Tech UPTechnologyFacebook wants to transform virtual meetings with Spark AR

Facebook wants to transform virtual meetings with Spark AR

Facebook wants to improve virtual calls from a new update in its Augmented Reality creation software, called Spark AR, which will integrate the possibility of creating new effects in virtual meetings from the Multipeer API.

“More than 600,000 Spark A creators have posted more than 2 million AR effects on Facebook and Instagram and a large community carries a great responsibility to bring people together to share knowledge and equip aspiring creators and companies with new avenues to earn a living. In October 2020, we relaunched the Spark AR partner network, ”said Chris Barber, Spark AR’s Director of Partnerships, during the keynote.

The company offered a preview of the new Multipeer API, with which it is possible to thin the line between the digital and physical world, because with it, AR creators will have the opportunity to generate effects that coordinate the user experience between several people .

In this way, one of the uses that can be proposed is to give the sensation of sharing the same space at a dinner or even playing light dynamics through video calls on Messenger, Instagram or Portal. In case developers want to participate in these new uses, the company noted that they are currently accepting.

It should be remembered that the Spark AR system was presented at the F8 of 2017 and since then it has become a flagship software for the creation of AR on Facebook, as it allows anyone to design or implement augmented reality effects in the company’s applications.

In the field of programming, Facebook announced PyTorch, which will be the default infrastructure to create its Artificial Intelligence and machine learning models. In addition, this system will allow to share work from open source PyTorch libraries, in order to.

On the other hand, Facebook also announced a donation of $ 250,000 for the global non-profit organization, which focuses its efforts on expanding diversity, equality and inclusion in the technological ecosystem, in order that the development of skills and the Job search for women is not a complex process.

According to the association, the money will be used to offer more programs to teach Python, among other digital tools; promote the Girls in Tech startup challenge; and fund the annual Girls in Tech conference, which is a virtual event where participants from the ecosystem bring together to find a community and learn to thrive in the world of technology.

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