FunAstrologyCrime scene "Dreams" today in the first: The strangest...

Crime scene "Dreams" today in the first: The strangest case from Munich

In the Munich crime thriller broadcast tonight in the first, the crime scene inspectors can be found among musicians, dreaming and dreaming musicians.

Munich – Kalli once played the cello, and although he was still a child at the time, he knows that orchestra musicians have “the stress level of Formula 1 drivers”. Kalli’s superior Leitmayr is a bit amazed (especially that his Kalli once played the cello) and passed this sentence on to his colleague Batic today on ARD, who will soon say Kalli in the Tatort … – but will help her Not that with the stress level.

The book on the ARD crime scene “Dreams” (Moritz Binder, Johanna Thalmann), directed by Boris Kunz, sends the Munich commissioners, Miroslav Nemec and Udo Wachtveitl, and their assistant, Ferdinand Hofer, this time into a strange world, no, even into two alien worlds: that of classical music and that of dream research. That can be something – and will, we want to reveal that much, at least not one of the really strong Munich crime scenes from the ARD cult series.

Today in the first: Tatort from Munich begins with a mysterious murder

Whereby the calmness of the trio in today’s Tatort in view of all the challenges still has something. They even pronounce the word one-ironautics, which has to do with so-called lucid dreaming, calmly in the one-ironautics laboratory. And actually they do everything correctly and logically when an excited young woman shows up and reports a murder that she claims not to know, whether she committed it or just dreamed it.

That can’t be the case, is the first understandable reaction that someone doesn’t know. Does she want to kid her? But why?

ARD crime scene from Munich: The cast

Surname role
Udo Wachtveitl Franz Leitmayr
Miroslav Nemec Ivo Batic
Ferdinand Hofer Calli Hammermann
Stefan Betz Richy Semmler
Jara Bihler Marina Eeden
Dorothee Neff Lucy Castaneda
Theo Trebs Mats Haki
Lisa Marie Janke Lahja Åkerström
Katrin Röver Dr. Deah
George Lenz Ludwig Castaneda

Dream researcher and psychologist investigate in the Munich crime scene today in the first

The young Marina Eeden, Jara Bihler, is a violinist. She wants to have killed (maybe, maybe not) in the ARD crime scene from Munich, her friend and competitor for an orchestral job, Lucy Castaneda (Dorothee Neff), who has actually disappeared for two days. The investigators call a psychologist for help (“very interesting case”, she says cheerfully), but still don’t forget to screen the friend (Theo Krebs), who, as a high-performance gymnast, has a completely different kind of stress, training stress – and so just no time (?), as he states, to worry about Lucy.

ARD crime scene “Dreams” from Munich – music, script, camera

Director Boris Kunz
music David Reichelt
camera Volker Tittel
a book Moritz Binder, Johanna Thalmann

In a quiet minute in the car, Batic says to colleague Leitmayr in the current crime scene in the face of crowds of hysterical and / or scheming musicians and a dream researcher, Katrin Röver, who is talking in riddles: This is probably “the strangest case in 30 years”. In any case, it is a case that cheerfully reproduces the cliché of the completely over-the-top artists. Who only live for their art and their ambition, which seems to be incompatible with something like the ability to distinguish between dream and reality. Incidentally, the film was shot in reality, namely in the Gasteig cultural center in Munich and with the Munich radio orchestra.

Munich crime scene today in the first: Batic and Leitmayr save the case in the lower midfield

As in the Frankfurt crime scene last Sunday, the ARD shows the viewer various nervous-shaky variants / flashbacks and lets them guess which dream has happened and what happened. As in the Frankfurt crime scene, young women are evidently of particular interest to the TV thriller if they are as exaggerated as they are highly talented. They aim high in every respect and so prefer to hang around on roofs from which one has a breathtaking view of the city.

Today in the first

“Tatort: Dreams”, ARD, Sun., 8:15 pm.

However, despite all the similarities in the ARD, the Munich-based company managed to achieve the far more original resolution – which of course cannot be revealed here. Because “Dreams” is, as I said, not one of the strong BR crime scenes, rather lower midfield. But the investigators go about their work so professionally, even in this “strangest case”, that it is a pleasure. And by the way, you learn that dates help with insomnia, you immediately see if there is something to it – and you have learned something useful again. (Sylvia Staude)

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