NewsCoronavirus vaccination: Andalusia gets tired of waiting and will...

Coronavirus vaccination: Andalusia gets tired of waiting and will vaccinate volunteers with AstraZeneca if Pedro Sánchez does not respond this week

The Junta de Andalucía has gotten tired of waiting. If the Government of Sánchez does not make a decision this week on the consultations of the autonomous communities regarding the second dose of AstraZeneca, the Andalusian Executive will begin to administer them to volunteers who already have the first, and they will do so with or without the consent of the Ministry of Health. This was announced this Monday by the Vice President of the Board and Minister of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration, Juan Marín, in statements to Canal Sur Radio collected by Europa Press. Marín regretted that there is no more remedy. “We are not going to have another”, he points out, while he has harshly criticized the resignation of the Ministry of Carolina Darias: “It is totally unpresentable” that it is delaying its decisions so much and what we find afterwards is the policy of ” fait accompli “, he warns.” Leave once again on the roof of the autonomous communities any decision, in this case, which affects many people who are waiting for their second dose of AstraZeneca to end their vaccination process and remain calm “, Marín has indicated. He has insisted that “it is not acceptable” that we are waiting a month for the Ministry of Health to decide what to do with all those vaccines that we have in the freezers in Andalusia, just as they have other communities. Marín has stressed that there are 300,000 people who are waiting for the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Pandemic and tourism Marín has shown its confidence that an incidence rate will be reached “soon” The number of infections due to Covid-19 of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, when at the moment it stands at 171.6 with a “downward trend.”He also stressed that “the greatest concern” is now in the celebration of communions and family gatherings. After noting that “the vast majority of us are responsible” although “there are always groups that can create unnecessary infections” when asked about the bottle in Torredelcampo (Jaén), Marín pointed out that this past weekend, the first in full without a state of alarm, has been “the first of the recovery.” “Tourism is going to be the engine we need after such a complicated year, economic stoppage and with the health and social situation that we have suffered. It needed a revulsive and it has been noticed a lot “, has pointed out the Minister of Tourism, who has indicated that there have been” many people on the beach and there is a lot of joy. “In this way, he has estimated that, to follow the rhythm of Vaccination like the current one, with more than 400,000 doses administered in the last seven days, “the summer will be much better than you could initially think.” However, he has warned that, in the face of international tourism, the United Kingdom has Spain at “amber traffic light” although he hopes that “in two weeks we will be green and tourists from the United Kingdom, Germany and Central Europe will begin to arrive.” In addition, he has reproached the central government for “the green corridors have not been negotiated well with the United Kingdom”, something that Portugal, a direct competitor, has done and “already receives these tourists.” “We hope we can catch up in a few days,” he stressed. Thus, he affirmed that Spain is late in terms of the digital green certificate and has criticized the national Executive for not taking “any proposal made, neither the health passport nor the tourist voucher ”, something that“ now many businessmen are paying the consequences ”.Marín recalled that the Junta de Andalucía approved a second aid package, which included 180 million euros for the tourism sector, of which 105 million were direct aid for “all subsectors.” “They are already being resolved and are beginning to reach current accounts,” he indicated. Questioned about the Andalusian programming at the International Tourism Fair (Fitur), which is held in Madrid from May 19 to 23, the Minister of Tourism has affirmed that “Andalusia has the best tourist offer that any community can present and one of the best in the world.” Public Health Law Asked about the possible modification of the Public Health Law, the vice president has pointed out the need to offer criteria Unitary judges to decide on the perimeter closure of a municipality when the incidence rate is high, after different judicial decisions regarding this issue in the community. “We intend to do it by single reading and we need the support of all groups,” he pointed out, including Vox, which has announced appeals to those regulations that restrict fundamental rights. “This could have been avoided. On May 9, the state of alarm subsided and there was a legal chaos for not establishing a legal framework for judges to have unanimous criteria, “he explained.

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