NewsCorona turnaround: Stiko recommends booster vaccinations after three months...

Corona turnaround: Stiko recommends booster vaccinations after three months – change also for EU vaccination certificates

EU vaccination certificates against Corona are only valid for nine months without a booster vaccination. The EU Commission announced on Tuesday.

Update from December 21, 2:09 p.m.: The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) recommends booster vaccinations because of Omikron after at least three instead of six months. The committee announced on Tuesday that this applies immediately. It aims to improve protection against severe diseases caused by Omikron in the population and to reduce the transmission of the variant. It is to be expected that Omikron will determine the infection process in this country “within a very short time”.

Corona turnaround: Stiko recommends booster vaccinations after three months

According to Stiko, elderly and previously ill people should preferably receive the booster vaccination because of their higher Covid 19 risk. The two mRNA vaccines that are used for boosting (Comirnaty from Biontech / Pfizer and Spikevax from Moderna) are “completely equivalent in terms of their effectiveness”.

Current data indicate a significantly reduced vaccination protection after the basic immunization compared to the Omikron variant, explained the Stiko. This decreases significantly after three to four months. After a booster vaccination, however, the protective effect against symptomatic infection with the omicron variant increases again significantly. It can currently be assumed that protection against severe disease will also increase. Nothing can currently be said about the duration of the protection.

Gudrun Kadereit (l), Direktorin vom Botanischen Garten München-Nympheburg, lässt sich im Wissenschaftsmuseum "Bioptopia Lab" am Botanischen Garten von Dr. Stephan Reng, Facharzt für Anästhesie, mit der Booster-Impfung gegen das Coronavirus impfen.


Booster vaccinations are now administered in many places – here in a science museum in Munich.

Corona hammer: EU vaccination certificates without booster will only be valid for nine months in the future

First report from December 21: Brussels – Without a booster, EU vaccination certificates will in future be invalid at the latest nine months after the basic immunization against the coronavirus *. The decision will come into force on February 1, as the EU Commission announced on Tuesday. Theoretically, the EU countries can still use a veto, but this is as good as impossible, since the regulation was coordinated with the states according to the commission spokesman.

Booster vaccinations are therefore recommended no later than six months after the second corona vaccination *. The vaccination certificate should be valid for three more months before it expires, so that you have enough time to get a booster vaccination.

EU Commission: Corona vaccination certificates only valid for nine months

The EU vaccination certificate consists of a QR code that is created directly after the corona vaccination in practices and vaccination centers or is subsequently available in Germany, for example in pharmacies. The code can be displayed in a smartphone app and can be read out digitally. The codes are recognized throughout the EU despite different apps in the individual countries and make it easier to provide evidence of vaccinations, fresh tests and recently recovered infections with the coronavirus when traveling.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had already announced after the EU summit last week that her authority would promptly submit a regulation with a view to the EU vaccination certificate. Before this year’s summer season, the EU countries and the EU Parliament had agreed on the final details of the Europe-wide certificates. They are now recognized in numerous countries outside of the EU.

Due to the rapid spread of the Omikron variant, the corona situation is tense in many European countries. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommended “maximum contact restrictions” before the Corona MPK on Tuesday – from now on. (ph / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Headline list image: © Matthias Balk

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