NewsGermany before Corona turnaround? RKI reports falling incidence for...

Germany before Corona turnaround? RKI reports falling incidence for the first time since the beginning of July

The nationwide incidence is falling for the first time in almost two months. Berlin’s mayor criticizes the 2G rule introduced in Hamburg. The news ticker.

  • Germany is in the fourth wave of the Corona * pandemic. (see first report)
  • The seven-day incidence fell on Tuesday for the first time in a long time. (see first report)
  • Spahn does not rule out inquiries about the corona vaccination status of employees. (see update from August 31, 8:50 a.m.)
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from August 31, 8:50 a.m.: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) can imagine that employers can ask employees about their corona vaccination status. He was torn between whether the law should be changed so that employers could ask for at least the next six months, he said on Monday evening (August 30) on the ARD program “Hart aber fair”.

“I tend to be more and more yes,” said Spahn. “If everyone in the open-plan office is vaccinated, I can deal with it differently than if 50 percent are not vaccinated,” continued the Minister of Health. The President of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations, Rainer Dulger, had demanded a clear announcement for businesses and companies in advance. For them it is a matter of “ensuring the necessary measures to protect the health of all of their employees,” said Dulger.

Corona in Germany: the seven-day incidence is falling – North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria hotspots

First report from August 31: Berlin – for the first time since the beginning of July, the seven-day incidence in Germany fell again on Tuesday (August 31). According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) *, the nationwide value is 74.8 – the previous day the value was 75.8, a week ago 58.0. The health authorities in Germany reported 5,750 new corona infections * and 60 new deaths to the RKI within one day.

According to the RKI, the nationwide corona hotspots can still be found mainly in North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria. The seven-day incidence * in three cities is already above the 200 mark. According to the RKI, these five cities currently have the highest incidence values (as of 6:35 a.m.) :

  • SK Wuppertal: 251.5
  • SK Rosenheim: 217.0
  • SK Leverkusen: 216.0
  • SK Krefeld: 191.8
  • SK Schweinfurt: 176.3

Corona in Germany: Müller considers the 2G rule “not yet practicable”

The so-called 2G option model has been in effect in Hamburg since last Saturday (August 28). For example, restaurateurs or organizers can decide for themselves whether they will only let in vaccinated and convalescent people who are then largely exempt from the Corona * restrictions or whether they will continue to accept current negative Corona tests * according to the 3G model. Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) still sees a few unanswered questions.

Michael Müller (SPD, l-r), Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin und Vorsitzender der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz, Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und Markus Söder (CSU), Ministerpräsident von Bayern, geben nach der Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz eine Pressekonferenz.


Berlin’s Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) considers the Hamburg 2G rule “not yet practicable”. (Archive image)

“I do not think the Hamburg way of making more normality possible again with the so-called 2G rule is not yet practicable in this form,” said Müller to the German press agency. “We are not that far yet, because there are still many open questions, including constitutional questions,” warned the chairman of the conference of prime ministers.

There are areas in which private providers or operators can regulate in this way that only those who have been vaccinated * and those who have recovered are allowed to go to a restaurant, for example. “However, the regulation for under 12-year-olds or people who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons has not been clarified,” said Müller. “That becomes problematic at sports and cultural events, for example.” (Ph / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Header list image: © Christian Mang

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