NewsDelta variant in the Netherlands: Corona numbers explode -...

Delta variant in the Netherlands: Corona numbers explode – R value higher than ever before

The delta variant of the coronavirus is spreading in the Netherlands. The number of reproductions is 2.91. The government has already withdrawn the first easing of the corona restrictions.

The Hague – The Netherlands is the first of Germany’s nine neighboring countries to be re-classified as a risk area. There, the delta variant of the coronavirus has caused an explosive increase in infections. After removing almost all restrictions, the number of new infections rose by 500 percent.

Coronavirus: Numbers are exploding in Netherlands

The number of reproductions is now 2.91. This is the highest value since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020, as the responsible Office for Health and Environment (RIVM) announced on Friday (July 16) in The Hague. The number means that 100 infected people infect 291 other people and the spread of the virus is accelerating. According to the latest data from the RIVM, 66.9 percent of all infections can now be traced back to the delta variant. The number of new infections detected in 24 hours climbed to 11,363.

Public life in the Netherlands without a mask – despite the corona explosion

In view of this drastic worsening of the pandemic situation, the Dutch government has already pulled the emergency brake and withdrew some of the extensive easing of the corona restrictions. Nevertheless, public life there continues largely unimpaired. The population was urgently warned to keep the safety distance of 1.5 meters. The mask requirement has largely been lifted. At events where no safety distance can be maintained, visitors are required to give a negative test result or proof of vaccination.

Corona in Netherlands: Free self-tests at Amsterdam Airport

Health Minister Hugo de Jonge now also called on the population to be tested when they return from vacation. This is the only way to prevent the virus from spreading in families, schools and at work. At the moment, travelers at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol receive a free self-test upon arrival, the minister himself was at the gate during the distribution campaign on Friday. (dpa / jh)

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