NewsGuaidó denounces that Maduro troops have taken "by force"...

Guaidó denounces that Maduro troops have taken "by force" the Venezuelan Parliament

The headquarters of the Legislative, the only power in the hands of the opposition, was occupied this Tuesday by agents of the intelligence service (SEBIN) due to the alleged presence of explosives inside, and police blocked its accesses, preventing the entry of the deputies. Later, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), akin to the regime, indicted four other deputies, raising to 14 the opposition congressmen accused of treason against the fatherland as a result of their support for the failed military rebellion of April 30 against the President Maduro. During the afternoon, the police continued to block access to the Legislative Palace, while a session of the Constituent Assembly was held inside it, imposed by Maduro and which occupies a room adjacent to the parliamentary debate chamber. militarily the Federal Legislative Palace, they will have brute force but they do not convince (…), they have to persecute, harass, lifting immunities, “said Guaidó, who accused the government of” ter State rorism. “” We will hold more sessions. “On Wednesday,” we are going to hold a session, “added Guaidó, who has been fighting for power with Maduro for three and a half months. This Tuesday, the congressmen had precisely planned to debate the offensive of Chavismo. In practice, Parliament remains annulled by a decision of the Supreme Court controlled by Maduro, which imposed that its functions be carried out by the Constituent Assembly. Among the deputies linked to the uprising Led by Guaidó is his right hand and vice president of the National Assembly, Edgar Zambrano, arrested last Wednesday. Three of his colleagues took refuge in the residences of the Italian and Argentine ambassadors, while one more fled to Colombia.”None of us believe or have the flesh of a martyr, but we are not willing to abandon the fight for the future,” said Carlos Paparoni, one of the accused, at a press conference this Tuesday.

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announces an investigation into Venezuela for violating...

The International Criminal Court will open an investigation into Venezuela for human rights violations.

The Venezuelan attorney general in exile persecuted by Maduro Luisa Ortega requests asylum in...

The Venezuelan attorney general in exile, Luisa Ortega Díaz, has already formalized the procedures to request asylum in Spain.

The judge denies release on bail to the front man of Nicolás Maduro, Alex...

Alex Saab, Maduro's front man, has already appeared before the United States justice, which has denied him bail.

The trial against Nicolás Maduro's front man, Alex Saab, begins this Monday in Florida

He will be tried for money laundering and participating in a bribery strategy to "take advantage of the exchange rate controlled by the Venezuelan government."

Alex Saab, front man of Nicolás Maduro, extradited by Cape Verde to the United...

The authorities of Cape Verde have already extradited to the United States the Colombian Alex Saab, front man of the dictator of Venezuela, Maduro.
