NewsJerome Boateng convicted of assault

Jerome Boateng convicted of assault

Soccer star Jerome Boateng was convicted of assaulting his ex-partner.

Munich – Former national soccer player Jérôme Boateng has been convicted of willful bodily harm to his former partner. The Munich District Court imposed a fine of 60 daily rates of 30,000 euros each on Thursday. It is the highest possible daily rate.

The public prosecutor had demanded a suspended sentence of one and a half years – and a monetary requirement of 1.5 million euros. She accuses him of attacking his ex-girlfriend in July 2018 while on vacation in the Caribbean.

Prosecutor accuses Boateng of bodily harm and insult

Prosecutors accuse Boateng of attacking his ex-partner in July 2018 while on vacation in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean. According to the indictment, he beat her, punched her, bit her in the head, threw her on the floor and insulted her violently.

In addition, according to the public prosecutor’s office, he is said to have thrown a glass lantern and a cooler bag at her “in full force”. The allegations are of insult and assault. Boateng said he did not throw a lantern, but rather a pillow against a table – and the lantern fell to the floor. He emphasized that he had never beaten his ex-girlfriend.

In its judgment, however, the court only assumed “a punch” in the face. Boateng has denied the allegations, insisting that he never hit his ex-girlfriend. His defense attorney requested acquittal.

Judgment against Jerome Boateng: Expert supports description of the alleged victim

During the trial, an expert’s assessment supported the alleged victim’s description. “The findings that were documented here can largely be reconciled with the description of the events of the co-plaintiff,” said the doctor on Thursday in front of the Munich district court.

Boateng’s ex-girlfriend accuses the 33-year-old central defender of attacking and beating her while on vacation in the Caribbean. He denies this and says that he only pushed the 31-year-old away from him when she attacked him. Then she stumbled. A black eye that the former partner suffered on that evening in July 2018, however, cannot be reconciled with Boateng’s description, said the expert.

Public prosecutor: woman is a “victim of domestic violence”

Public prosecutor Stefanie Eckert described the woman as a “victim of domestic violence”. However, not only she became a victim, but also Boateng – “victim of their mutual toxic relationship”. Outwardly, Boateng took the decision calmly. The verdict is not yet legally binding. (sot with dpa)
