Tech UPTechnologyHow to request a blue check mark on Instagram

How to request a blue check mark on Instagram

Instagram account verification is the social network’s way of proving and confirming that a certain account originally belongs to that celebrity, notable public figure, or global brand (which it claims to be).

If you tend to use this social network very often, it is quite likely that you have already encountered many verification credentials over time, in the same way that it happens with other popular social networks such as Facebook or Twitter.

And the fact is that the check mark , at least in the aforementioned social networks, is characterized by being practically the same: a round blue icon with a white check mark located inside, located just to the right of the name of that person or brand.

It is, therefore, a confirmation by the social network that it has authenticated that that particular account is actually trustworthy. Or that, at least, it belongs to who it claims to be.

But their application goes much further, as they are designed to help real accounts stand out , so that Instagram users can be much more confident that they are really following the right person, celebrity or brand.

What’s more, thanks to that blue check mark, they are easier to detect in search results, conveying authority.

But how is it possible to request a blue check mark on Instagram ? Is it possible to do it, for example, as a private user?

Who could have a blue check mark on Instagram?

Actually, any user can request verification on Instagram. However, this social network is characterized by being quite fussy in this regard, so it is sometimes even difficult to know whether or not we meet the minimum requirements to pass the process.

In fact, even if we have a blue check mark on Facebook or Twitter, for example, this will not guarantee that we will get one on Instagram. And this social network is quite clear in this regard: only some celebrities, public figures and brands have verified badges .

Requesting verification on Instagram

The process to follow when requesting verification on Instagram is actually quite simple and straightforward. Another thing, however, is to ensure that, later, the result is as expected.

To at least start the process, we must log into the profile account in which we want to request verification. Of course, remember that the account must be public (never private).

Then, we click on the icon with our profile photo , which we will find located in the lower right corner. Click on the menu icon and then on the settings icon , to click on Account .

We scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Request verification . A form will now appear with the name of our account. However, it is recommended to add our full name.

Then, we must click on Select file to attach a photograph of our identification (such as ID, passport or driver’s license). In the case of a brand or company, it will be enough to use any official document, such as a receipt or a tax return.

Finally, we click on the Send button. From then on, it may take several weeks to know if we have passed the procedure or not. Basically we would receive a notification that will tell us if our user has been verified or not.

In case of being denied, nothing happens: it is possible to complete and submit a new application after 30 days have passed, so it is always advisable to make sure that, at least, we meet some of the requirements to get the next shipment, have a positive result.

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