NewsLuisa Neubauer can prove anti-Semitism statements against Hans-Georg Maaßen

Luisa Neubauer can prove anti-Semitism statements against Hans-Georg Maaßen

Luisa Neubauer’s sharp criticism of Armin Laschet (CDU) and Hans-Georg Maaßen sparked discussions. Neubauer reacts to criticism.

Update from Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, 2.40 p.m.: Luisa Neubauer commented on her allegations against Hans-Georg Maaßen. She defended her statement that the ex-constitution protection chief was spreading and sharing anti-Semitic information. She told the editorial network Germany that Maaßen had “mainly linked to the platform ‘The Unz Review’ via his Twitter account.” Its founder Ron Unz had publicly questioned the Holocaust, said Neubauer. In addition, Maaßen repeats problematic terms on his Twitter profile, such as “globalists”, which the Konrad Adenauer Foundation describes as an internationally understood code of right-wing extremists.

On Twitter, she emphasized again that she had never called Maaßen an anti-Semite herself. “It is important to me to emphasize that I did not say that Mr. Maaßen was an anti-Semite.”

Luisa Neubauer criticizes Hans-Georg Maaßen (CDU)

First report from May 11th, 2021: Berlin – The appearance of Luisa Neubauer from “Fridays for Future” at Anne Will caused a lot of discussion. Climate activist Neubauer had made CDU boss Armin Laschet serious allegations on the ARD broadcast. She confronted the Union’s candidate for chancellor with the fact that he had not spoken out against the nomination of the controversial former President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, after he had been nominated as a direct candidate for the Bundestag in southern Thuringia.

“In this way you legitimize racist and anti-Semitic content, embodied in moderation,” explained Neubauer in the talk group. Armin Laschet countered that he did not know anything about concrete anti-Semitic content. “If that is him, I will act, I do not know the lyrics,” he emphasized CDU boss at Anne Will. Now the Federal Government’s Anti-Semitism Commissioner has also spoken out.

Anti-Semitism allegations at Anne Will (ARD): Anti-Semitism officer on statement

Nach den Vorwürfen von Luisa Neubauer bei Anne Will hat sich nun auch der Antisemitismusbeauftragte der Bundesregierung zu Wort gemeldet.


After Luisa Neubauer’s allegations with Anne Will, the Federal Government’s anti-Semitism commissioner has now also spoken out.

The government commissioner Felix Klein emphasized to the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “The accusation of anti-Semitism is a sharp sword and requires clear and unambiguous evidence. Anyone who makes this accusation should be aware of their responsibility for German history. ”He also added:“ To be clear and precise here is an obligation that we as citizens of this country should unequivocally fulfill. ”

Luisa Neubauer had not yet spoken up after her allegations in the ARD format Anne Will. On the other hand, Maaßen commented on the allegations of Luisa Neubauer on Monday (May 10th, 2021). “For me, these are unfounded and paperless allegations that I vigorously reject,” he told the German Press Agency – and explained that Neubauer had no evidence for their allegations.

Hans-Georg Maaßen (CDU) shoots against the Greens: “Racism against one’s own nation”

In addition, a video on the Internet provided further discussion. In it Maaßen expresses himself on climate change. In the conversation entitled “Maassen’s weekly review”, he says that Germany is not only involved in climate change, “but the whole world”. Maaßen emphasized in the video, which was published on Saturday, that Germany could not save the whole world. Maassen also shot against the Greens. “There are green politicians who have been agitating against Germany for years. For me it is a form of racism against their own nation that the Greens practice here ”. (Sophia Lother)

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