News"Medically difficult to justify": Aiwanger joins Söder in the...

"Medically difficult to justify": Aiwanger joins Söder in the 2G-plus rule – and has further demands

Bavaria may go a special way after the Corona summit. Markus Söder spoke of a social challenge and was forgiving. The news ticker.

  • After the Corona * summit, Markus Söder * indicated a special route for Bavaria (see first report).
  • The CSU boss is encouraging despite increasing Omikron numbers (see update from January 8, 11:14 a.m.).
  • Hubert Aiwanger is calling for the 2G rule to be lifted in retail (see update from January 8, 3:33 p.m.).
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from January 8th, 3:33 p.m.: After the deliberations of the federal and state governments on Friday, Markus Söder was skeptical of the 2G-plus rule in gastronomy (see first report). He had announced that he would check whether the tightening in the Free State was really necessary. Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) is also critical of a 2G-plus rule in restaurants.

“Everyone is required to voluntarily test themselves regularly, but to forbid restaurant visits for untested vaccinated people, but to allow freshly boosted people is difficult to justify medically,” said the politician on Saturday. “We have to constantly check the current measures for proportionality before the courts do it.” In retail, 2G should generally be abolished again, he demanded. “Likewise, after several weeks of suspension, we now have to enable master classes in handicrafts and driving lessons as well as visits to the hairdresser with a test also for unvaccinated people, i.e. with 3G.”

Despite the increasing Omikron numbers, Söder is confident

Update from January 8, 11:14 a.m.: Despite the ever increasing number of Omikron cases in Bavaria, Markus Söder warned the population of fear and panic. Although the new virus variant is much more contagious, it is becoming more and more evident that infected people increasingly show a milder course of the disease. That said Bavaria’s Prime Minister on Saturday in his speech at the CSU New Years reception. Therefore, the regulations from the delta variant should not simply be transferred to Omikron, but should also be looked at to see how the requirements affect society. Because of the pandemic, the CSU reception was only digital.

According to Söder, the proportion of Omikron cases in Bavaria is 43 percent. “We have to do what is necessary to protect the country and its people.” However, because of the divided society, it is clear that one should not react overzealously but rather cautiously. Bavaria is particularly well positioned with the normal bed capacities in the clinics and the nursing staff thanks to investments of millions. “Corona is not the end of the world,” said Söder.

Corona incidence in Bavaria is increasing

Update from January 8, 10:09 a.m.: The number of new corona infections has increased further in Bavaria. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 7,072 new infections within one day on Saturday morning. The seven-day incidence rose to 269.8 (previous day: 243.8; previous week: 181.6). This is evident from the figures that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 9:30 a.m.

Nationwide, the RKI reported a seven-day incidence of 335.9 on Saturday morning. 55,889 new infections and 268 deaths were registered within 24 hours. In Bavaria there were 22 deaths. The corona numbers in the Free State have been rising again for a little more than a week. Experts attribute this to the rapid spread of the more contagious Omikron variant.

The number of corona intensive care patients in Bavarian hospitals has almost halved since the beginning of December. On Saturday, 522 seriously ill Covid-19 patients were treated in the intensive care units (as of 9.45 a.m.). According to the nationwide intensive care registry, the previous high was reached on December 3rd with 1,081 patients.

Corona is a “social challenge” – Söder is conciliatory

First report from January 8th, 8:25 am: Munich – “Bavaria remains in the team with caution and a sense of proportion. We are well positioned when it comes to corona management. We have the most consistent measures and at the same time stable numbers. Now we have to wait for the development of Omikron and weigh everything with foresight. ”Prime Minister Markus Söder * tweeted this on Friday (January 7th) after the first Corona summit of the year.

Corona “social challenge” – Söder wants to take everyone with him and make appropriate decisions

Corona is not only a virological, “but increasingly also a social challenge. In addition to safety, it is always about society. We want to take everyone with us and will make appropriate and balanced decisions based on science, ”the CSU * boss continued.

Gastronomy: Söder indicates a special route with the 2G-Plus rule

Was that why Söder already indicated a special path for the Free State immediately after the Prime Minister’s Conference? As Chancellor Olaf Scholz had announced, 2G-Plus will apply to the catering trade in the future. Means: Only vaccinated and convalescent people who also have a negative corona test * are allowed to go to a restaurant. An exception should apply to people who have already received a booster vaccination *. But Söder made it clear: “I asked the Minister of Health to check whether this is really necessary from our point of view. We are very, very cautious and skeptical about this. We also made a declaration on this today, and we will then make a final decision on next Tuesday. “

2G-Plus decided in gastronomy: But these countries are not participating

Söder is skeptical about the 2G-Plus rule in gastro

Tightening – like an incidence-independent 2G-plus rule in the entire catering trade – would first have to be checked on the basis of the most reliable scientific expertise possible. It is important to involve society in the measures, said Söder. Since the experts at the conference could not have adequately answered all questions, questions unfortunately remained unanswered. (kam / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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