NewsFormer cop who murdered George Floyd wants a new...

Former cop who murdered George Floyd wants a new trial

Former police officer Derek Chauvin, convicted of the murder of African American George Floyd, filed an appeal for a new trial in the case on Tuesday alleging that the “publicity” prior to the trial “intimidated the jury” and affected his right to a fair trial. Chauvin’s lawyer, Eric Nelson, has presented a document of several pages in which he reveals a series of errors that the defense believes were committed during the trial against the former agent and that, in his opinion, violated his constitutional rights Among them, Nelson has pointed to errors by Hennepin Judge Peter Cahill, misconduct by the prosecutor, jury, intimidation of witnesses or the impact of publicity, although no specific incidents or members have been identified in Specifically, the document indicates that “the publicity here (in the case) was so pervasive and so damaging before and during this trial that it amounted to a structural flaw in the pro dismissal “, which is why it considers that the jury was subjected to” intimidation “or” potential fear of reprisals. “Thus, it requests” to challenge the verdict “based on the” misconduct “of the jury, which, according to the document , “Felt threatened, intimidated, besieged racial pressure during the process and / or did not comply with the instructions during the deliberations,” reports CNN. It also accuses the prosecutors of the state of Minnesota of “widespread and damaging fiscal misconduct” and of “Discrediting the defense, improperly attesting and failing to adequately prepare its witnesses.” Furthermore, it says the court “abused its discretion” by not granting a change of venue or retaining the jury, among other issues.Chauvin, who was found guilty of second-degree manslaughter, third-degree murder and second-degree murder by a jury in the death of Floyd in May 2020, when he pressed his knee to the victim’s neck for more than nine minutes, remains in a prison in Minneapolis awaiting the sentence, which will be read on June 25 at 1:30 p.m. The conviction for involuntary manslaughter in the second degree is a prison term of no more than 40 years, while the Third degree murder could take you another 25 years at most behind bars. The sentence for murder in the second degree does not exceed ten years and an economic fine of 20,000 dollars (16,600 euros). After reading the verdict of the twelve members of the jury, Judge Peter Cahill announced that the sentence would be issued after analyzing the last arguments for Chauvin’s defense and for the preparation of an investigative report, which will be analyzed in a previous hearing. Floyd, a 46-year-old black citizen, died on May 25, 2020 after complaining that he could not breathe due to having Chauvin’s knee on his neck, a sequence that was videotaped. The police response originated because Floyd made a payment with a false 20 dollar bill, Chauvin was expelled from the Police Force shortly after and released on bail after being charged with murder and ill-treatment, although finally the trial in which he has been charged with Floyd’s death and has been found guilty. Three other agents face charges of complicity in committing the alleged crime. All of them will be tried in August.The event unleashed in 2020 a wave of protests against police violence and racism throughout the United States, which continues today and has starred in the days of the judicial process against Chauvin. The protesters welcomed the jury’s verdict with joy.

Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison for the murder...

Derek Chauvin, the police officer convicted of the murder of George Floyd, has been sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison

US prosecutors ask Derek Chauvin for 30 years in prison for George Floyd's murder

United States prosecutors have demanded this Wednesday that a judge sentence Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer responsible for the death of George Floyd after nailing his knee in the neck for more than nine years, to 30 years in prison. minutes when he proceeded to his arrest.
