New study reveals: boosters against the coronavirus are necessary much earlier. A vaccine no longer protects after four months.
Once again, the current corona situation in Germany seems to be getting out of control. More and more people are in the intensive care unit, the number of new infections is higher than ever. The unvaccinated are particularly affected, but more and more people who have been vaccinated are also getting Covid-19 *. One reason for this could be that the effect of the corona vaccines wears off over time. Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) repeatedly emphasizes the importance of booster vaccinations against the corona virus. But when is a booster vaccination really necessary?
A new study from Sweden shows how long Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca * protect against the corona virus. According to the study results, the vaccine protection declines earlier than assumed, after a certain point in time the vaccines even show no more effect. The government is currently relying on booster vaccinations six months after the second vaccination with Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca. But according to the Swedish study that is clearly too late, as reported by * .
Corona vaccination: how long do Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca protect?
“The effectiveness of the vaccines against symptomatic Covid-19 infections decreases over time in all subgroups, but at different rates depending on the type of vaccine and faster in men and older immunocompromised people,” says a summary of the preprint of a study on necessity of booster vaccinations from the University of Umea in Sweden.
Regarding the effectiveness of the Biontech vaccine (BNT162b2), the paper says: “In this study, the effectiveness of the vaccine BNT162b2 against symptomatic infections decreased gradually from 92 percent in the first month to 47 percent in months four to six and from the seventh effectiveness was no longer determined. “
Swedish study shows: That’s how long the corona vaccines really protect
The effectiveness of Moderna (mRNA-1273) decreased more slowly compared to Biontech. After peaking in the first month after vaccination, the effectiveness of Moderna decreased to 71 percent after four months and to around 60 percent after six months. It has already been shown in the past that the long-term effect of Moderna is better than that of Biontech *.
The effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vector vaccine (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) was generally lower according to the Swedish study. “In the present study, there was no residual efficacy for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 after four months,” the paper says.
Corona study: the effectiveness of the vaccine drops drastically – boosters are all the more important
The result of the study: “The findings support the administration of a booster dose.” However, when exactly the right time is for a booster vaccination cannot be said across the board. Overall, the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing hospitalization or death from Covid-19 has decreased comparatively faster in men and the elderly than in other groups of people. It therefore makes perfect sense to give these groups priority when it comes to “boosting”.
The Swedish study shows, however, that regardless of whether you have been vaccinated with Biontech, Moderna or AstraZeneca, a booster vaccination can make sense after four months, but is clearly necessary after six months at the latest. Especially with the vector vaccine from AstraZeneca, whose effectiveness disappears completely after four months according to the study, should be boosted as soon as possible. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) would like to make a recommendation for adults as soon as possible. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.
List of rubric lists: © Lino Mirgeler / dpa