NewsCoronavirus: Italy imposes municipal lockdowns in the areas most...

Coronavirus: Italy imposes municipal lockdowns in the areas most affected by the second wave

The Italian Government has divided the country into different risk zones, which will be identified with three different colors depending on the severity of the situation in the region. In the ‘red’ and ‘orange’ areas there will be confinement at the municipal level and bars and restaurants will remain closed. In addition, a curfew will be set from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and all education from the age of 14 will be carried out remotely. In this way, the Italian Government has wanted to adapt the restrictions and measures depending on the severity of each area – with the northern regions of the country having the highest incidence of cases – trying to preserve economic activity as much as possible. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the new decree, which will be in force until December 3. For now, government sources cited by local media have already advanced that there will be no ‘green zone’ in the current situation, but that yellow, orange and red zones will be established, yet to be known. which could be Lombardy, Piedmont or Calabria- very similar restrictions will be carried out to the confinements of the month of March. In this way, you will not be able to leave the house if it is not for justified work reasons, short walks or going out to do sports individually. Unjustified movements will not be allowed, as will leaving the municipality itself.In these areas all bars, restaurants and shops will be closed and only industries and primary schools will remain open, in addition to all those basic service establishments. such as supermarkets, pharmacies and essential services.Unlike last March, hairdressers and aesthetic centers will also be able to continue their activity.In the orange areas, where regions such as Apulia and Sicily could be found, it is possible to leave the municipality – with a justified reason – but not may leave the region. In these areas, bars and restaurants will remain closed, although the rest of the businesses are allowed to continue with the activity. In the yellow areas, where it requires a lower risk of contagion, the restaurant may remain open until 6:00 p.m. In the green areas, only the limitations on a national scale would apply. In this case, museums and exhibition halls will be closed to the public, as well as shopping centers, which will only be open from Monday to Friday.

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