugendarzt zieht den Corona-Impfstoff Comirnaty von Biontech/Pfizer in eine Spritze.


The Stiko sticks to its recommendation regarding vaccinations for children and adolescents from 12 years of age.

Stiko observes the data situation on a daily basis and will “certainly react quickly on this issue in particular” if there are significant changes, stressed Terhardt. However, the data available so far did not provide sufficient evidence for the safety of the vaccine in the age group. Meanwhile, head of statutory health insurance physicians, Andreas Gassen, demanded that all corona measures be lifted for fully vaccinated people.

Coronavirus: Merkel calls for a higher vaccination rate in view of the Delta variant

Update from July 5, 11.50 a.m.: In view of the delta variant of the corona virus, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn (both CDU) pointed out the importance of vaccinations. According to information from the German Press Agency, Merkel warned participants on Monday in the last regular deliberations of the CDU leadership before the summer break in Berlin. Unvaccinated children in particular would still be vulnerable in the fall. At the same time, Merkel pointed out that hospitalization for the Delta variant is not so high in other countries.

According to the RKI’s vaccination dashboard, 56.5 percent of the total population received at least one vaccination dose, so 38.9 percent are fully vaccinated (as of July 5, 10:05 a.m.). According to experts, fully vaccinated people also have a high level of protection in the Delta variant. According to the participants in the presidium, Spahn said that the vaccination was going well, but the pace was slowing. According to the RKI, 253,346 vaccine doses were administered on July 4th. On May 12th, most vaccinations were given, with a total of 1,413,688 doses.

First report from July 5: Corona incidence stagnates – but virologist warns of “massive increase”

Berlin / Munich – On Sunday (July 4), the coronavirus * incidence rose again nationwide for the first time. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave a value of 5.0. As the RKI announced on Monday morning, citing information from the health authorities, the incidence is stagnating. As on Sunday, the incidence was five cases per 100,000 residents. For comparison: on Monday of last week, the RKI * determined an incidence of 5.6.

The highest seven-day incidence during the third corona wave was on April 26, 2021 at 169.3. After that, the value – apart from a few outliers – fell fairly steadily. Recently, however, there were signs of a possible trend reversal, which pandemic experts have long been warning of due to the increasing spread of the particularly contagious delta variant.

Virologist warns of Delta variant – “Forgives less negligence”

Despite the low number of corona cases, the spread of the delta variant is worrisome. “The fact that we are now seeing relatively few new infections does not mean that the numbers cannot shoot up again relatively quickly – in the context of the Delta variant,” said virologist Martin Stürmer on ZDF. “It is highly contagious, it is even less forgiving of carelessness than any of the variants that we have known to date. In this respect, it can happen very, very quickly that, despite the now low numbers, we will very quickly go into a massive increase again, ”the virologist continues. Britain “should be a cautionary example”.

Last but not least, virologist Sandra Ciesek said on June 30th in the NDR podcast regarding the corona mutation *: “I cannot rule out that the tipping point is already close or that there may be an increase again here.” That is “dependent on external factors”. “You have to be very careful,” she appealed. According to the latest figures from the third week of June, the proportion of infections with the delta variant is 37 percent.

Coronavirus: 212 new infections within 24 hours

212 new corona infections and one death related to the virus were also registered within 24 hours. A week ago, 219 infections and eight Covid 19 deaths were reported. As a rule, the number of new infections on the weekend and on Monday is lower than the weekly average, because fewer tests are carried out on the weekends and fewer test results are transmitted.

Meanwhile, the corona situation in Spain is worsening. The incidence rises sharply. Is the vacation of German tourists in danger? * * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA (mbr / dpa)

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