NewsGerman teacher left Abkhazia after three weeks

German teacher left Abkhazia after three weeks

Suddenly the border to Russia was closed – and the teacher from Baden-Württemberg was stuck in Abkhazia. Now the weeks of uncertainty are over.

Sochumi – After about three weeks of uncertainty, a teacher from Baden-Württemberg succeeded in leaving Abkhazia in southern Kaukau.

She was finally allowed to cross the border in the direction of Russia, Alona Negrich told the German press agency. The 47-year-old teacher at a grammar school in Böblingen, who was stuck in the breakaway area from the ex-Soviet republic of Georgia, said she should land in Stuttgart on Thursday afternoon.

“I can hardly believe it,” said Negrich of the dpa. After all the hardships she was “totally exhausted”, but also grateful – especially her husband, who supported her very much. First the “Sindelfinger Zeitung” reported on the case.

Negrich had traveled to Abkhazia to see her dying father at the end of July. She crossed the border from Russia – one of the few countries that recognizes Abkhazia as a separate state. But Russia did not leave them behind for the time being due to the corona restrictions in force.

Diplomatic representatives were also involved in the case. “The Foreign Office and our embassy in Moscow have made every effort to find a solution that enables those affected to return to Germany,” said the Foreign Office in Berlin. dpa

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