NewsDevastating fire kills dozens of animals

Devastating fire kills dozens of animals

A terrible accident occurs in a chicken coop in Biblis near Darmstadt. Dozens of animals die in a devastating fire. The police are investigating.

Biblis – Terrible accident on Wednesday evening (December 22nd, 2021) in Biblis (Bergstrasse district): A chicken coop caught fire, hundreds of animals died in the flames.

At 6.40 p.m., the owner of the chicken coop in the Wattenheim district alerted the fire brigade in Darmstadt, according to the South Hesse police. The owner reacted with presence of mind and opened the stable door to save as many animals as possible. The emergency services of the weirs from Biblis, Wattenheim and Nordheim could no longer prevent the stable from burning out.

Biblis (Bergstrasse district): Owner speaks of 200 dead animals after a fire in the chicken coop

According to a statement from the police on Thursday (23.12.2021), there was initially talk of 50 dead chickens, according to information from the Hessenschau, the stable owner from Biblis himself spoke of 200 dead animals. A total of 800 chickens were housed in the stall.

According to initial estimates, the fire in the chicken coop in Biblis resulted in damage in the low five-digit range, as reported by the South Hesse police in Darmstadt. The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing, and according to the current state of the investigation, deliberate arson can be ruled out. A technical defect as the cause of the devastating fire is considered likely. (esa)

It was not until April 2021 that a fire in a hall in Biblis (Bergstrasse district) caused millions of euros in damage.
