NewsHow much vaccine is missing in Germany? Lauterbach gives...

How much vaccine is missing in Germany? Lauterbach gives the numbers and prepares the "fourth vaccination"

What about Germany’s vaccination campaign in the corona pandemic? Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) explains his plans at a press conference. The most important statements in the ticker for reading.

  • Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) gives a press conference on the corona vaccine resources.
  • The new head of department orders 80 million cans of Biontech and an additional ten million cans of Moderna.
  • The most important statements from the PK Lauterbach about the vaccination campaign in the ticker for reading.

Update from December 16, 4:02 p.m.: That was it with the federal press conference with RKI boss Lothar Wieler and Federal Health Minister Klaus Lauterbach (SPD) from Berlin. Thank you for reading along!

Update, 3:58 p.m.: Again, Lauterbach asked how many cans Biontech Germany currently has in stock. “We still have three million cans of Biontech in Quakenbrück,” explains the Minister of Health and refers to the location of the Bundeswehr in Lower Saxony, from where vaccine deliveries are coordinated.

Corona vaccine and Omikron: Karl Lauterbach – 10 million doses of Moderna are currently safe

Update, 3:56 p.m .: Lauterbach is asked how many cans of Moderna he is currently expecting: “We have been promised ten million cans of Moderna for December. I am also negotiating with four countries that I have described. From there we might have more vaccine available, which is then picked up with the help of the Bundeswehr. “

Whether and when the fourth vaccination is necessary has not yet been determined.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD)

Update, 3:54 p.m.: Lauterbach explains about a possible fourth corona vaccination in Germany: “Whether and when the fourth vaccination is necessary is not certain at the moment. In professional circles, however, this is definitely a discussion. We see that Omikron only achieves vaccination protection of 70 to 80 percent – precisely after the booster vaccination. However, a fourth, Omicron-specific vaccination may be necessary. Biontech and Moderna are working on such a vaccine. In order to be prepared for this, we as the federal government have pre-ordered the 80 million cans of Biontech. “

Update, 3:48 p.m.: Lauterbach denies that Germany wants to get back donated vaccine from (poorer and poor) third countries. “If we hadn’t asked for that, if the vaccine wasn’t there, then the tranche wouldn’t exist,” he explains about the 80 million doses ordered from Biontech. This is half of a tranche of 160 million cans that other countries could use. “If so, then we try to get the tranches to be produced first. That is not at the expense of other countries, ”affirmed the Federal Minister of Health with great emphasis in his voice.

Corona vaccine and Omikron: Karl Lauterbach – 50 million booster vaccinations are still missing

Update, 3:45 p.m.: Lauterbach is asked to explain the vaccine capacities again using numbers. “The fastest vaccination rate currently in Europe. Which, by the way, was initiated by my predecessor. If this pace is maintained, we can close these booster gaps as early as January, ”explains the Rhinelander.

The 58-year-old goes on to say: “I try to pull forward what I can. Omikron will come very quickly. the vaccinations in March are no longer relevant for a wildly widespread Omikron variant. We need these vaccinations earlier in the year. “

Corona and Omikron: Vaccine in Germany – secured delivery quantities and requirements

  • Biontech vaccine doses currently in stock: 3 million doses in Quakenbrück (Bundeswehr location)
  • Guaranteed delivery quantities : 50 million by the end of March
  • already boosted: 23 million people in Germany
  • Booster vaccination requirement : 50 million additional
  • additional need to break corona waves : 20 million first and second vaccinations combined
  • Calendar week 50 (December 13th to 19th): 8 million cans ordered, 4.6 million cans could be delivered
  • additionally ordered by the Ministry of Health on Lauterbach’s instructions: 80 million cans of Biontech for the beginning of 2022 and ten million cans of Moderna for December. In order to maintain the vaccination pace and to be prepared for a possible fourth vaccination against Omikron in the spring.

Note: The information is based on the findings of the new Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD).

Corona vaccine and Omikron: Lauterbach wants an additional 80 million doses from Biontech

Update, 3:39 p.m.: Lauterbach speaks about the general compulsory vaccination, which should come in the Federal Republic by March 2022 at the latest: “The compulsory vaccination is debated in the German Bundestag as a parliamentary decision. As a member of the Bundestag, I am convinced of the introduction of a general compulsory vaccination. If there is, the vaccine must be there. We are working on that. I’m trying to get vaccine through bilateral talks. And through the European Commission we are trying to get 80 million cans from Biontech. Should it come to compulsory vaccination, we should have enough vaccine. “

Update, 3:36 p.m .: Lauterbach is asked whether his vaccine inventory should be seen as a criticism of his predecessor Jens Spahn (SPD): “What I’m doing here with my house is in no way a criticism of my predecessor’s approach see. I said that. The extremely forced booster strategy will be a central component in pushing back the Delta and Omikron variants. This is a new strategy, a very quick one, that we have to get vaccine for or it won’t work. I would like to express my thanks to the many colleagues who do this, the doctors. I was a vaccination doctor myself until recently. I know how much free time is sacrificed for this. As the Ministry of Health, we have to make sure that we also have this vaccine. “

Corona vaccine and Omikron: Already 23 million booster vaccinations in Germany

Update, 3:33 p.m .: Lauterbach is asked that a full dose of the vaccine is required for vaccinations with Moderna: “Indeed, Moderna is currently considering giving the booster dose as a full dose. That would reduce what we could achieve to 17.5 million cans. ”The current plan is 35 million cans. It is being considered, but there is no reliable data.

We still need 50 million booster doses.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD)

Update, 3:30 p.m .: Lauterbach: “23 million (booster vaccinations) are taken into account. We assume that we can carry out 73 million booster vaccinations under optimal conditions. To do this, we still need 50 million booster doses that we have not yet set, plus 20 million first and second vaccinations. But we can’t get there because we had planned 50 million cans for boosters. ”So 20 million cans would still be missing in the first quarter of 2022.“ But the pace is not enough, I don’t want the pace to be slowed down. I want a lot more vaccine to be available than is being called up. So that we can cover the vaccine requirement at all times, ”explains the health expert.

Update, 3:27 p.m .: Lauterbach gives numbers: “We have eight million orders this week, we can deliver 4.6 million cans. We still had three million cans of Biontech in reserve. Then I decided that 1.2 million cans would be shipped this week, 800,000 in the next week and 1.2 million in the first week of January. “

Corona vaccine and Omikron in Germany: Lauterbach sees higher mortality

Update, 3:25 p.m .: Lauterbach on the subject of excess mortality: “We have indications that postponing the operations leads to higher mortality. In the regions where we have higher incidences, we have indications of higher mortality that need not be related to corona patients. “

Update, 3:23 p.m.: Lauterbach is approached about the inventory. Are there enough syringes and needles available? “The shortage at this point concerns the vaccine and not the utensils.”

Update, 3:22 p.m.: Medics Dötsch continues: Children who have asthma should definitely be vaccinated. Likewise, children who live with adults who cannot be vaccinated.

Update, 3:20 p.m.: With the doctor Dötsch from Cologne, there is also a pediatrician. He relativizes reports from South Africa on serious illnesses in children: There are “no more severe courses in South Africa compared to the initial situation with Delta” to be scientifically observed.

Corona vaccine and Omikron in Germany: RKI boss Wieler – reduce contacts at Christmas

Update, 3:15 p.m .: Wieler demands: “We all want to spend the holidays with friends and family. But we all also want Christmas not to be a kickstart for Omikron. We want to spend the holidays so that they don’t turn into a feast for Omikron. The best thing to do is to establish a social circle with which you can meet before Christmas. ”The data situation on Omikron is very dynamic, so some questions could not be answered. But it is about “keeping the network small”, with people “with whom you meet. We have to get off this roller coaster that we’ve been riding for two years ”.

4,800 Covid patients are currently being treated in the intensive care units.

RKI boss Lothar Wieler

Update, 3:11 p.m.: RKI boss Wieler speaks: “Currently 4,800 Covid patients are being treated in the intensive care units. There are still very many. Patients are still being transferred. Other operations are still being postponed. We have to get off these numbers as quickly as possible. “

Corona vaccine and Omikron in Germany: Karl Lauterbach orders millions of vaccine doses

Update, 3:09 p.m .: Lauterbach continues: “It is possible that a fourth vaccination will also be part of a successful strategy. I would like to thank Mr. Lindner that 2.2 billion euros have been approved by the Federal Minister of Finance and the Budget Committee. ”The point now is to bring forward deliveries of 80 million cans of Biontech.

Update, 3:06 p.m .: Lauterbach on the vaccine inventory: “I did not agree with these results because it is not sufficient for a booster strategy. I have set out what vaccine should be delivered. The situation is that we could expect 50 million cans of booster cans in the first quarter. But we still need 20 million doses for first and second vaccinations. So a total of 70 million cans. But the order was too slow for the booster campaign. Expressly: This is not a criticism of my predecessor Jens Spahn. But we have a very offensive vaccination strategy, and for that you need the vaccine quickly. We are in contact with the company Moderna. We negotiated with Moderna that we would have preferred 35 million cans. (…) Olaf Scholz supported us a lot, for which I would like to thank you. But we won’t leave it at that. It cannot be that the booster campaign will be slowed down because we don’t have enough vaccine. I am negotiating with other countries so that we can get more vaccine. For example with Romania, Poland and Portugal. Biontech is very difficult to come by at the moment. “

Update, 3:03 p.m.: Karl Lauterbach begins. He wants “to be frank about what to expect in the Omikron crisis. I have just spoken again with the British minister and scientists in the UK. I got a picture of the situation again. There is a doubling of the cases in a period of two to three days. And that in a very heavily vaccinated population, 85 percent in those over 12 years of age. (…) You can see: The most important thing is the booster vaccination, it increases the protection from 70 to 75 percent. “

Update, 3 p.m.: Karl Lauterbach appeared on time for the PK at the federal press conference. It’s starting soon!

Update from December 16, 2:55 p.m .: How much vaccine does Germany currently have in the fight against Corona? How much vaccine is missing? How do the vaccines against Omikron work? And what are the plans for child vaccinations? Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) and RKI boss Lothar Wieler take the same position.

Corona vaccine in Germany: does Karl Lauterbach have to clear away Jens Spahn’s broken pieces?

Update from December 16, 2:15 p.m .: How many vaccine doses did the old federal government order for the end of the year? This topic is hotly debated in the current phase of the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. Official figures, which are available to everyone on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health, show: Apparently far too little.

For example, under the item “Planned deliveries to (all) service providers”, a total of just 2.0 million doses of Biontech vaccine are noted for calendar weeks CW 51 and CW 52. Which are not least produced in Germany itself. In addition, there are 10 million doses of Moderna, while the Federal Republic of Germany, according to the official list, donates 40.6 million vaccine doses (AstraZeneca and Moderna) to third countries in December.

With a view to Biontech this means in figures: The Spahn administration had planned a total of 5.936 million cans of Biontech for the whole of December, plus additional deliveries of 3.018 million cans “through takeover from other EU countries”. There were also 2.412 million doses of children’s vaccine. The question remains: And that should be enough for a booster campaign plus continuation of the first vaccinations? There is more and more the impression that Lauterbach has to clear away the pieces that his predecessor Jens Spahn (CDU) left behind.

Update from December 16, 1:45 p.m .: “Indeed, we have too little vaccine. That surprised many – me too. ”With this sentence, the new Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) caused a stir on Tuesday evening after an interview in the ARD“ Tagesthemen ”. After a vaccine inventory, Lauterbach now wants to procure up to 92 million more vaccine doses. How, he will explain from 3 p.m. at a joint press conference with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Corona vaccine in Germany: Karl Lauterbach explains procurement of more vaccine for boosting

Update from December 16, 1:10 p.m .: Wednesday was a new record day in the German vaccination campaign against the coronavirus: Almost 1.5 million vaccine doses were vaccinated within 24 hours. So that the booster vaccinations (and, if possible, first vaccinations) progress unchecked, the budget committee of the German Bundestag approved Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) on the same day without further ado 2.2 billion euros * for the procurement of further vaccines.

“I’m trying to buy back vaccines from Eastern Europe,” said the 58-year-old in the evening in ZDF’s “Annual Review” in an interview with Markus Lanz. He is doing “everything I can to be able to carry out the vaccination campaign that we are running without interruption,” said the Rhinelander, who is the new head of department in the traffic light government of Olaf Scholz (SPD).

Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: Lauterbach and RKI boss Wieler give press conference

First report from December 16: Munich / Berlin – The coronavirus * situation in Germany is still explosive. It is true that the nationwide seven-day incidence fell again on Thursday compared to the previous day. However, the number of Covid-19 deaths has risen again. Within 24 hours, the new information from the Robert Koch Institute recorded 522 deaths. The day before, this value was 453.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) and RKI boss Lothar Wieler will provide information on the current corona situation in Germany on Thursday. At a press conference scheduled for 3 p.m., Lauterbach and Wieler will answer questions in the capital’s press on vaccine supply and other Corona * topics.

The minister makes his first appearance in the new office before the federal press conference. Lauterbach announced on Tuesday that there was too little vaccine available at the beginning of next year according to the previous stocks and orders. On Wednesday, his ministry announced the order for an additional 92 million cans for 2022. The budget committee in the Bundestag released 2.2 billion euros for this. The press conference will also deal with the vaccinations for children between the ages of five and eleven that have started this week.

Coronavirus in Germany: Omikron variant worries experts

Presumably, the new Coronavirus mutation Omikron will also play a role at the press conference. Concern about the variant is growing – especially with a view to the developments in Great Britain * and Denmark. The Omikron variant does not yet determine the pandemic in Germany, but that could soon change, as epidemiologists fear. Experts are certain that the omicron wave will come *. Even the boosting is “no protection against an Omicron infection”, stressed the Frankfurt virologist Sandra Ciesek recently in a virtual press briefing from Science Media . For the virologist “the flags are on red”. A researcher from the Robert Koch Institute drew a comparison with the first coronavirus wave *. (mbr with dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © IMAGO / Jürgen Heinrich

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