NewsCorona patients in the intensive care unit: the number...

Corona patients in the intensive care unit: the number of vaccination breakthroughs in Germany is increasing

The corona incidence in Germany has decreased slightly. The number of people vaccinated in intensive care units is increasing. The news ticker.

  • Coronavirus * in Germany: The Robert Koch Institute * gives the seven-day incidence on Tuesday at 65.6.
  • The number of corona patients who are vaccinated is increasing in the intensive care units.
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Munich – After the seven-day incidence rose slightly at the start of the week, the corona figure fell slightly again on Tuesday. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Tuesday morning at 65.8. On the day before, the value was 66.5, a week ago it was 63.6 (previous month: 80.2).

The health authorities reported 4971 new corona infections to the RKI within 24 hours. This corresponds to an increase of 172 infections compared to the previous week. According to the new information, 88 deaths were recorded across Germany within one day. A week ago there were 90 deaths.

Corona: The number of people vaccinated in intensive care units in Germany is increasing

Meanwhile, according to a media report, the proportion of vaccinated Corona * patients in intensive care units in Germany has increased. According to a report in the newspapers of the Funke media group, 119 of the 1186 Covid-19 patients who had to receive “intensive care” in Germany from mid-August to early September were protected against the virus by a vaccination. This corresponds to a rate of around ten percent. In the period from the beginning of February to the beginning of September, the proportion of vaccinated corona patients in German intensive care units was 1.84 percent (210 of 11419 cases).

The newspapers are referring to a response from the Federal Ministry of Health to a request from the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag. The data come from the Robert Koch Institute. As the Funke newspapers further reported, the increased proportion of vaccinated Covid-19 patients in German intensive care units, according to authorities and experts, is primarily related to the sharp increase in the number of vaccinated persons overall. In Germany, 65.3 percent of the population were vaccinated twice against the coronavirus (as of October 11).

Vaccination breakthroughs “expected” – Corona vaccination “an effective protection against serious illnesses”

“It is to be expected that more vaccination breakthroughs will be recorded over time, as more and more people are vaccinated and SARS-CoV-2 is currently spreading again,” said the RKI, according to the report. This increases the likelihood of coming into contact with the virus as a fully vaccinated person.

DIVI President Gernot Marx told the Funke newspapers: “The patients with severe and fatal corona courses are in almost all cases unvaccinated.” The vaccination breakthroughs with severe courses, on the other hand, are still in the single-digit percentage range. In addition, the vaccination breakthrough mostly affects people whose “immune system is weakened by chemotherapy or permanent cortisone treatment, or who are older than 80 years”.

The intensive care doctor went on to say: “Unfortunately, we are also seeing more and more people under 60 with severe or fatal courses who are not vaccinated”. The following applies: “The corona vaccination is an effective protection against serious illnesses.”

Meanwhile, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach reacted clearly to an ARD question after an RKI breakdown *. (mbr / dpa / afp) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

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