NewsCoronavirus Andalusia: Level 3 of health alert leaves the...

Coronavirus Andalusia: Level 3 of health alert leaves the province of Seville without parties, pilgrimages or festivals

All the municipalities in the province of Seville are, according to the latest data provided by the Junta de Andalucía, at alert level 3. This implies the deprivation for all of them of the celebration of any popular or traditional festival: neither pilgrimages nor festivals nor festivities bullfighting in the province, as specified in the Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía (BOJA) of May 7, 2021, which prohibits such celebrations in the community in those localities at alert levels 3 and 4. In its article 20, thus regulates popular festivals and traditional activities: 1. At health alert levels 1 and 2, it is recommended that no festivals, festivals, pilgrimages or other popular or traditional festive activities be held while the current epidemiological situation continues. At health alert levels 3 and 4, parties, festivals, pilgrimages or other popular or traditional festive activities may not be held while the current epidemiological situation continues.More measures Other measures that affect municipalities in health alert level 3 in Andalusia are the following: Hygiene and prevention measures in swimming pools for collective use. At alert level 3, up to 75% in outdoor pools and 50% in indoor pools, of the allowed capacity. Stay of people in places of worship. At alert level 3, it will not be possible to exceed 50% of its capacity to maintain interpersonal distance. Measures for leisure and recreation establishments and for meetings in public spaces. a) Indoors, they will only be allowed to open if they do not exclusively serve drinks, keeping the measures established for hotel and restaurant establishments at this alert level.b) Outdoors, in outdoor areas they may occupy 50% of the tables allowed in the immediately preceding year based on the corresponding municipal license or whatever is authorized for this year, in the event that the license is granted. for the first time. Tables will have a limit of 6 people outdoors c) Bar service and consumption will not be allowed d) Small-format performances will not be allowed and dance activity will not be allowed. Measures for recreational establishments. At alert level 3, the opening will be conditioned to the celebration of children’s parties in which the capacity of the establishment will be 30%. With a maximum of 12 participants per group, not being allowed to complete the group with individual participants outside the group. The use of sandboxes or foam pools will not be allowed. The space destined to the playground will remain closed, being able to carry out workshops and use of spaces for sports, complying with the measures of sports facilities. Measurements in conventional and unconventional sports facilities, including gyms. a) A capacity limit for physical-sports practice of 60% is established in conventional outdoor sports spaces and facilities, and 50% in conventional or non-conventional indoor sports spaces and facilities.b) If the nature of the non-federated competitive sport, including training, makes it unfeasible to maintain the established safety distance, in any case, the maximum number of athletes must be limited and stable groups of no more than 25 athletes in team or team sports must be established. team II, according to the definition made in the annex to Decree 336/2009, of September 22, which regulates the Performance Sport of Andalusia, and of 10 athletes in the rest of sports. In the event that the practice of this type of sports is free and unorganized, it is recommended to practice with stable groups of athletes. C) Physical-sports practices of leisure sports and aerobic group classes or activities must be designed and be planned in such a way as to establish a maximum number of participants of 15 people in outdoor spaces and 10 in indoor spaces with adequate ventilation, maintaining the proper safety distance of 1.5 meters between people without physical contact, mandatory use of a mask and without sharing material d) The holding of competition, leisure or exhibition sporting events and events with the presence of spectators will be allowed, with a maximum of 50% of the authorized public capacity in conventional or unconventional outdoor sports facilities with a maximum of 1,000 spectators and 40% in conventional or non-conventional indoor installations, with a maximum of 500 spectators, maintaining In any case, the established interpersonal safety distance shall be enforced. e) In sports competitions held in non-conventional outdoor sports facilities, a maximum of 300 participants will be allowed. Cultural centers. 1.Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centers: maximum of 65% of the allowed capacity for each of its rooms and public spaces. 2. Monuments, Cultural Complexes, Enclaves, Museums, Museum Collections and Exhibition Hall: a) Maximum of 65% of the allowed capacity for each of its rooms and public spaces b) Group visits will be of a maximum of up to 15 people , including the monitor or guide. Parks, gardens, playgrounds and recreational areas with public outdoor access: a) They will be open with an estimated maximum capacity of one person for every four square meters of computable surface space of the enclosure b) Animation, sports or group activities They must be designed and planned with a maximum capacity of 15 people. c) The tasks of cleaning and disinfection of equipment will be reinforced. Hunting activity: a) Hunting activity will be allowed in all its specialties as long as the interpersonal safety distance is respected and the mask is used, unless the nature of the activity does not make its use compatible. B) For the development of Organized hunting activity involving more than one hunter, the person responsible for the hunt must have an action plan detailing the prevention and hygiene measures to be observed. The content of said plan must be made known, prior to the activity, to all participating persons and must be presented, where appropriate, together with the corresponding application for hunting authorization. C) When within the hunting activity develop some type of hotel and restaurant service, the capacity will be 50% with a maximum of 50 people inside and 75 outside.Table service will be for a maximum of 6 people. If it is carried out in a hotel establishment, the capacity and measures of hospitality and catering for this level will govern. River and maritime sport and recreational fishing: a) The practice of river and maritime, sport and recreational fishing, in all its modalities, will be allowed, as long as the interpersonal safety distance is respected and the mask is used, unless the The nature of the activity does not make its use compatible. b) In the case of sport fishing from a boat, a maximum of 75% of the number of people authorized in the boat’s navigability certificates will be allowed.

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