Facing the discussion of an electoral reform, the national leader of the National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortés, warned that a hesitation, lack of definition or fragility of any parliamentary group will put at risk the free, democratic and multi-party elections in Mexico.
The PAN member demanded a “clear, public and institutional commitment” from each of the opposition parliamentary groups to shield the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), which -he pointed out- have been the true guarantors of democracy for more than three decades.
Cortés Mendoza considered that the initiative that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent to the Congress of the Union, in addition to being “retrograde” and “regressive”, aims to suppress the autonomy and impartiality of the electoral authorities.
In a message to the media, the blue and white leader warned that opposition parties and legislators will once again be put to the test.
For the Michoacan politician, the opposition parties and legislators should commit publicly and institutionally to jointly build the next replacement of four INE advisers and several electoral magistrates, since they are the ones who guarantee “free, fair and democratic elections in the country.” .
“When the electoral referee is in danger, democracy is too. The government’s initiative is retrograde, regressive and the only thing it intends is to weaken the constitutional checks and balances and violate the autonomy of an institution that has been impartial for years, for which the opposition parties should reject it with total firmness,” he added.
The president of Acción Nacional highlighted the “enormous credibility” and “social trust” earned by the INE for the organization of the electoral processes and the creation of an Electoral Register.
He recalled that 35 years ago there were no checks and balances because the government had absolute control of Congress and there was no governor from another party, nor alternation.
Cortés lamented that today the Moreno regime is trying to return to that scheme.