FunViewMarkus Söder at Maischberger (ARD): election campaign blah and...

Markus Söder at Maischberger (ARD): election campaign blah and green bashing

At “Maischberger. Die Woche “(ARD), Markus Söder and Olaf Scholz run tiresome election campaigns, and there is news – or not – from Hendrik Streeck about Corona.

The summer is slowly picking up speed, Corona is gradually and hopefully being vaccinated aside and in politics the signs are increasingly pointing to the election campaign for the upcoming federal election in 2021. This is also reflected in the last Maischberger broadcast on ARD before the two-month summer break, in the CSU near-chancellor candidate Markus Söder from Munich is switched on and SPD de facto chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz completes an obstacle course in the studio around the moderator’s questions.

It starts with the usual look back at the winners and losers of the week. Unsurprisingly, the guest commentators selected the newly confirmed Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff, and the DFB’s U21 national football team, which was successful in the European Championship, as the winners. It is therefore obvious that they see the Greens with their nationwide falling polls and the SPD, which has shrunk into single digits in Saxony-Anhalt, in the loser corner. A conversation develops about the possible behavior of voters in the months leading up to the federal election, which Sandra Maischberger steers for the interview with Markus Söder.

“Maischberger. Die Woche “(ARD): Markus Söder treats and hands out

The obvious film fan this time holds a Spider-Man mug in front of the camera – whether “great strength follows great responsibility” is his new motto? “World” boss Dagmar Rosenfeld will have to wait a little longer for the mug with the “Highlander” credo “There can only be one” that she previously brought into play – maybe Söder will get it out of his closet in 2025. After the internal party “Game of Chancellor” rubbish in recent months, Bavaria’s Prime Minister is emphatically patronizing and wants to give Armin Laschet full support, even for the Bavarians, the Union colleague is now the “Chancellor candidate of the heart”.

The guests function
Markus Söder Bavarian Prime Minister, CSU
Olaf Scholz Candidate for Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance, SPD
Prof. Hendrik Streeck virologist
Melanie Amann Head of the Spiegel office in Berlin
Gerhard Delling Sports journalist
Dagmar Rosenfeld Editor-in-Chief of the World

Maischberger’s question about a slogan for the still unpublished CDU / CSU election program evades Söder, he doesn’t want to rush forward and not put Laschet under pressure. Lots of election campaign blah and smug green bashing are more to his taste. The mud battle of the week will also have a stage: Did Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn actually want to have inferior masks distributed to people with disabilities, the homeless and Hartz IV recipients, as Labor Minister Hubertus Heil and the SPD accuse him of? Söder does not believe it, is disappointed in the style of the coalition partner and throws a boomerang into battle: Can Hubertus Heil remain in office if the allegations are refuted? Sequel follows.

“Maischberger. Die Woche “(ARD): Olaf Scholz is silently absorbed in the conversation

Now Sandra Maischberger takes on Olaf Scholz. At the beginning everything runs quite smoothly and you smile at your statements about your qualities as an Angela Merkel copier (“somehow correct”), anti-rampage pig (“correct less than most people think”), notorious sleeping pill (“not correct”) and annoying self-confidence caretaker (“can happen”), the moderator is appropriately aggressive in the conversation and persistently digs. She can no longer elicit quick answers from the Federal Minister of Finance, especially when it comes to the in-house Wirecard scandal, the resounding slap in the face of the election in Saxony-Anhalt, the demand for resignation from Jens Spahn and whether one ends in the event of an election defeat September will take up the opposition. Again and again the SPD frontman is stubborn, refers to “his own style” and talks around the bush, with references to the successes of his ministry or party politics, which in the end leaves him unconvincing.

“Maischberger. Die Woche “(ARD): With David Hasselhoff against Corona

With a successful self-deprecating spot in which ex-TV hero and wall breaker David Hasselhoff advertises the Federal Ministry of Health’s vaccination campaign, Maischberger is on the home stretch of her broadcasting time. This time, the virus expert of the evening is Hendrik Streeck, who is connected from Cologne and answers all current burning questions about Corona – at least as far as he is able to do so without visionary skills. As one is used to from the relaxation virologist, he sees the European Football Championship as a good opportunity to find out under scientific observation whether the hygiene concepts that have been developed for events work and are in good spirits.

He also encourages the delta variant of the coronavirus that is spreading in Great Britain: The vaccinations also work against them and a significantly higher probability of transmission is not yet certain. However, he does not believe that the much-cited herd immunity will be achieved, but he does believe that “herd effects” will occur, which should adequately contain the pandemic. The guest commentators also give the major football events a chance, sports expert Gerhard Delling considers France to be the strongest team at the 2021 European Football Championship and Dagmar Rosenfeld ends the evening with a Woody Allen quote on the Merkel era, which is also for the talk show that is about to run out -Season is valid: “Eternity takes a long time. Especially towards the end ”. (Peter Hoch)

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