NewsJohnson Vaccinates in Booster Chaos! Regulations changed again overnight...

Johnson Vaccinates in Booster Chaos! Regulations changed again overnight – this applies in NRW, Bavaria and Co.

The booster campaign is running in Germany. As a rule, vaccinated people need a third vaccination – a booster vaccination against the corona virus. But who is actually considered boosted?

Berlin – The new corona virus variant Omikron turns the rules of the game in Germany upside down. In order to protect yourself optimally against Corona, a booster vaccination makes sense. Experts are convinced that the booster can significantly increase vaccination protection against the corona virus again*. However, the booster status is defined differently in some federal states.

In the case of 2G Plus rules, for example, those who have been boosted in Bavaria are exempt from a test obligation. But, for people who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson, different rules apply in Bavaria than in Baden-Württemberg, for example. The states disagree. This is where it gets a bit confusing. To this end, the federal government has changed corona protection measures and criteria for the vaccination status at Johnson & Johnson. Some federal states simply adjusted their regulations almost overnight, others are in the process of doing so. Hesse, for example, pointed out on Wednesday (January 19) that people who first received Johnson & Johnson against Corona are only considered boosted after two more vaccinations. In Baden-Württemberg there are certain exceptions to when people are considered boosted (see below) – even if they have not received three doses of vaccine. But since January 18, other rules have applied to people who have been vaccinated by Johnson & Johnson.

Covid vaccination protection: Classic “boosted” with three vaccination doses

In general, anyone who has received two doses of Astrazeneca*, Biontech and Moderna is considered fully vaccinated. Anyone who has then received a booster vaccination is considered to have been fully boosted. In Germany, the booster vaccinations are carried out with the mRNA vaccines from Biontech and Moderna*.

First vaccine dose Second vaccine dose Booster – booster vaccination
Biontech-Comirnaty Biontech Biontech
Moderna-Spikevax Moderna Moderna
Astrazeneca-Vaxzevria Astrazeneca Moderna or Biontech

Special case vaccine Johnson & Johnson*: People who received the vector-based Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson were considered fully vaccinated after one dose of vaccination. After a booster vaccination, however, they are currently considered boosted in some federal states such as Hamburg, Berlin and Rhineland-Palatinate (as of January 17, 2022).

In Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia, a booster vaccination from Johnson & Johnson is already not enough. Johnson & Johnson vaccinates are only considered “boosted” after a third vaccination. In Bavaria (see below), people with a Johnson & Johnson vaccination are only considered boosted if they have received a second vaccination with an mRNA vaccine and then a third corona vaccination* with an mRNA vaccine. In the vaccination plan, Bavaria provides for an optimization of the basic immunization four weeks after the vaccination with an additional mRNA vaccination and then after three months a booster vaccination. Bavaria adheres to the current vaccination recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko):

1. Vaccination 2nd vaccination – (after four weeks) = basic immunization Booster – booster vaccination (after three months)
Johnson&Johnson – COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen Moderna Moderna
Johnson&Johnson – COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen Biontech Biontech

New regulations for Johnson & Johnson vaccinated people in Germany from February

A spokesman for the Minister of Health announced on Tuesday (January 18) that the requirements for Johnson & Johnson vaccinated persons are to be changed, as reported by the dpa news agency. Individuals who received Johnson & Johnson for their first vaccination will not be considered “fully vaccinated” until after a second vaccination. If possible, this should be done with an mRNA vaccine such as that from Biontech/Pfizer or Moderna.

This step is intended to comply with a Stiko recommendation (see above). This recommends that all people over the age of 18 who have received a first dose of Johnson & Johnson optimize their immunization with a second dose of an mRNA vaccine. A third vaccination also makes sense after the first Johnson & Johnson vaccination and a second vaccination, ideally with an mRNA vaccine, the spokesman said. According to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) in Germany, people who have been vaccinated once with Johnson & Johnson have not been considered fully vaccinated since January 15. At the same time, the digital vaccination certificates are to be adapted to the latest EU regulations. In future, vaccination certificates in the EU will only be valid for nine months after the basic immunization.

Here is an overview of when you are considered “boosted” in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Berlin and Brandenburg:

When is one considered boosted in Baden-Württemberg?

In Baden-Württemberg, all people who have received a third dose after full immunization from Biontech, Moderna or Astrazeneca are generally considered to have been boosted. Immediately after the booster vaccination, boosted people are exempt from the 2G-Plus test obligation.

In Baden-Württemberg, all persons who are “only” fully vaccinated if the last required individual vaccination was at least 14 days and no more than three months ago are also exempt from the additional test obligation.

However, Baden-Württemberg adjusted the vaccination status for people vaccinated by Johnson & Johnson on January 18: “At Johnson & Johnson, a single vaccination is no longer sufficient for the basic immunization. A second vaccination is required, ideally with an mRNA vaccine (Biontech/Pfizer or Moderna), so that full vaccination protection is available,” the country said in a press release. This was previously handled differently.

What does this mean for the booster for Johnson & Johnson vaccinees? “All those affected who have already received a second vaccination with an mRNA vaccine should now carry out a booster vaccination three months later,” the website reads.

In Baden-Württemberg, those who have recovered are considered to be boosted without vaccination protection in the sense of mandatory testing if their PCR test is not older than three months. Or, the vaccination was not more than three months ago for the recovered person.

Who is considered “boosted” in Baden-Württemberg? (as of January 18, 2022)

  • Individuals triple vaccinated.
  • Recently vaccinated people who have had their primary immunization (completion of the vaccination series) no longer than 3 months ago.
  • Recovered whose infection (information on the PCR test record) was not more than 3 months ago.

Bayern booster protection: This special regulation applies to Johnson & Johnson (as of January 17, 2022)

In Bavaria, the booster protection now applies immediately and directly after the booster vaccination. As mentioned above, there are special rules for people who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson. Only after two more doses of an mRNA vaccine are these people considered boosted in Bavaria.

In Bavaria, those who have recovered are considered boosted if they were infected with Corona before the first vaccination and were then vaccinated twice. Anyone who became infected after the first vaccination and received a second vaccination three months after recovery is also considered to have been boosted. In addition, a breakthrough infection replaces a booster vaccination. So anyone who has been vaccinated twice and is still ill with Corona is initially considered to have been boosted.

Boosted? That applies in Bavaria

  • Vaccinated-vaccinated-vaccinated
  • Recovered – vaccinated-vaccinated
  • Vaccinated-recovered-vaccinated
  • Vaccinated-vaccinated-recovered

Berlin: When is the 2G Plus rule considered boosted in the capital? (January 17, 2022)

In Berlin, people have to adapt to stricter corona rules. In gastronomy and in other areas, such as culture and leisure, the 2G Plus rules have been in effect since Saturday (January 15).

Johnson & Johnson rule in Berlin (as of January 17, 2022)

In Berlin, all three times vaccinated as boosted. Also, anyone who has received another dose of an mRNA vaccine at least 28 days after receiving a Johnson & Johnson vaccination. “In the case of a primary immunization with the Janssen vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, there should still be at least 28 days between the primary immunization and the booster vaccination.” (As of January 11, 2022).

Anyone who was infected with Corona before being vaccinated should be vaccinated in Berlin three months after recovery. A booster vaccination can be given every three months.

A vaccination breakthrough does not currently replace a booster vaccination in Berlin. Anyone who has been vaccinated twice, has been infected with Corona and has recovered is not considered to have been boosted. You should have a booster shot every three months. This recommendation is independent of the number of previously received vaccine doses, according to the Stiko recommendation.

Brandenburg (as of January 17, 2022)

In Brandenburg, the topic of boosters is treated in the same way as in Berlin. People who have been vaccinated three times are traditionally considered to have been boosted. At Johnson & Johnson, there must be a 28-day interval between the primary vaccination and the booster vaccination.

When is one considered boosted in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) with the 2G Plus rule? (as of January 17, 2022)

Anyone in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) who has received a third vaccination with Biontech and Moderna after the basic immunization with Biontech, Moderna or Astrazeneca is considered to have been boosted. With the booster, people are exempt from the obligation to test under the 2G Plus rule on the same day.

Johnson & Johnson is a special case in North Rhine-Westphalia: Anyone who was vaccinated with Jansen’s single vaccine now needs two more doses of vaccine to be considered boosted. So a total of three vaccinations are necessary to be exempt from the test requirement. That’s a change! Previously, another dose of vaccination was sufficient as a booster vaccination in NRW.

Anyone who has been vaccinated twice is now also put on an equal footing with those who have been boosted and are exempt from the test requirement – if the vaccination was more than 14 days and less than 90 days ago.

Other exceptions to the mandatory test in NRW:

  • Vaccinated-vaccinated-vaccinated
  • Recovered if the positive PCR test is more than 27 days but less than 90 days.
  • Vaccinated – recovered: Anyone who was simply vaccinated first and was demonstrably infected with corona with a PCR test is treated on an equal footing with those who have been boosted.
  • Recovered-vaccinated: Anyone who can prove a corona infection with a PCR test and then a vaccination is treated on an equal footing with those who have been boosted.
  • Recovered-vaccinated-vaccinated: Anyone who has recovered and then been vaccinated twice is considered boosted and is exempt from the test requirement.
  • Vaccinated-vaccinated-recovery: Anyone who has been vaccinated twice and then been infected with Corona is considered to have been boosted.

Saxony: When are Johnson & Johnson vaccinated people considered boosted? (as of January 17, 2022)

In Saxony, all people who have received a third vaccination with Biontech and Moderna after a basic immunization with Biontech, Moderna or Astrazeneca are considered boosted. People who have received a vaccination with an mRNA vaccine after vaccination with Johnson & Johnson are also considered boosted. Anyone who has been vaccinated twice and is still infected with Corona and recovered is considered boosted in Saxony.

Saxony-Anhalt: Everyone must be tested (as of January 17, 2022)

The strictest variant of the 2G-Plus rule applies in Saxony-Anhalt: “Adults who have already received the booster vaccination or who can show proof of recovery are not subject to the additional test requirement in Saxony-Anhalt under the 2-G-Plus access model released,” the ministry said. All people, whether boosted or recovered, must continue to be tested. The federal state is therefore not included in the lists (see below).

Johnson & Johnson vaccinates: In these federal states you are considered boosted after an mRNA vaccination (as of January 18, 2022)

federal state basic immunization booster vaccination
Berlin Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine 28 days after primary vaccination
Brandenburg Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine 28 days after primary vaccination
Bremen Johnson&Johnson plus booster vaccination
Hamburg Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine at four weeks
Rhineland-Palatinate Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine
Saxony Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine
Saarland Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine

Johnson & Johnson: In these states, three vaccinations are required for booster status (as of January 17, 2021)

federal state basic immunization 1. Booster vaccination 2. Booster vaccination
Baden-Württemberg (since January 18) Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
Bavaria Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
Hesse* (since January 19) Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
NRW Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
Thuringia Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
Schleswig Holstein Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine
Lower Saxony (since January 18) Johnson&Johnson mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccine

Do we need a fourth vaccination to stop the corona pandemic? Currently everything revolves around the third dose, the booster. Israel is already inoculating the booster-booster. Who should get a fourth corona vaccination?

The corona pandemic is to be combated more vigorously with 2G-Plus in many parts of Germany. Which documents must be presented depends on the individual status. (ml)* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Headline list image: © Christoph Hardt / Imago Images

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