NewsHomeschooling for months: the motivation of the students is...

Homeschooling for months: the motivation of the students is dramatic

Some students have not been to school in Baden-Württemberg since mid-December because of the corona virus. In Stuttgart, therefore, there is now a lack of incentive to learn for many.

Stuttgart – Before the pandemic, many students were probably happy when one or the other school lesson was canceled. Since the outbreak of the corona virus in Baden-Württemberg, however, there have been longer and longer phases of school closings. Given the declining motivation in distance learning, many would be happy to finally return to school and see classmates in person.

A survey of teachers already revealed the terrifying effects of school closings on children. * (* BW24 reported). The teachers criticized the students’ significant learning deficits. Especially weaker students will find the digital lessons to be fatal because they are left behind more quickly and they are unable to speak directly to them.

Homeschooling: “No motivation to get up and sit on the iPad all day”

However, the incentive for students to learn something is also clearly decreasing as a result of homeschooling. “I don’t have that much motivation to get up every day and sit on the iPad all day,” a student from the state capital Stuttgart * now told the Stuttgarter Zeitung . There is not much variety. She also couldn’t see her friends because her grandparents, who belong to the risk group, live in the house with their family.

Matthias Wasel, managing director of the Stuttgart grammar schools, also observes that long-term distance learning is not good for young people. “Even high-performing students are starting to fidget,” he told the Stuttgarter Zeitung . In many families there are conflicts within the family because people sit too close to one another and there is a lack of exercise. Most of the students in grades five to nine and the tenth at G-9 grammar schools were last at school in mid-December.

Homeschooling due to coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Probably no opening before the Whitsun holidays

At the moment, nationwide it is still the case that schools continue to use distance learning * with an incidence of over 165. Only when an urban or rural district undercuts this value for five days in a row is switched to alternating instruction. Since the incidence in Stuttgart was above the 200 mark for weeks, an opening here was unthinkable. This condition apparently even leads the students to look forward to class work – “because they were then allowed to go back to school and have seen the others,” reports the director of the Stuttgart high schools to the Stuttgarter Zeitung.

Even if the incidence in Stuttgart is falling, there is little prospect of schools reopening before the Whitsun holidays. The students meanwhile long for social contacts, school camps or study trips are out of the question. Parents are also increasingly concerned about their children. Again and again they drive digital learning platforms to despair *.

In view of the difficult learning, parents in the state capital are increasingly demanding a repetition of the current school year, as representatives of the General Parents’ Advisory Council (GEB) of the city schools reported to the Stuttgarter Zeitung . Parents also expect learning backlogs to be made up within the summer vacation tutoring programs. * BW24 is an offer from Ippen.Media.

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