NewsCorona: Thousands of new infections again - RKI reports...

Corona: Thousands of new infections again – RKI reports an incidence of over 50 for the first time since May

The trend of the seven-day incidence continues: Germany is now over 50 again. Politicians are discussing the right to be vaccinated during working hours. The news ticker.

  • The nationwide seven-day incidence * rises again to a value above 50.
  • The Minister of Labor advocates a right to corona vaccination during working hours.
  • This news ticker on the Corona * situation in Germany is continuously updated.

Berlin – After three months of comparatively low corona numbers, the nationwide seven-day incidence is now again above the value of 50. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) * issued the number 51.6 on Saturday morning (as of August 21 , 3.14 a.m.) . Most recently, the value was over 50 in May. At the lecture there were 48.8 new corona infections reported per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, a week ago 32.7.

The health authorities in Germany reported 8092 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. According to the new information, 17 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

According to the RKI, the fourth wave of the corona pandemic has begun in Germany. Younger people in particular are affected by infections, according to the institute’s weekly report on Thursday. Despite the vaccinations, the corona incidence will remain an important value for assessing the upcoming occupancy of intensive care beds in autumn and winter, experts recently explained. From 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, “a considerable burden on the intensive care units” with more than 3000 intensive care patients at the same time can be expected, provided the vaccination rate is not increased significantly, according to the analysis presented last week.

Corona in Germany: vaccination campaign should be further accelerated

In order to stimulate the paralyzing corona vaccination campaign, employees should now be able to be vaccinated during working hours if necessary. “We must continue to ensure that the workplace does not become a place of contagion. That is why we are adapting the Corona occupational health and safety ordinance, “said Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) of the Augsburger Allgemeine . “We will urge employers to do more to provide vaccination information and, in case of doubt, to enable vaccinations during working hours.”

So far, employees have not had a general right to have an injection against the coronavirus given by a doctor or at the vaccination center during working hours.

Zahlreiche Impflinge warteten Mitte August in einer Schlange in den Messehallen von Hamburg auf ihre Impfung.


Numerous vaccinated people waited in line in the Hamburg exhibition center for their vaccination in mid-August.

Vaccinations against Corona in Germany: refreshments begin

According to the Robert Koch Institute on Friday, 63.8 percent of all residents have had themselves vaccinated at least once, 58.5 percent are fully vaccinated. Countries are now starting booster vaccinations for old people who received their second vaccination at least six months ago, because after this period the effects may wear off significantly. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had told the editorial network Germany : “In a second step we can then think about offering everyone else a booster.”

The statutory health insurance physicians are demanding precise guidelines from the federal government. The practices need clarity as to when and for whom booster vaccinations could be carried out, said the head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, of the Rheinische Post . “For this it would be important to have a scientifically justified definition as clear as possible for whom a booster vaccination would be useful.”

In the meantime, family doctors are preparing for new conflicts with patients. “Now that the third vaccination is being offered, many people come to us who want a booster, but are not yet entitled to it,” said the chairman of the family doctors’ association, Ulrich Weigeldt, the newspapers of the Funke media group . “That leads to discussions, but these are clarified in the counseling sessions in our practices.”

Age limit for corona booster vaccinations – for whom are they even necessary?

At the moment the age limit for the third vaccination is 80 years. “Whether the family doctors offer this booster vaccination to younger patients depends on their personal constitution and the presence of serious illnesses,” he explained. Healthy people under the age of 80 would generally not receive an offer at the moment.

The purpose of booster vaccinations is currently being discussed further. Virologist Christian Drosten recently said that he only considers them necessary for certain groups. At the same time, there is also an international dispute: many countries have so far received little or no vaccine, while rich countries are now trying to distribute third-party vaccinations. (dpa / cibo) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Also read: Despite the incidence of 118: Neighboring Germany almost completely lifts corona restrictions *

Rubriklistenbild: © Christian Charisins / dpa

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